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Title:Vpliv čustvene inteligentnosti na odnose z nadrejenimi in na zadovoljstvo zaposlenih na delovnem mestu
Authors:ID Črnič, Maja (Author)
ID Novak, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Jerebic, Janja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Crnic_Maja_2021.pdf (1,42 MB)
MD5: D9BDB2E93A01AF3EC7EB6445903FD764
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/6ae3f900-de9f-44b9-9819-0d5f1fac87d6
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Zaradi hitrega tempa in količine dela danes nista več dovolj samo izobrazba in znanje, temveč tudi to, kako obvladujemo svoja čustva in kako se na delovnem mestu prilagajamo v medsebojnih odnosih. V magistrski nalogi smo prikazali pomembnost delovanja čustvene inteligentnosti pri zaposlenih in raziskali pomen čustvene inteligentnosti posameznika. Namen je bil proučiti mnenje posameznih zaposlenih respondentov o vplivu čustvene inteligentnosti. Cilj naloge pa je bil opredeliti zadovoljstvo pri delu, raziskati povezanost med čustveno inteligentnostjo in zadovoljstvom pri delu. V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge smo podrobneje pregledali splošno stanje na področju čustvene inteligentnosti v povezavi z odnosi zaposlenih z nadrejenimi. Pregledali smo tudi vpliv čustvene inteligentnosti na zadovoljstvo zaposlenih na delovnem mestu. V tem delu naloge smo pregledali različne teorije posameznih avtorjev o definicijah čustvene inteligentnosti in o njenem vplivu na odnose z vodjo ter na zadovoljstvo zaposlenih na delovnem mestu. Opredelili smo tudi pojme čustvene inteligentnosti in njene lastnosti. V empiričnem delu smo uporabili metode za zbiranje in generiranje podatkov. Izvedli smo kvantitativno statistično metodo zbiranja podatkov, in sicer anketo. Anketo smo izvedli po metodi »snežne kepe« s pomočjo spletnega orodja 1ka, za analizo dobljenih podatkov pa smo uporabili statistični program SPSS. Zanimalo nas je splošno mnenje o čustveni inteligentnosti in o njenem vplivu na odnose z vodjo in na zadovoljstvo zaposlenih na delovnem mestu. Na podlagi rezultatov raziskave smo ocenili razvojne trende in aktualne izzive na področju povezave čustvene inteligentnosti v povezavi z odnosi z vodjo in z zadovoljstvom zaposlenih na delovnem mestu. Ugotovili smo, da je večina anketiranih z visokošolsko izobrazbo, da so korespondenti v večini zadovoljni z medsebojnimi odnosi na delovnem mestu in da imajo dober odnos z vodjo. Respondentom največji dejavnik zadovoljstva predstavlja dober odnos z vodjo. Ugotovili smo, da čustvena inteligentnost skoraj ne vpliva na dejavnike zadovoljstva na delovnem mestu. Z raziskavo smo tudi ugotovili, da stopnja izobrazbe ne vpliva na stopnjo čustvene inteligentnosti. Ravno tako smo ugotovili, da med moškimi in ženskami ne obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike. Ugotovili smo, da ima čustvena inteligentnost vodje pozitiven vpliv na uspešno komuniciranje na delovnem mestu. Respondenti so bili mnenja, da čustvena inteligentnost vodje srednje vpliva na komunikacijo vodje z zaposlenimi. Ugotovili smo tudi, da se stopnja zadovoljstva na delovnem mestu ne razlikuje glede na različne starostne skupine. Prepričani smo, da smo z raziskavo v nalogi pripomogli k lažjemu razumevanju čustvene inteligentnosti, odnosov z nadrejenimi in zadovoljstva na delovnem mestu. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da ima čustvena inteligentnost vodje pozitiven vpliv na uspešno komuniciranje z drugimi na delovnem mestu. Morda bi vsak posameznik lahko pri sebi pomislil o svoji čustveni inteligentnosti, še posebej, ker glede na ugotovitve čustvena inteligentnost ni povezana s stopnjo izobrazbe.
Keywords:Čustvena inteligentnost, zadovoljstvo, odnosi, nadrejeni, test čustvene inteligentnosti
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-80781 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:88112131 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.12.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of emotional intelligence on relations with superiors and on employee satisfaction in the workplace
Abstract:For the fast pace and amount of work today, not only education and knowledge are enough, but also how we manage our emotions and how we adapt to our relationships in the workplace. In the master's thesis we presented the importance of the functioning of emotional intelligence in employees and explored the importance of emotional intelligence of the individual. The purpose was to examine the opinion of individual employed respondents on the impact of emotional intelligence. The aim of the task was to define job satisfaction, to explore the connection between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction. In the theoretical part of the master's thesis, we reviewed in more detail the general situation in the field of emotional intelligence in relation to employee relations with superiors. We also reviewed the impact of emotional intelligence on employee job satisfaction. In this part of the thesis, we reviewed various theories of individual authors on the definitions of emotional intelligence and its impact on relationships with the manager and employee satisfaction in the workplace. We also defined the concepts of emotional intelligence and its properties. In the empirical part, we used the methods we used to collect and generate data. We performed a quantitative statistical method of data collection, namely a survey. The survey was conducted using the "snowball" method using the online tool 1ka, and the statistical program SPSS was used to analyze the obtained data. We were interested in the general opinion about emotional intelligence and its impact on relationships with the manager and on employee satisfaction in the workplace. Based on the results of the research, we assessed development trends and current challenges in the field of the connection of emotional intelligence in connection with the relationship with the manager and the satisfaction of employees in the workplace. We found that the majority of respondents have a university degree, that most correspondents are satisfied with their relationships in the workplace, and that they have a good relationship with the manager. The biggest satisfaction factor for the respondents is a good relationship with the leader. We found that emotional intelligence has almost no effect on job satisfaction factors. The research also found that the level of education does not affect the level of emotional intelligence. We also found that there were no statistically significant differences between men and women. We found that a leader’s emotional intelligence has a positive impact on successful communication in the workplace. Respondents were of the opinion that the emotional intelligence of the manager has a moderate effect on communication with the manager with employees. We also found that the level of job satisfaction does not differ according to different age groups. We believe that the research in the thesis has helped to facilitate the understanding of emotional intelligence, relationships with superiors and job satisfaction. Research has found that a leader’s emotional intelligence has a positive impact on successful communication with others in the workplace. Perhaps every individual could think of their own emotional intelligence, especially since, according to the findings, emotional intelligence is not related to the level of education.
Keywords:Emotional intelligence, satisfaction, relationships, superiors, test of emotional intelligence.


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