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Title:Kulinarična dediščina Zasavja in njeno vključevanje v sodobno turistično ponudbo : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Senčar Hočevar, Urška (Author)
ID Poljak Istenič, Saša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pavlakovič Farrell, Barbara (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Sencar_Hocevar_Urska_2022.pdf (3,47 MB)
MD5: 257211B00F87639B3A19B35C4B1FF229
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/acc10024-8215-4359-a04f-274b15b3f0ca
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FT - Faculty of Tourism
Abstract:Prehranjevanje večina ljudi pojmuje kot nekaj vsakdanjega, celo nepomembnega, a nujnega za preživetje, vendar sta lokalna hrana in njeno vključevanje v turistično ponudbo vse bolj sodoben trend turizma. Turist s hrano ne le poteši lakoto, ampak tudi zazna destinacijo, ki se predstavlja s hrano. Namen magistrskega dela je bil raziskati in opisati tradicionalno kulinarično dediščino Zasavja ter kako jo vključiti v sodobno turistično ponudbo. Pri raziskovanju smo uporabili več metod kvalitativnega raziskovanja, in sicer analizo strokovne in znanstvene literature, metodo deskripcije, metodo analize vsebine, terensko delo, delno strukturiran intervju. S kmečkimi gospodinjami, ki pripravljajo tradicionalne jedi v svojih gospodinjstvih in so vključene v društva podeželskih žena, z gostinci ter turističnimi ponudniki in zaposlenimi v turističnoinformacijskih centrih v vseh treh zasavskih občinah smo opravili delno strukturirane intervjuje, katerih analizo smo naredili z metodo kodiranja. Analiza je pokazala, da želijo intervjuvanci, ki se že vrsto let ukvarjajo s kulinarično dediščino, vključiti in zaščititi jedi pod skupno blagovno znamko, saj bi s tem dosegli večjo prepoznavnost in zaupanje pri uporabnikih, ki povprašujejo po zasavskih jedeh. Na podlagi naše raziskave smo ob koncu magistrskega dela predlagali konkretne predloge za boljšo vključenost kulinarične dediščine v turistično ponudbo Zasavja.
Keywords:Zasavje, kulturna dediščina, kulinarična dediščina, kulinarični turizem, blagovna znamka
Place of publishing:Brežice
Place of performance:Brežice
Publisher:[U. Senčar Hočevar]
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:90 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-81177 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:105005059 New window
Publication date in DKUM:15.04.2022
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:24.01.2022

Secondary language

Title:Zasavje culinary heritage and its implementation in a modern tourist offer
Abstract:Most people think that daily eating is something ordinary and not so important, but it is necessary for survival. Local food and its inclusion in the tourist offer is a modern trend in tourism. The tourist through food not only satisfies hunger but also perceives the destination presented. The purpose of the master's thesis was to research and describe the traditional culinary heritage of Zasavje and how to implement it in the modern tourist offer. In our research, we used several methods of qualitative research, namely the analysis of professional and scientific literature, the method of description, the method of content analysis, fieldwork, partially structured interview. We conducted partially structured interviews in all three Zasavje municipalities with housewives who prepare traditional dishes in their households and are involved in rural women's associations, caterers and tourism providers, and employees in tourist information centers. The analysis showed that the interviewees, who have been dealing with a culinary heritage for many years, want to include and protect dishes under a common brand, as this would achieve greater visibility and trust among users who demand Zasavje dishes. Based on our research, at the end of the master's thesis, we proposed concrete tourist proposals for the better inclusion of culinary heritage in the tourist offer of Zasavje.
Keywords:Zasavje, cultural heritage, culinary heritage, culinary tourism, brand


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