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Title:Smernice za odločanje o vpeljavi RTLS (UWB) sistemov
Authors:ID Poljanec, Blaž (Author)
ID Gajšek, Brigita (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Šinko, Simona (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Poljanec_Blaz_2021.pdf (1,29 MB)
MD5: 93637DE1224B71D3B8426252B5F0F938
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/1277e2c4-964a-47bc-9315-f43c8d533b5e
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Četrta industrijska revolucija med drugim zahteva digitalizacijo, napredno avtomatizacijo in uporabo robotov. Nastajajoči pametni sistemi temeljijo na vidnosti vseh in vsega, kar te sisteme sestavlja, skozi podatke, zbrane v elektronski obliki. Pomemben podatek je tudi lokacija osebe ali objekta v realnem času. Na prostem je sledenje ljudem, vozilom in predmetom že utečena procedura, podprta s cenovno dostopno tehnologijo in programskimi rešitvami. V zaprtih prostorih to funkcionalnost zagotavljajo sistemi za sledenje v realnem času, na katere se osredotoča ta raziskava. Podatki o lokaciji so potrebni za načrtovanje dela, zagotavljanje varnosti, izboljšanje učinkovitosti, zmanjšanje administrativnega dela in podobno. V magistrskem delu so najprej predstavljene njihove splošne lastnosti in delovanje. Nadaljujemo z opisi in primerjavo petih najpogosteje uporabljenih RTLS-tehnologij, ki delujejo na podlagi radijskih valov. Dalje predstavimo primere uporabe sistemov, temelječih na UWB-tehnologiji v logistiki, natančneje v skladiščnih in proizvodnih okoljih. UWB-tehnologija se je izkazala za najbolj natančno in odporno proti zunanjim dejavnikom, kar se odraža tudi v porastu zanimanja zanjo. V zaključnem delu so zbrane pomembnejše ugotovitve skozi usmeritve za potencialne uporabnike, predvsem managerje na področju logistike, pri vpeljavi RTLS v delovno okolje podjetij.
Keywords:UWB-tehnologija, RTLS, logistika, skladišče, proizvodnja, vpeljava RTLS, ponudniki UWB
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[B. Poljanec]
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-80982 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:99509763 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.03.2022
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Licensing start date:01.12.2021

Secondary language

Title:Guidelines for deciding on the implementation of rtls (uwb) systems
Abstract:The Fourth Industrial Revolution requires, among other things, digitization, advanced automation and the use of robots. Emerging smart systems are based on the visibility of everyone and everything that makes up these systems through data collected electronically. The location of a person or object in real time is also an important piece of information. In the outdoor environment, tracking people, vehicles and objects is an established procedure supported by affordable technology and software solutions. Indoors, this functionality is provided by the real-time tracking systems that are the focus of this research. Location data is needed to plan work, ensure security, improve efficiency, reduce paperwork and so on. In the master thesis, their general characteristics and operation are first presented. It goes on to describe and compare five of the most commonly used radio wave-based RTLS technologies. We then present examples of the use of UWB-based systems in logistics, more specifically in warehousing and manufacturing environments. The UWB technology has proven to be the most accurate and resilient to external factors, which is also reflected in the surge of interest in it. In the final part, the most important findings are summarized through guidelines for potential users, especially logistics managers, in the implementation of RTLS in the corporate environment.
Keywords:UWB-technology, RTLS, Logistics, Warehouse, Production, RTLS Implementation, UWB Providers


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