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Title:Ranljivost prebežnikov za radikalizacijo : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Černigoj, Špela (Author)
ID Lobnikar, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Cernigoj_Spela_2022.pdf (1,13 MB)
MD5: B0C4DF22474E8A6AA17B3D3EA95B7291
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/b63ae10a-fe8e-4963-940e-6983783bde0c
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Z družbeno-geopolitično preobrazbo sveta se v zadnjih nekaj letih krepi tudi begunsko-migrantska problematika, ki prinaša (vedno) več različnih izzivov. Mednje štejemo družbene, kulturne, gospodarske, pa tudi varnostne izzive. Varnostno vprašanje migracij postaja pomemben del razprave med različnimi mednarodnimi akterji. V zadnjih dveh desetletjih se v sklopu tega pojavlja vprašanje povezanosti migracij z nasilnim ekstremizmom, terorizmom in radikalizacijo. Strokovnjaki med najranljivejše skupine, dovzetne za radikalizacijo, ki vodi v nasilni ekstremizem oz. terorizem, uvrščajo tudi prebežnike. Slednji zaradi različnih psiholoških, socialnih, političnih, ideoloških, verskih in kulturnih razhajanj (med pričakovanim in dejanskim) postajajo vse lažje »žrtve« procesa radikalizacije. Njihovo ranljivost lahko opredelimo na podlagi različnih mikro, mezo in makro dejavnikov, ki nanje vplivajo v različnih kombinacijah, intenzivnostih in sosledjih. Vse tri ravni nam približajo socialnopsihološke vzroke radikalizacije, socializacije in mobilizacije, ki vodijo v nasilni ekstremizem in s tem povezanimi procesi angažiranja. Za zmanjševanje ranljivosti prebežnikov za radikalizacijo je potreben razvoj učinkovitih in delujočih antiradikalizacijskih programov, ki delujejo v smeri preprečevanja in odvračanja tveganj, da bi se radikalizacija sploh pojavila oz. ukoreninila. V sklopu preprečevanja ranljivosti prebežnikov potrebujemo učinkovit integracijski sistem, ki uspešno prepozna in razume pretekle frustracije ter trenutne potrebe prebežnikov v njihovem novem okolju. Treba je vzpostaviti enotni okvir, ki prispeva k celovitemu pristopu upravljanja migracij ter azila, ustvariti učinkovitejši sistem, odporen proti migracijskim pritiskom, delati v smeri odpravljanja »push« in »pull« faktorjev ter se še dodatno posvetiti najbolj prizadetim državam. Delovati je treba na enotni ravni, z več-deležniškim udejstvovanjem, mednarodnim sodelovanjem ter po zgledu dobrih praks.
Keywords:magistrska dela, prebežniki, ranljivost, radikalizacija, nasilni ekstremizem
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Š. Černigoj]
Year of publishing:2022
Year of performance:2022
Number of pages:VI, 64 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-81571 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:110794243 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.06.2022
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Licensing start date:18.04.2022

Secondary language

Title:Vulnerability of refugees for radicalisation
Abstract:With the social and geopolitical transformation of the world, the refugee and migrant issue has intensified in the past few years, bringing about an increasing variety of challenges. These include social, cultural, economic, and security challenges. The security aspect of migration is becoming an important part of the debate between various international players. In the last two decades, the relation between migration and violent extremism, terrorism, and radicalisation has become a topical question. Experts also classify refugees as one the most vulnerable groups susceptible to radicalisation that leads to extreme violence and terrorism. Refugees are increasingly becoming “easy victims” of the radicalisation process due to various psychological, social, political, ideological, religious, and cultural differences (between the expected and the actual). Their vulnerability can be defined based on various micro-, meso- and macro-factors, which affect refugees in various combinations, intensities, and orders. All three levels bring us closer to the sociopsychological causes of radicalisation, socialisation, and mobilisation, which lead to violent extremism and the related engagement processes. In order to reduce the vulnerability of refugees to radicalisation, effective and efficient anti-radicalisation programs must be developed that work towards preventing and deterring radicalisation from occurring or becoming enrooted. As part of preventing the vulnerability of refugees, we need an effective integration system that successfully recognizes and understands the past frustrations and current needs of refugees in their new environment. There is a need to establish a single framework that facilitates a comprehensive approach to migration and asylum management, to create a more efficient system resistant to migratory pressures, to work towards eliminating push-and-pull factors, and to focus on the most affected countries. It is necessary to work at a unified level, through multi-stakeholder engagement, through international cooperation, and by following the example of good practices.
Keywords:refugees, vulnerability, radicalisation, violent extremism


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