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Title:Likvidnost in plačilna sposobnost v mikro in malih do srednje velikih podjetjih
Authors:ID Kešpret, Anja (Author)
ID Oplotnik, Žan Jan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Kespret_Anja_2021.pdf (1,82 MB)
MD5: 02C3B62E0FFF7F5F489061ACDE0BFD09
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/033a7aec-88a0-4f58-8728-53e7d1f5cc86
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Podjetja so tekom svojega poslovanja ves čas podvržena spremembam na trgu in v okolju, v katerem delujejo. Sodelovanje in prilagajanje z okoljem poslovanja bi moralo biti zanesljivo, vendar je to v praksi pogosto težko izvedljivo. Nepredvidljive spremembe lahko vodijo do težav, ki ogrožajo osnovne cilje podjetij, kot so rast, razvoj in obstanek na trgu. Podjetje se lahko nemoteno razvija in raste samo, če je dovolj finančno stabilno, kar pa zagotavlja z dobro likvidnostjo in plačilno sposobnostjo. Likvidno in plačilno sposobno podjetje bo na trgu uživalo zaupanje, bonitete in konkurenčnost v panogi. V preteklosti so zaradi narave poslovanja likvidnostne šoke bolje preživela velika podjetja. V Sloveniji prevladujejo predvsem mala do srednje velika podjetja, mikro podjetja in samostojni podjetniki. Pri manjših podjetjih je pogosto vpliv razmer na trgu še toliko večji, saj ne razpolagajo s tako veliko bilančno vsoto in so pogosto odvisna od manjšega števila poslovnih partnerjev oz. strank kot recimo velika podjetja in korporacije. V magistrskem delu bomo tako spoznali najpogostejša finančna tveganja, s katerimi se podjetja srečujejo na svoji poslovni poti. Podrobneje se bomo osredotočili na pojma likvidnosti in plačilne sposobnosti ter na tveganja, povezana z njima. V empiričnem delu raziskave bomo na primeru mikro in srednje velikega slovenskega podjetja naredili analizo likvidnosti in plačilne sposobnosti, ter raziskali, kako se odgovorni v posameznem podjetju soočajo z omenjenimi tveganji.
Keywords:likvidnost, plačilna sposobnost, finančna tveganja, financiranje, likvidnostno tveganje
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:A. Kešpret
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-80338 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:82312707 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.10.2021
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Licensing start date:08.09.2021

Secondary language

Title:Liquidity and solvency in micro and small to medium- sized enterprises
Abstract:Companies are constantly subject to changes in the market and in the environment in which they operate. Cooperation and adaptation to the business environment should be reliable, but this is often difficult to do in practice. Unpredictable changes can lead to problems that threaten the basic goals of companies, which are growth, development and survival in the market. A company can develop and grow smoothly only if it is enough financially stable, which it provides with good liquidity and solvency. A liquid and solvent company will enjoy market confidence, creditworthiness and competitiveness in the industry. In the past, large companies have survived liquidity shocks better due to the nature of their operations. In Slovenia dominate small to medium-sized enterprises, micro-enterprises and private entrepreneurs. For smaller companies, the impact of market conditions is often even greater, because they do not have such a large balance sheet total and are often dependent on a smaller number of business partners and customers such as large companies and corporations. In this master's thesis, we will get to know the most common financial risks that companies face in their business journey. We will focus in more detail on the concepts of liquidity and solvency, and the risks associated with them. In the empirical part of the research, we will make an analysis of liquidity and solvency on the example of a micro and medium-sized Slovenian company, and investigate how those responsible in an individual company face the mentioned risks.
Keywords:liquidity, solvency, financial risks, financing, liquidity risk


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