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Title:Uporaba programskega jezika al v okolju microsoft dynamics 365 business central
Authors:ID Čelan, Sara (Author)
ID Sternad Zabukovšek, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Celan_Sara_2021.pdf (3,03 MB)
MD5: B15F57A0BE328F6562034289B41F2A8E
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/42d5b97d-0e4b-4c62-bdc0-85051fa4309f
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Celovita informacijska rešitev je programska oprema, ki jo podjetja uporabljajo za upravljanje in integracijo poslovnih procesov znotraj podjetja. Dandanes podjetja nenehno iščejo načine, kako izboljšati svojo uspešnost, pridobiti poslovno prednost in ostati konkurenčen na svojem trgu. Konkurenca jih sili k temu, da čim bolj optimizirajo področja, na katerih delujejo, iščejo nove rešitve in tehnologije ter tako povečujejo pomen sodobnih informacijskih sistemov. Sodobno vodstvo se močno opira na informacije kot nujen vir za razvoj drugih virov in pridobivanje prednosti pred konkurenco. Uporaba ene baze podatkov dramatično poenostavi pretok informacij v celotnem podjetju. Celovite informacijske rešitve vključujejo več modulov, povezanih z eno centralizirano bazo podatkov. Ti moduli so: prodaja, človeški viri, finance, logistika, proizvodnja, izpolnjevanje naročil in upravljanje dobaviteljev. Celovite informacijske rešitve tako odpravljajo težave s podatki, kot so odvečnost, nedoslednost, podvojenost itn. Omogočajo tudi vpogled celo podjetje v realnem času, saj omogočajo sledenje naročil in inventarja izdelkov, avtomatizacijo naročil in plačil, nižje stroške namestitve, skrajšanje časa cikla naročil in izboljšanje upravljanja z denarnimi sredstvi. Večina podjetij, ki imajo uvedene celovite informacijske rešitve, ima višje rezultate pri odločanju in višjo kakovost sprejetih odločitev. Ena izmed teh rešitev je tudi Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, ki je oblačna rešitev za mala in srednja podjetja. Microsoft uporablja Visual Studio Code kot razvojno okolje za Business Central. Visual Studio Code je bil predstavljen aprila 2015 in je brezplačen odprtokodni urejevalnik kod. Prav tako si je treba namestiti tudi programski jezik AL. Z nekaj izjemami ves razvoj aplikacij Business Central poteka v Visual Studio Code. V praktičnem delu bomo predstavili del razvoja Business Central v programskem jeziku AL. Ustvarili bomo razširitev za nadzor kakovosti, v katerem bomo ustvarili nove tabele, strani, razširitve tabel, jih med seboj povezali in prikazali končni izdelek v rešitvi Business Central.
Keywords:Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, celovite informacijske rešitve, programski jezik AL, programiranje, oblačna rešitev.
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:S. Čelan
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-80734 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:90179075 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.12.2021
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Licensing start date:05.10.2021

Secondary language

Title:The use of al programming language in microsoft dynamics 365 business central environment
Abstract:Enterprise resource planning is a software, which companies use for management and integration of the business processes inside the company. Nowadays, companies are constantly looking for ways to improve their effectiveness, gain commercial advantage, and stay competitive on their market. Competition forces them to optimise the areas in which they work, to find new solutions and technologies, and thereby increase the importance of modern information systems. Modern management is very heavily reliant on information as a necessary source for developing other sources and gaining an advantage over the competition. The use of one database dramatically simplifies the flow of information in the entire company. Enterprise resource planning includes more modules, connected by one centralised database. Those modules are sales, human resources, finances, logistics, production, fulfilling orders, and managing suppliers. Enterprise resource planning eliminates difficulties with data, such as redundancy, inconsistency, duplication, etc. They also enable an insight into the whole company in real-time, because they enable tracking orders and the inventory of products, the automatization of orders and payments, lower costs of installation, time reduction for the cycle of orders, and improvement of finances. The majority of the companies, which implemented enterprise resource planning, have higher results at decision-making and a higher quality of decisions taken. One of those solutions is also Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, which is a cloud solution for small and medium-sized enterprises. Microsoft uses Visual Studio Code as a development environment for Business Central. Visual Studio Code was presented in April 2015 and is a free open-source code editor. In addition, the AL programming language has to be installed. With a few exceptions, all of the development of Business Central applications is made in the Visual Studio Code. In the practical part, we will present a part of the development of Business Central in the AL programming language. We will create an expansion for quality control in which we will create new tables, pages, table expansions, and connect them together and show the final product in the Business Central solution.
Keywords:Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Enterprise Resource Planning, AL Programming Language, Programming, Cloud Solution.


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