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Title:Izsleditev iskanih oseb in policijski postopki : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Flisar, Urban (Author)
ID Smolej, David (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Flisar_Urban_2021.pdf (1,28 MB)
MD5: 33DCC23B9B96137599C3CD516674DEE5
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/2ccff559-47e7-4469-b83c-aacbb9102b09
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Diplomsko delo prikazuje pomen izsleditve iskanih oseb, razloge in načine izsleditve iskanih oseb ali organiziranih skupin. Do tega pojava pride, če se iskana oseba izogiba ali je na begu pred policijo in drugimi številnimi organi pregona, da bi bila privedena k pristojnemu organu zaradi kazenskega postopka. Da bi natančno preučili celotno situacijo predstavlja izsleditev iskanih oseb zahteven in lahko tudi dolgotrajen proces za organe pregona. Potrebno je ustrezno in strokovno načrtovanje preiskovalnih in operativnih dejanj, ki pripeljejo do zaželenega cilja policije in drugih organov pregona. V diplomskem delu so navedeni in obrazloženi ukrepi, pooblastila policije in organov pregona, na kakšen način se iskana oseba čimprej izsledi, problemi policije in drugih organov pregona pri izsleditvi iskanih oseb. Policijski ukrepi in drugi organi pregona so odvisni od posameznega primera izsleditve iskane osebe. Vsaka iskana oseba ali skupina oseb je namreč iskana zaradi različnih razlogov, tako da predstavljajo različno raven nevarnosti za skupnost. Osebe, ki so iskane zaradi težjih kaznivih dejanj, kot so umor, terorizem, rop banke je potrebno čimprej izslediti, kajti predstavljajo veliko nevarnost za družbo in lahko še dodatno povzročijo škodo ali smrt. Pri izsleditvi iskanih oseb je ključno sodelovanje, izmenjava informacij in komuniciranje med organi in državami, če iskanje iskane osebe poteka mednarodno. V diplomskem delu je bilo ugotovljeno, da Schengenski informacijski sistem druge stopnje prinaša veliko pozitivnih rezultatov na področju izsleditve iskanih oseb. Sistem policiji in drugim organom pregona omogoča hitrejšo in olajšano delo na področju izsleditve iskanih oseb tako v eni kot v večih državah. Schengenski informacijski sistem druge stopnje je prispeval tudi, da se je čez leta povečalo število evropskih nalogov za prijetje in predajo iskanih oseb. Države, ki niso v Evropski uniji in so se pridružile mreži ENFAST so pripomogle k lažji izsleditvi ter posledično k večjemu številu izsleditev in aretacij iskanih oseb, ki so našle zatočišča v tretjih državah
Keywords:diplomske naloge, iskane osebe, iskanje, Schengenski informacijski sistem druge stopnje, kaznivo dejanje
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Flisar]
Year of publishing:2021
Year of performance:2021
Number of pages:VIII, 38 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-80747 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:88402691 New window
Publication date in DKUM:08.12.2021
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Licensing start date:07.10.2021

Secondary language

Title:Tracing of wanted persons and police procedures
Abstract:The diploma thesis shows the importance of the wanted persons reasons and methods of tracing wanted persons or organized groups. This phenomenon occurs if the wanted person avoids or is on the run from the police and many other law enforcement agencies in order to be brought before the competent authority for criminal proceedings. Tracing of wanted persons is a demanding and can be a lengthy process for law enforcement to examine the whole situation in detail. Appropriate and professional planning of investigative and operational actions that lead to the desired goal of the police and other law enforcement agencies is needed. The diploma thesis states and explains the measures and powers of the police and law enforcement agencies, how the wanted person is tracked down as soon as possible, the problems of the police and other law enforcement agencies in tracking down wanted persons. Police measures and other law enforcement agencies depend on the individual case of tracing the wanted person, each wanted person or group of persons is wanted for different reasons and thus also represents a different level of danger to the community. Persons wanted for serious crimes such as murder, terrorism, bank robbery must be traced as soon as possible, as they pose a great danger to society and can further cause harm or death. Cooperation, exchange of information and communication between authorities and countries are crucial in tracing wanted persons if the search for the wanted person is carried out internationally. The diploma thesis stated the following, namely that the second level Schengen Information System brings many positive results in the field of tracing wanted persons. The system enables the police and other law enforcement agencies to work faster and easier in the field of tracing wanted persons in one than in several countries. The second-level Schengen Information System has also contributed to an increase in the number of European Arrest Warrants over the years. Non-EU countries that have joined the ENFAST network have helped to facilitate and increase the tracing and arrest of wanted persons who have found refuge in third countries.
Keywords:wanted persons, search, second generation Schengen information system, criminal offense


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