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Title:Model delovne uspešnosti pravosodnih policistov : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Podgorski, Katrin (Author)
ID Prislan Mihelič, Kaja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Lobnikar, Branko (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Podgorski_Katrin_2021.pdf (1,74 MB)
MD5: 6AB6C9F676D716A4116FFBE2CFC62AB5
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/bee4e9c9-c7b9-44e3-9e42-7b8b8d65da0c
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Delovno uspešni zaposleni predstavljajo temelj za uspešno in učinkovito delovanje organizacij, saj izpolnjevanje zahtevanih delovnih zadolžitev omogoča uresničevanje organizacijskih ciljev. Spodbujanje delovne uspešnosti in kakovosti dela je v zavodih za prestajanje kazni zapora še posebej pomembno, saj so pravosodni policisti ključni akterji zagotavljanja reda in varnosti v zaporih ter legitimnosti zaporskega sistema. Pregled literature kaže, da je potrebno izboljšati razumevanje vzročnih povezav med organizacijskimi in delovnimi dejavniki ter delovno uspešnostjo zaposlenih v zaporih. Prav tako pretekle penološke raziskave še niso proučevale uspešnosti pravosodnih policistov pri opravljanju delovnih nalog kot specifične dimenzije delovne uspešnosti. Namen magistrskega dela je bil zato proučiti vlogo organizacijskih in delovnih dejavnikov ter odnosov glede dela z delovno uspešnostjo pravosodnih policistov v Sloveniji. Skladno s tem je bila izvedena kvantitativna raziskava v obliki ankete, v kateri je sodelovalo 36,8 % (N = 201) vseh pravosodnih policistov, zaposlenih v zavodih za prestajanje kazni zapora v Sloveniji. Rezultati opisne statistike so pokazali, da so anketirani pravosodni policiti zelo visoko ocenili lastno delovno uspešnost ter zadovoljstvo z delom, medtem ko izražajo relativno nevtralno vpetost v delo. Prav tako ne poročajo o visokem stresu na delovnem mestu in so pozitivno opredeljeni do pravičnosti organizacije, kljub temu pa delo zaznavajo kot nevarno. Rezultati regresijskih analiz so pokazali, da na samoporočano delovno uspešnost vpliva zadovoljstvo z delom, ne pa tudi vpetost v delo. Pri tem na zadovoljstvo in vpetost nadalje vplivata tako zaznana organizacijska pravičnost in nevarnost pri delu, stres na delovnem mestu pa vpliva zgolj na zadovoljstvo z delom. Rezultati raziskave so primarno uporabni za vodstvene kadre v zavodih za prestajanje kazni zapora, saj dajejo vpogled v stališča zaposlenih glede dela in dejavnike, ki vplivajo na njihovo delovno uspešnost, na podlagi česar se lahko načrtujejo morebitne izboljšave. Prav tako so rezultati uporabni za nadaljnje raziskave uspešnosti v varnostnih organizacijah nasploh.
Keywords:pravosodje, pravosodni policisti, zavodi za prestajanje kazni zapora, delovna uspešnost, magistrska dela
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Podgorski]
Year of publishing:2021
Year of performance:2021
Number of pages:V f., 86 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-80616 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:82790915 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.10.2021
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:22.09.2021

Secondary language

Title:Model of prison officers' job performance
Abstract:Successful employees are the foundation for successful and efficient organisations in the long run, as the fulfilment of the required work tasks enables the realisation of organisational goals. Encouraging job performance and quality of work are particularly important in prisons, as prison officers are key actors in ensuring order and security in prisons and the legitimacy of the prison system. A literature review shows that there is a need to improve the understanding of the causal links between organisational and workplace factors and the job performance of prison staff. Also, past penological research has not yet examined the prison officers’ task performance as a specific dimension of job performance. Therefore, the purpose of the master's thesis was to investigate the role of organisational and workplace factors and work attitudes with the job performance of prison officers in Slovenia. Accordingly, a quantitative research was conducted in the form of a survey in which 36.8 % (N = 201) of all prison officers employed in prisons in Slovenia participated. The results of descriptive statistics showed that the surveyed prison officers rated their job performance and job satisfaction very highly, while reported relatively neutral job involvement. Moreover, they do not perceive stress in the workplace to be high and are optimistic about the organisational fairness, but they perceive work as dangerous. The results of regression analyses showed that self-reported job performance is affected by job satisfaction but not by job involvement. Job satisfaction and involvement are further affected by perceived organisational fairness and danger at work, while stress at work only affects job satisfaction. The research results are primarily useful for prison leadership and management for planning potential improvements, as they provide insights into the work attitudes of employees and the factors that affect their work performance. The results are also useful for further research of performance in security organisations in general.
Keywords:job performance, prison officer, prison, work attitudes, organisational factors, workplace factors


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