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Title:Vpliv čustev na spomin in pričanje očividcev : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Hober, Nika (Author)
ID Areh, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 6099E59DC6C616C61A7428946E4FC56F
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Svet okoli sebe zaznavamo in interpretiramo v skladu s svojimi vrednotami, normami, izkušnjami in pričakovanji. Pozorni smo na za nas zanimive stvari, dogajanja ali pojave. Vso zaznavanje pa, brez da bi ga shranili v spomin, ne bi imelo nikakršnega smisla in pomena. Vprašajmo se, kakšno bi bilo življenje brez spomina. Ljudje smo čuječa bitja, tako nas poleg spomina odlikujejo tudi drugi kognitivni procesi, kot sta učenje in mišljenje. Vsi ti procesi so povezani s čustvovanjem, ki velja za enega najosebnejših in subjektivnih procesov. S čustvi vsak posameznik odraža vrednostni odnos do samega sebe in zunanjega sveta. Napake spomina so nekaj povsem normalnega, razumljivega in same po sebi, v toku vsakdanjega življenja, niso usodne. Problem nastane, kadar imajo čustva ali drugi dejavniki zaznavanja vpliv na spomin pri dogodkih, kjer priče dogodke (re)konstruirajo popolnoma drugače, kot so se zgodili in zaradi tega pride do obsodb nedolžnih oseb. Kadar ni materialnih dokazov, so lahko priče edini vir informacij, pri tem pa se moramo vprašati, ali so podane informacije verodostojne in kredibilne. Pomemben vpliv pri tem ima tudi pravilna izvedba intervjuja in čas, v katerem je ta izveden. Diplomska naloga se osredotoča na spomin (vrste spomina, spominske napake), čustva in pričanje očividcev ter na povezanost med slednjimi pojmi. Predstavljena pa je tudi eksperimentalna manipulacija čustev. V nalogi so postavljene hipoteze, ki so naše domneve in smo jih skozi pregled literature bodisi potrdili bodisi ovrgli. Ugotovili smo, da na spomin vplivajo tako pozitivne kot tudi negativne emocije, kako velik vpliv ima, kam je usmerjena pozornost očividca ter da informacije, s katerimi so priče seznanjene po dogodku, resnično vplivajo na spomine prič in njihovo poznejše pričanje.
Keywords:priče, čustva, spomin, spominske napake, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Hober]
Year of publishing:2022
Year of performance:2022
Number of pages:VI f., 52 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-82325 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:120863235 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of emotions on memory and eyewitness testimony : univerzitetni študijski program Varstvoslovje
Abstract:The world around us is observed and interpreted by our values, norms, experiences and expectations. We focus on things, happenings and phenomenon’s we find interesting. But without saving it to the memory, our observations would be redundant. Let us ask ourselves, what would life be like without a memory? Humans are caring creatures and beside our memory possess other cognitive processes such as learning and thinking. All of those processes are connected to feelings, which is known as one of the most personal and subjective processes. Emotions allow the individual to express the valued relationship to oneself and the world around them. Memory errors are something completely normal, understandable and by themselves not detrimental in day to day life. The problem arises, when emotions and other facets of observation influence a memory of an event, causing witnesses to (re)construct it falsely, causing wrongful convictions. When there are no material evidences, witnesses can act as a sole source of information, but we have to ask ourselves if the information given is credible and trustworthy. A correct performance of an interview, as well as the timing of it, also plays a big role in that. The thesis is focused on memory (types of memory, memory errors), emotions and eyewitness testimonies and the connections between the aforementioned concepts. We present an experimental manipulation of emotions. In our work, we present hypothesis, which are our conjectures and are either confirmed or denied with the help of pre-existing literature. It was discovered that the memory is affected both, by positive and negative emotions, we also learned how big the effect of the point of fixation of an eyewitness is on the testimony, and that information, presented to witnesses after the event, effect their memories and following testimonies.


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