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Title:Vpliv in preprečevanje nezaželenih vedenjskih dejavnikov na delovnem mestu na zdravje zaposlenih : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Pucko, Monika (Author)
ID Lobnikar, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Pucko_Monika_2021.pdf (1,00 MB)
MD5: EB0719B940279C543F3E6A4FA12B5864
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/97c7513c-7b2e-4657-a1e8-a3474e170af8
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Ljudje na delovnem mestu preživijo veliko časa, zato je pomembno, da je delovno okolje varno in zdravo. Delovno okolje je lahko zelo stresno, dejavnik stresa pa je lahko tudi ustrahovanje ali obratno. Ključnega pomena za preprečevanje in zmanjšanje nezaželenih vedenjskih dejavnikov in ustrahovanja na delovnem mestu so primerni ukrepi. Namen in cilj magistrskega dela sta bila analizirati in ugotoviti, kateri so tisti nezaželeni vedenjski dejavniki, ki vplivajo na samo zdravje in splošno počutje ljudi. Prav tako pa, ali spol in izobrazba vplivata na pogostost doživljanja nezaželenih vedenjskih dejavnikov in duševno zdravje. Na podlagi rezultatov smo predstavili primerne ukrepe za zmanjševanje stresa in nezaželenih vedenjskih dejavnikov oziroma ustrahovanja na delovnem mestu. Pri raziskovanju smo uporabili metodo deskripcije, ki je osnova za nadaljnjo interpretacijo informacij in analizo sekundarnih virov, saj temelji na že obstoječi literaturi in podatkih, faktorsko analizo, saj je zmanjšanje števila spremenljivk ugodno za nadaljnje analize, diskriminantno analizo, s katero se ugotavlja statistično značilne razlike med spremenljivkami, in večkratno regresijo, s katero smo ugotavljali, kateri dejavniki vplivajo na duševno zdravje. Za namen magistrske naloge smo anketo in podatke pridobili iz arhiva družboslovnih podatkov, in sicer iz raziskave o slovenskem javnem mnenju iz leta 2016. Ugotovili smo, da med spoloma ne prihaja do statistično značilnih razlik pri izpostavljenosti nezaželenim vedenjskim dejavnikom na delovnem mestu, prav tako ne drži, da so bolj izobraženi redkeje izpostavljeni nezaželenim vedenjskim dejavnikom in da redkeje doživljajo duševne težave. Ljudje, ki so izpostavljeni širjenju govoric in opravljanju imajo pozneje težave z duševnim zdravjem, medtem ko ljudje, ki so izpostavljeni ignoriranju, izključevanju, bojkotiranju in ljudje, ki so pogosteje izpostavljeni žaljivim in sovražnim pripombam na delovnem mestu, pozneje teh težav nimajo.
Keywords:delovno mesto, zdravje, varnost, nezaželeni vedenjski dejavniki, ustrahovanje, preprečevanje, magistrska dela
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Pucko]
Year of publishing:2021
Year of performance:2021
Number of pages:VIII f., 73 str., [2] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-79972 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:82664963 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.10.2021
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Licensing start date:24.08.2021

Secondary language

Title:The impact of unwanted factors in the workplace on health and how to prevent them
Abstract:People spend a lot of time in the workplace, so it is important that the work environment is safe and healthy. The work environment can be very stressful, and bullying can be a stress factor or vice versa. Appropriate measures are thus crucial for the prevention and reduction of unwanted behavioral factors or bullying in the workplace. The purpose and goal of the master's thesis was to analyze and determine which are the undesirable behavioral factors that affect people's health and general well-being, as well as whether gender and education affect the frequency of experiencing undesirable behavioral factors and mental health. Based on the results, we presented appropriate measures to reduce stress and unwanted behavioral factors and bullying in the workplace. We used the method of description in the research, because it is the basis for further interpretation of information, analysis of secondary sources that is based on existing literature and data, factor analysis, because reducing the number of variables is favorable for further analysis, discriminant analysis to determine statistically significant differences between variables and multiple regression to determine which factors affect mental health. For the master's thesis, the survey and data were obtained from the social science data archive, namely from the 2016 survey of Slovenian public opinion. We found that there are no statistically significant differences between the genders in exposure to unwanted behavioral factors in the workplace, nor is it true that the more educated are less exposed to unwanted behavioral factors and that they are less likely to experience mental health problems. People who are exposed to spreading rumors later can experience mental health problems, while people who are exposed to ignoring, exclusion, boycotting, and people who are more often exposed to offensive and hostile comments in the workplace later do not have these problems.
Keywords:workplace, health, security, bullying, prevention


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