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Title:Ustavna pravica do obrazložene sodne odločbe po ZPP in analiza pritožbenih razlogov po 14. in 15. točki 339. člena ZPP v sodni praksi
Authors:ID Pušaver, Monika (Author)
ID Ivanc, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Pusaver_Monika_2021.pdf (1,45 MB)
MD5: 6C60D160DAF0989B85B9AE75F2E6DC1F
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/daf278a2-6712-4b8c-896d-2bc8c6ee3ae9
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:V Republiki Sloveniji so enake človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine posameznikom – ne glede na narodnost, raso, spol, jezik, vero, politično ali drugo prepričanje, gmotno stanje, rojstvo, izobrazbo, družbeni položaj, invalidnost ali katerokoli drugo osebno okoliščino – zagotovljene z Ustavo Republike Slovenije. V Ustavi Republike Slovenije kot hierarhično najvišjem pravnem aktu so te pravice taksativno naštete in zelo na kratko definirane – Ustava Republike Slovenije namreč nadaljnje oziroma podrobnejše urejanje teh pravic prenaša na hierarhično nižje ustavnoskladne pravne akte – zakone in podzakonske akte. V 22. členu Ustave Republike Slovenije je posameznikom zagotovljeno enako varstvo pravic, iz katerega izhaja več pravic – pravica do izjavljanja, pravica do enakopravnosti strank, prepoved sodniške samovolje in prepoved samovoljnega odstopa od ustaljene sodne prakse. Pravici stranke do izjavljanja kot najpomembnejšemu izrazu pravice do enakega varstva pravic na drugi strani ustreza obveznost sodišča, da vse navedbe strank v postopku vzame na znanje, pretehta njihovo pomembnost in da se do navedb, ki so za odločitev bistvenega pomena, v obrazložitvi sodbe opredeli. Za zagotovitev ustavne pravice do poštenega sojenja in zaupanja v sodstvo je namreč pomembno, da stranka lahko ne glede na to, ali je njenemu zahtevku ali pravnemu sredstvu ugodeno ali ne, iz obrazložitve sodbe razvidi, ali se je sodišče seznanilo z njenimi argumenti, ali jih je obravnavalo in na katere materialnopravne predpise je oprlo svojo odločitev. V civilnih postopkih potek pravdnega postopka ter postopek izdaje, vsebino in obliko sodbe določa ZPP – le-ta mora kot hierarhično nižji akt v pravdnem postopku zagotoviti izdajo takšne sodbe, iz katere bo stranka razvidela, ali je sodišče njenemu tožbenemu zahtevku ali pravnemu sredstvu ugodilo ali ga je zavrnilo in na podlagi katerih argumentov ter veljavnih pravnih predpisov je sprejelo svojo odločitev. V predmetnem magistrskem delu je podrobneje obravnavano, na kakšen način je z ZPP v civilnem pravdnem postopku posameznikom zagotovljena ustavna pravica do obrazložene sodne odločbe, katera ravnanja sodišč pomenijo kršitev te pravice in na kakšen način lahko stranke dosežejo odpravo teh kršitev.
Keywords:civilno pravo, sodba, obrazložitev, pravica, dejstva, kršitev, pritožba, pomanjkanje, utemeljitev, izrek
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Pušaver]
Year of publishing:2021
Number of pages:V, 92 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-80692 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:79933955 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.10.2021
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Licensing start date:29.09.2021

Secondary language

Title:The constitutional right to a reasoned court decision in civil procedural law and the analysis of the grounds of appeal under points 14 and 15 of article 339 of the civil procedural law in court practice
Abstract:In the Republic of Slovenia, equal human rights and fundamental freedoms of the individuals - regardless of nationality, race, sex, language, religion, political or other beliefs, financial status, birth, education, social status, disability or any other personal circumstance - are provided by the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia. In the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia as the hierarchically highest legal act, these rights are exhaustively listed and very briefly defined - the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia transfers more detailed regulation of these rights to hierarchically lower constitutional legal acts - laws and statutory acts. Article 22 of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia guarantees individuals equal protection of rights, from which several rights derive - the right to declare, the right to equality of parties, the prohibition of judicial arbitrariness and the prohibition of arbitrary departure from established case-law. The party's right to be heard as the most important expression of the right to equal protection of the law, on the other hand, corresponds to the court's obligation to take note of all allegations of the parties in the proceedings, weigh their importance and state the allegations in the grounds of the judgment. In order to ensure the constitutional right to a fair trial and trust in the judiciary, it is important that a party, regardless of whether his claim or legal remedy is granted or not, indicates from the grounds of the judgment whether the court has taken note of its arguments or considered and on which substantive provision it based its decision. In civil proceedings, the course of civil litigation and the procedure for issuing, content and form of a judgment are determined by the Civil Procedure Act (ZPP) - it must, as a hierarchically lower act in civil litigation, ensure the issuance of such a judgment, from which the party will find out whether the court granted or rejected his claim or remedy and on the basis of which arguments and applicable legislative provisions it based its decision. The master's thesis deals in more detail how the ZPP in civil litigation proceedings provides individuals with the constitutional right to a reasoned court decision, which court actions violate this right and how the parties can achieve the elimination of these violations.
Keywords:civil law, judgment, explanation, right, facts, violation, appeal, lack, justification, imposition


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