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Title:Poslovanje podjetij pod vplivom covid-19 in učinek na obvladovanje tveganj
Authors:ID Pivec, Jernej (Author)
ID Jagrič, Timotej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Pivec_Jernej_2022.pdf (2,75 MB)
MD5: C0A63E01E3FB3E268FC1D89F695B4DBE
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/6bee2dab-ba11-42fa-bd9b-54135745aea5
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Obvladovanje tveganj je zelo širok pojem, ki opredeljuje proces prepoznave, ocenitve, izbire metode za obvladovanje, ukrepanja in spremljanje ter konstanten nadzor na prepoznani tveganji, ter lahko predvidi nastanek pojavov, ki bi lahko imeli vpliv na podjetje in njegovo poslovanje. Zelo hiter razvoj tehnologije pripomore k še hitrejšemu nastajanju novih tveganj, ter krepitvi že obstoječih, zaradi česar so potrebe po upravljalcih tveganj vse večje, podjetja po svetu pa v to področje namenjajo vedno večja sredstva. Pandemija covid-19 je tista, ki je sam proces obvladovanja tveganj precej spremenila, hkrati pa še povečala pomembnost upravljanja tveganj (ang. risk management) za podjetja. Predvsem zaradi hitre širitve covida-19 po svetu so podjetja in države morale sprejeti različne ukrepe za zajezitev širjenja virusa, hkrati pa so bili za obstoj podjetij sprejeti različni ukrepi, ki bi jim pomagali kljub šoku preživeti in ohraniti svoj način poslovanja. Po svetu je tako bilo olajšano pridobivanje kreditov za podjetja, dan je bil odlog plačila obresti in podobno. Zagotovo je covid-19 pripomogel k temu, da se podjetja zavedajo pomembnosti obvladovanja tveganj, hkrati pa, da morajo biti čim bolj dinamična in prilagodljiva, saj je le to v današnjem hitro spreminjajočem se svetu ključno za obstanek na trgu nasploh, še posebej pa v primeru šokov, ki jih lahko povzročijo krize. V prihodnosti bodo podjetja zagotovo bistveno več pozornosti posvečala obvladovanju zunanjih tveganj, bodo bolj dinamična, uporabljale se bodo nove tehnologije, za katere se je izkazalo, da lahko bistveno olajšajo delovanje podjetja, pričakuje se tudi večja povezanost med oddelki v podjetju in tudi druge spremembe. Našteto je v jedru dela podrobno predstavljeno. Znotraj dela je predstavljena tudi raziskava, izvedena na skoraj 500 slovenskih nefinančnih podjetjih, glede njihovega pristopa k obvladovanju tveganj. Podatki so bili pridobljeni s pomočjo telefonske ankete v več tisoč podjetjih, vpliv covida-19 na poslovanje slovenskih podjetij glede na način obvladovanja tveganj pa bo prikazan in opisan v samem delu.
Keywords:covid-19, obvladovanje tveganj, nefinančna podjetja, poslovanje podjetij.
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:J. Pivec
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-81157 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:104783107 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.04.2022
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License:CC BY-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:Under the NoDerivatives Creative Commons license one can take a work released under this license and re-distribute it, but it cannot be shared with others in adapted form, and credit must be provided to the author.
Licensing start date:18.01.2022

Secondary language

Title:Business operations under covid-19 and its influence on risk management
Abstract:Risk management is a very broad term that defines the process of identifying, assessing, monitoring and constantly controlling identified risks. It also includes the selection of the method for risk management and defines the processes for taking actions. Risk management can anticipate the occurrence of events that could have an impact on the enterprise and its business. The very rapid development of technology is helping to create new risks at an even faster rate and to reinforce existing ones. This is leading towards an increase in the need for risk managers, while companies around the world are devoting more and more resources to this area. The covid-19 pandemic has changed the risk management processes significantly and, at the same time, increased the importance of risk management for companies. In particular, the rapid spread of covid-19 around the world required companies and countries to take various measures in order to contain the spread of the virus while, simultaneously, various measures have been taken to help companies survive, ease the shock and maintain their usual business operations. Around the world, measures were taken in order to make it easier for companies to obtain credit, interest payments were deferred, etc. Covid-19 certainly helped in making companies aware of the importance of risk management. It also exposed the need for companies to be as dynamic and flexible as possible because in today's fast-moving world, this is key for surviving on the market, and it is even more evident in the event of shock such as those caused by various crises. In the future, companies will certainly pay much more attention to external risk management, will be more dynamic and will use new technologies, which have shown to rationalise the operation of companies significantly. Among other changes, the companies are expected to become more interconnected within departments. All of the above listed is presented in more detail within the main part of the thesis. A survey conducted on almost 500 Slovenian non-financial companies, regarding their approach to risk management, is presented within the thesis. The data was obtained through a wide telephone survey of several thousand companies. The impact of covid-19 on the performance of Slovenian companies, with the focus on risk management, will be presented and described within the thesis.
Keywords:covid-19, risk management, non-financial companies, corporate performance.


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