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Title:Vpliv Covid-19 na poslovanje letalskih družb in primerjava z globalno gospodarsko krizo
Authors:ID Tamše, Matej (Author)
ID Markovič Hribernik, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Tamse_Matej_2022.pdf (836,24 KB)
MD5: B53AFF15263D15738704A47DE86135BF
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Covid-19 je prišel nenadoma in za vedno pustil svoj pečat v naši zgodovini. Nihče ni čutil njegovega vpliva bolj kot letalski sektor. Potovanje je bilo prepovedano, saj so bile prisotne razne omejitve in t. i. lockdowni letališč. Tako so se letalske družbe morale odzvati takoj, da so zagotovile svoj obstoj. V tej diplomski nalogi smo prikazali vpliv covida-19 na poslovanje letalskih družb. Naredili smo tudi primerjavo z globalno gospodarsko krizo, da smo videli, kako so se letalske družbe odzvale takrat. Omejili smo se na tri letalske družbe: Lufthansa, Finnair in Air France. Te tri smo izbrali zato, da vidimo celotno sliko evropskega letalskega sektorja.
Keywords:Covid-19, gospodarska kriza, letalske družbe, Lufthansa, Air France, Finnair
Place of publishing:[Maribor]
Publisher:M. Tamše
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-82124 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:125553667 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.10.2022
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Licensing start date:15.07.2022

Secondary language

Title:The impact of covid-19 on airline companies and a comparison with the global economic crisis
Abstract:Covid-19 came rapidly and without warning. No one felt the full blunt of the force of the pandemic more than the airlines. Travel was strictly prohibited, so airlines had to act fast to insure their survival. In this bachelor’s thesis we are going to look at how the pandemic affected airlines and how that compared to the past economic blow of the global financial crisis. We have limited ourselves to three airlines: Lufthansa, Finnair and Air France. We have chosen these three to see the affect the pandemic had in the European airline industry.
Keywords:Keywords: Covid-19, global economic crisis, airlines, Lufthansa, Air France, Finnair


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