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Title:Preoblikovanje študijskega dela (študijskih in obštudijskih nalog) na vzorcu študentov: opredelitev konstrukta in razvoj vprašalnika : opredelitev konstrukta in razvoj vprašalnika
Authors:ID Čufar, Valentina (Author)
ID Tement, Sara (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Naterer, Andrej (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Cufar_Valentina_2022.pdf (2,81 MB)
MD5: 7E413BC35D2E47115846ED444C09C81F
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/557e78da-057f-4667-b98d-e99bed1d9f23
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Preoblikovanje dela je vse pomembnejša proaktivna strategija, ki zaposlenim pomaga prilagoditi delo lastnim potrebam. Po drugi strani pa je na študentski populaciji slednje še precej neraziskano področje. Namen raziskave je proučiti preoblikovanje študija in razviti vprašalnik, ki nam bo omogočal merjenje konstrukta. Slednje smo preverjali preko dveh ločenih raziskav – kvalitativne in kvantitativne raziskave. V prvi kvalitativni raziskavi je sodelovalo 15 študentov, s katerimi smo izvedli polstrukturirane intervjuje in preko tega skušali pridobiti uvid v njihovo doživljanje študija in boljše razumevanje preoblikovanja študija med študenti. Na podlagi ugotovitev prve raziskave smo razvili vprašalnik. Pri razvoju vprašalnika smo se naslanjali tudi na dosedanje vprašalnike razvite za delovno populacijo. Druga, kvantitativna raziskava pa je služila preliminarni validaciji vprašalnika. Izvedena je bila na 136 študentih slovenskih univerz. V drugi raziskavi smo prav tako preverjali povezanost preoblikovanja študija z drugimi konstrukti, ki so se izkazali kot pomembni pri preoblikovanju dela. Vključili smo zadovoljstvo s študijem, zavzetost, izgorelost, proaktivno osebnost in karierno prilagodljivost. Rezultati večinoma kažejo na statistično pomembne povezanosti, v skladu s pričakovanji. Najslabše povezanosti so se pojavile z zadovoljstvom s študijem. Na podlagi ugotovitev lahko preoblikovanje študija definiramo kot samoiniciativne akcije, ki jih študentje uvedejo v okviru študijskih ali obštudijskih dejavnosti, z namenom, da bi razvili svoje veščine, izboljšali svoje karierne priložnosti in študij prilagodili sebi in svojim željam. Podobno kot zaposleni preoblikujejo svoje delo, tudi študentje študij preoblikujejo preko treh dimenzij: preoblikovanje nalog, preoblikovanje odnosov in kognitivno preoblikovanje. Kvantitativna raziskava je spoznanja potrdila in nadgradila. Ugotovitve kažejo, da je pri preoblikovanju študijskih nalog posebej pomembno preoblikovanje študija z dodajanjem nalog, pri preoblikovanju odnosov pa predvsem preoblikovanje odnosov s sošolci in ostalimi. Pričujoča raziskava je temeljnega pomena za nadaljnjo raziskovanje preoblikovanja študija, tako kvalitativno kot tudi kvantitativno.
Keywords:preoblikovanje študija, študentje, proaktivnost, obštudijske dejavnosti, študijske naloge, kariera
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[V. Čufar]
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XV, 210 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-81325 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:103742979 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.04.2022
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:24.02.2022

Secondary language

Title:Study crafting in a student sample: defining the construct and developing a questionnaire : magistrsko delo
Abstract:Job crafting is becoming an increasingly relevant proactive strategy that helps employees to adapt work to their own needs. On the other hand, when it comes to the student population, this remains a largely unexplored field of research. The purpose of this research was to examine study crafting and develop a questionnaire that would enable us to measure this construct. We conducted two separate studies – a qualitative and a quantitative study. In the qualitative study, 15 students participated. To gain an insight into students’ academic experience and a better understanding of study crafting among students, semi-structured interviews were conducted. We developed a questionnaire based on the findings of this first study. The development of the questionnaire was also based on the existing job crafting questionnaires. The quantitative study, served as preliminary validation of the questionnaire. We gathered data from a sample of 136 students from Slovenian universities. In the second study, the correlation between study crafting and other constructs of students’ well-being (academic satisfaction, engagement, burnout, proactive personality, and career adaptability) have been analysed. As expected, the results mostly indicate statistically significant relationships between the constructs, with the weakest correlation strength emerging in connection with academic satisfaction. Based on the findings, study crafting can be defined as self-initiated activities, implemented by students in the context of their curricular and cocurricular activities, with the purpose of developing their skills, improving their career opportunities, and adjusting their study to themselves and their own needs. Similarly to the dimensions job crafting, results indicate the presence of three study crafting dimensions: task crafting, relationship crafting, and cognitive crafting. The quantitative research confirmed and upgraded these findings. The findings show that, when it comes to tasks crafting, students mostly craft the study by adding new projects and tasks; and when it comes to relationships crafting, crafting relationships with peers and other students is especially important. This research represents a basis for further research of study crafting, both from a qualitative and quantitative point of view.
Keywords:study crafting, student population, proactivity, cocurricular activities, curricular activities career


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