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Title:Vloga vodje pri reševanju konfliktov : študija primera varnostnega tima
Authors:ID Lushtaku, Anita (Author)
ID Prislan Mihelič, Kaja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 733A91A73A340CC0F068EBA026763178
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/080745c3-a242-4291-b1b1-d24753b71e86
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Delo v varnostnih organizacijah je zaradi kompleksne in zahtevne narave pogosto zasnovano v obliki timske zasnove. Ker pa se varnostni timi pogosto soočajo s stresnimi in nepredvidljivimi situacijami, to zagotovo vpliva na medosebne odnose in pojav konfliktov. Pri reševanju konfliktov in upravljanju timske dinamike ključno vlogo odigrajo vodje, ki morajo pri tem uporabljati primerne pristope. Na temo timskega dela obstaja širok nabor literature, kljub temu pa so študije, ki bi proučevale dinamiko medosebnih odnosov, naravo konfliktov in vlogo vodij v timih, ki se ukvarjajo z varnostno dejavnostjo, precej redke. Cilj diplomskega dela je bil skozi pregled literature predstaviti naravo timskega dela in konfliktov v timih, pristope k reševanju konfliktov in vlogo vodij pri njihovem upravljanju, ter kako se ta spoznanja odražajo v praksi. V ta namen smo izvedli študijo na primeru varnostnega tima, in sicer dvostopenjsko raziskavo, ki je vključevala anketo med člani tima v zasebnovarnostni organizaciji in intervju z vodjem istega tima. Z anketo smo analizirali pričakovane lastnosti vodje, vzroke za nastanek konfliktov, odnos tima do konfliktov in naravo medosebnih odnosov. Z intervjujem pa smo proučili stališča vodje tima glede vodenja tima in konfliktov ter preverili rezultate ankete. Rezultati kažejo, da člani tima pripisujejo visoko pomembnost strateškim, organizacijskim in operativnim sposobnostim vodje. Nejasna navodila, ki jih poda vodja, ter slaba in prikrita komunikacija so po mnenju članov tima najpogostejši razlogi za nastanek konfliktov, medtem ko vodja navaja, da so konflikti predvsem posledica preobremenjenosti članov ter neurejenosti medsebojnih odnosov. Glede na ugotovljene odnose in pristope k reševanju konfliktov lahko sklenemo, da tim, ki smo ga obravnavali v raziskavi, dobro deluje, čeprav se kažejo nekatera nesoglasja in želje po boljšem sodelovanju ter zaupanju. Diplomsko delo je uporabno predvsem za vodje timov, ki lahko iz ugotovitev razberejo, katere vodstvene sposobnosti so pomembne za uspešno delovanje timov, kakšni so vzroki za pojav konfliktov in priporočeni pristopi k njihovemu upravljanju.
Keywords:varnost, varnostna dejavnost, varnostne organizacije, varnostni timi, vodje, konflikti, reševanje konfliktov, zaključna dela
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Lushtaku]
Year of publishing:2022
Year of performance:2022
Number of pages:V, 60 f.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-81281 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:99971843 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.03.2022
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Licensing start date:12.02.2022

Secondary language

Title:The leaders role in resolving conflicts: a case study of a security team
Abstract:Due to its complex and demanding nature, work in security organizations is often designed in teams. However, as security teams often face stressful and unpredictable situations, this certainly affects relationships and the occurrence of conflicts. Leaders play a key role in resolving conflicts and managing team dynamics, which is why they must use appropriate approaches. A wide range of literature on the topic of teamwork is available; however, studies examining the dynamics of interpersonal relationships, the nature of conflicts, and the role of leaders in security teams are quite rare. This thesis aimed to present the nature of teamwork and conflicts in teams, approaches to conflict resolution and the role of leaders in their management, and how these findings are reflected in practice. We conducted a study on the case of a security team, namely two-stage research, which included a survey among team members in a private security organization and an interview with the leader of the same team. The survey analysed the expected characteristics of the leader, the causes of conflicts, the team's attitude to conflicts, and the nature of interpersonal relationships. In the interview, we examined the views of the team leader regarding team leadership and conflicts, and checked the results of the survey. The results show that team members attribute great importance to the leader's strategic, organizational, and operational skills. According to team members, unclear instructions from the leader and poor communication are the most common reasons for conflicts. In contrast, the leader believes that conflicts are mainly a consequence of work overload and unsettled relationships. Based on the established attitudes and approaches to conflict resolution, we can conclude that the analysed team is well-functioning, despite some disagreements and desires for better cooperation and trust. The thesis is especially useful for team leaders since the findings highlight which leadership skills are essential for successful team management, the causes of conflicts, and recommended approaches to their management.
Keywords:team dynamics, conflict, leadership, security team, security organisation


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