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Title:Medkulturne kompetence osnovnošolskih učiteljev : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Samec, Pija (Author)
ID Vršnik Perše, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Samec_Pija_2022.pdf (1,74 MB)
MD5: 22E98274F95F04B7F9B9E34FF83F98E9
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/943575ba-1742-4ef6-bf05-977105da0090
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V teoretičnem delu zaključnega dela smo opisovali pojav medkulturnosti v družbi in v šolskem prostoru. Osredotočili smo se na medkulturno kompetentnost, njene sestavine in razvoj, predvsem pri osnovnošolskih učiteljih. Učitelji imajo pri oblikovanju vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa osrednjo vlogo. Učence morajo znati pripraviti na življenje v medkulturni družbi in jim privzgojiti vrednote, ki temeljijo na enakopravnosti, sprejemanju in spoštovanju drugačnosti. Poleg tega morajo znati oblikovati inkluzivno učno okolje, kjer bodo sprejeti vsi učenci, ne glede na njihove kulturne posebnosti, in znati podpreti vse ostale, vključene v vzgojno-izobraževalni proces. Zato morajo posedovati medkulturno kompetentnost, imeti morajo torej znanje, veščine in vedenje o medosebnih odnosih, s katerimi uspešno in učinkovito delujejo v medkulturnem okolju in znanje prenašajo naprej. V empiričnem delu zaključnega dela smo ugotovili, da velika večina učiteljev meni, da ima ustrezno razvito medkulturno kompetenco in zase menijo, da so medkulturno kompetentni. Ugotovili smo, da število let delovne dobe, stopnje in kraja poučevanja učiteljev ne moremo v celotni povezati z njihovo medkulturno kompetentnostjo, saj obstajajo statistično značilne razlike le v posameznih elementih, ki sestavljajo medkulturno kompetentnost. Odkrili smo, da empatijo pogosteje izražajo učitelji, ki poučujejo v mestnem okolju, prav tako kritično mišljenje pogosteje izražajo učitelji, ki poučujejo na predmetni stopnji, več znanja o interakciji posedujejo učitelji, ki poučujejo tako na razredni kot na predmetni stopnji. Ostalih povezav med delovno dobo, krajem in stopnjo poučevanja učiteljev in njihovo medkulturno kompetentnostjo nismo odkrili. Podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo spletnega anketnega vprašalnika, nanj je odgovorilo 167 učiteljev iz šol po vsej Sloveniji. Rezultati so pokazali, da učitelji menijo, da imajo dobro razvito medkulturno kompetenco, kar je zelo spodbudno. Glede na njihova poročanja lahko sklepamo, da v slovenskih osnovnih šolah poučujejo učitelji, ki zagotavljajo enake možnosti za vse, vključene v vzgojno-izobraževalni proces, in s tem pripomorejo k oblikovanju medkulturne družbe. Ker pa je medkulturna kompetenca vseživljenjska kompetenca, ki se nenehno razvija, v zaključnem delu predstavljamo tudi različne programe in projekte, preko katerih lahko učitelji razvijajo medkulturno kompetentnost, predvsem na področjih, ki so jih označili kot šibka – kritično mišljenje, reševanje konfliktov in sodelovanje z vladnimi ustanovami in organizacijami.
Keywords:kultura, večkulturnost, medkulturnost, osnovna šola, učitelj, medkulturna kompetentnost, programi
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[P. Samec]
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XIV, 134 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-81499 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:107302659 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.05.2022
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Licensing start date:04.04.2022

Secondary language

Title:Intercultural competencies of primary school teachers
Abstract:In the theoretical part of the final paper, we described the phenomenon of interculturalism in society and in the school environment. We focused on intercultural competence, its components and development, especially in primary school teachers. Teachers play a central role in shaping the educational process. They must be able to prepare students for life in an intercultural society and to instill them with values based on equality, acceptance and respect for difference. In addition, they need to know how to create an inclusive learning environment where all students, regardless of their cultural background, will be accepted, and know how to support everyone else involved in the educational process. Therefore, they must possess the intercultural competence, that is, they must have the knowledge, skills and information about interpersonal relationships, so that they can function successfully and effectively in an intercultural environment and pass on knowledge. In the empirical part of the final work, we found out that the vast majority of teachers believe that their intercultural competence is adequately developed and that they consider themselves to be so interculturally competent. We found out that their number of years of service, level and place of teaching cannot be fully related to their intercultural competence, as statistically significant differences can only be observed in the individual elements that make up intercultural competence. We found out that empathy is more often expressed by teachers who teach in the urban environment, also critical opinion is more often expressed by subject teachers, more knowledge about interaction is possessed by teachers who teach both, on the classroom and subject level. We did not find any other connections between the teachers’ years of service, the place, and the level of teaching and their intercultural competence. The data were collected with the help of an online questionnaire, which was answered by 167 teachers from schools throughout Slovenia. The results showed that teachers feel they have a well-developed intercultural competence, which is very encouraging. According to their reporting, we can conclude that in Slovenian primary schools teach teachers who provide equal opportunities for all involved in the educational process and thus contribute to the formation of an intercultural society. However, as intercultural competence is a lifelong competence that is constantly evolving, in the final part we also offer various programs in projects through which teachers can develop intercultural competence, especially in the area they described as weak - critical thinking, conflict resolution and cooperation with government institutions and organizations.
Keywords:culture, multiculturalism, interculturalism, primary school, teacher, intercultural competence, programs


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