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Title:Izredni dogodki na odseku železniške proge Maribor-Dravograd : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Milutin, Dejan (Author)
ID Klemenčič, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Milutin_Dejan_2022.pdf (2,23 MB)
MD5: 678BFCB149B6A06B53CE01BF39CD7BE6
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/7dde8b0b-09db-404d-a0ec-87e1420f0356
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Abstract:Varnost v prometu je tako za vsakega posameznika kot celotno družbo ena izmed najpomembnejših potreb pri delovanju družbe. Izredni dogodki so ključni pokazatelji varnosti pri vseh vrstah prometa, torej tudi pri železniškem. Proučeni so bili izredni dogodki na odseku proge od Maribora do Dravograda v nekem časovnem obdobju. Analizirani so bili vsi nezaželeni dogodki, ki so se zgodili na omenjenem odseku in bi lahko vplivali na varnost železniškega prometa ne glede na to, ali so po svojem obsegu uvrščeni v kategorijo izrednih dogodkov. Analiza je pokazala, da so ukrepi in varnostne metode, ki se že izvajajo na omenjeni progi, v večini primerov zadostni. Za izboljšanje že obstoječih objektov in ukrepov so v zaključnem delu naloge predlagani dodatni ukrepi na infrastrukturi, kot so izdelava podpornih ali upornih zidov, izdelava oziroma postavitev gabionov, obnova prepustov, postavitev jeklenih mrež, temeljito čiščenje pobočij, izdelava palisadnih sten itd. Dodatne varnostne metode in ukrepi so podrobno predstavljeni v posameznih poglavjih diplomskega dela.
Keywords:gradbeništvo, promet, železnice, izredni dogodki, proga
Place of publishing:Celje
Place of performance:Celje
Publisher:[D. Milutin]
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF ([XIII], 69 f.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-81867 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:120716291 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.06.2022
Categories:KTFMB - FG
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:12.06.2022

Secondary language

Title:Extraordinary events on the railway section Maribor-Dravograd
Abstract:Traffic safety is one of the most important needs in the operation of society for every individual and society as a whole. Emergencies are key indicators of safety in all modes of transport, including rail. Extraordinary events, hereinafter EE, on the section of the line from Maribor to Dravograd were studied over a certain period of time. All adverse events that occurred in the mentioned section and could affect the safety of railway traffic were analyzed, regardless of whether they are classified in the EE category in terms of their scope. The analysis showed that the measures and safety methods already implemented on the mentioned route are in most cases sufficient. To improve the existing facilities and measures, the final part of the thesis proposes additional measures on infrastructure, such as the construction of retaining or resistance walls, the construction or installation of gabions, the renovation of culverts, the installation of steel nets, thorough cleaning of slopes, the construction of palisade walls, etc. Additional safety methods and measures are presented in detail in individual chapters of the bachelor’s thesis.
Keywords:civil engineering, traffic, railway, accidents, track


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