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Title:Strategije kognitivnega spoprijemanja s čustvi pri študentih in zaposlenih
Authors:ID Janet, David (Author)
ID Tement, Sara (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Janet_David_2021.pdf (2,40 MB)
MD5: 4B3BA5975CDD3D49BD280988477C877D
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/3208fefc-16d1-41b3-a143-5b1c3d8b5411
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Sledeče magistrsko delo se posveča strategijam kognitivnega spoprijemanja s čustvi. Gre za zavestne, kognitivne procese, odgovorne za uravnavo čustev. Podrobneje se osredotočamo na 9 strategij, ki jih lahko razdelimo v adaptivne (sprejetje, osredotočanje na planiranje, osredotočanje na pozitivno, pozitivno ovrednotenje in postavljanje v perspektivo) in neadaptivne (samoobtoževanje, ruminiranje, katastrofiziranje in obtoževanje drugih). Strategije merimo z uporabo Vprašalnika kognitivnega spoprijemanja s čustvi (Garnefski idr., 2001), ki smo ga za namene naših študij tudi prevedli in validirali. Vprašalnik na dveh vzorcih (študija 1 in 2) izkazuje zadovoljive psihometrične karakteristike. Glavnino magistrskega dela sicer zajemajo tri krajše študije. V prvi smo se osredinili na rabo strategij kognitivnega spoprijemanja s čustvi pri soočanju z neuspehi in stresorji pri študiju. Rezultati na vzorcu študentov kažejo, da se strategije pomembno povezujejo s testno anksioznostjo in akademsko samoučinkovitostjo. Pojasnijo tudi znaten delež variabilnosti obeh spremenljivk, pri čemer se za najpomembnejšega napovednika izkazuje strategija katastrofiziranja. Druga študija se nanaša na kognitivno spoprijemanje s čustvi pri soočanju zaposlenih z neuspehi in stresorji pri delu. Zanimale so nas predvsem povezave strategij z izgorelostjo, v proučevanje pa smo vključili tudi neprilagojena prepričanja pri delu. Spet se vrsta strategij pomembno povezuje z izgorelostjo, prednjačijo pa predvsem neadaptivne strategije kognitivnega spoprijemanja s čustvi. Med dimenzijami neprilagojenih prepričanj pri delu se neuspeh in nadzor pomembno pozitivno povezujeta z izgorelostjo in njenimi dimenzijami. Slednji spremenljivki tudi pomembno pozitivno napovedujeta nekatere med dimenzijami izgorelosti, medtem ko za zahteve uspešnosti in odobravanje drugih presenetljivo velja ravno obratno (sta negativna napovednika). Med strategijami kognitivnega spoprijemanja s čustvi pa izgorelost in njene dimenzije pomembno napovedujeta le dimenziji ruminiranja in obtoževanja drugih. Zadnja med študijami se osredotoča na katastrofiziranje – naš pregled namreč ugotavlja, da gre za eno izmed najškodljivejših strategij za duševno zdravje posameznikov. Izpeljali smo novo obširnejšo definicijo konstrukta in oblikovali nov vprašalnik katastrofiziranja. Njegove psihometrične karakteristike se na vzorcu študentov izkazujejo za odlične, vprašalnik pa je tudi konstruktno veljaven. Magistrsko delo torej odstira pomen strategij kognitivnega spoprijemanja s čustvi v različnih kontekstih in opozarja na osrednjo vlogo katastrofiziranja kot neadaptivne strategije. Ob tem ponuja obilo novih teoretičnih ugotovitev, pa tudi smernic za nadaljnje raziskave in za oblikovanje raznih intervencij (npr. za izboljševanje duševnega zdravja študentov in zaposlenih, preprečevanje testne anksioznosti, izgorelosti). Spoznanja so koristna tudi strokovnjakom različnih smeri (psihologom, terapevtom, socialnim delavcem, pedagogom), ki se lahko pri svojem delu poslužijo dveh – v našem delu novo validiranih – mer.
Keywords:kognitivno spoprijemanje s čustvi, testna anksioznost, izgorelost, katastrofiziranje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Janet]
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-79882 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:78923523 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Cognitive emotion regulation strategies of students and employees
Abstract:The following master's thesis mainly focuses on cognitive emotion regulation strategies. These can be defined as conscious, cognitive processes responsible for emotion regulation. In more detail, we focus on 9 strategies, which can be divided into adaptive (acceptance, refocus on planning, positive refocusing, positive reappraisal and putting in perspective) and nonadaptive (self-blame, rumination, catastrophizing, and blaming others). Strategies are usually measured using the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire – CERQ (Garnefski et al., 2001). For the purposes of our studies, we translated and validated the questionnaire – results on two samples (study 1 and 2) indicate its satisfactory psychometric characteristics. The bulk of master's thesis consists of three short studies. In first we focus on the use of cognitive emotion regulation strategies among students when dealing with exam stressors and failures. Results imply that cognitive emotion regulation strategies are significantly associated with test anxiety and academic self-efficacy. They also account for a significant amount of variance of both variables, with catastrophizing being the most important predictor. The second study examines the role of cognitive emotion regulation strategies when coping with work stressors and failures. We intended to identify strategies that are significantly associated with burnout and its dimensions. To extend the aspects of nonadaptive cognitions we also included the dimensions of irrational beliefs at work in our study. Results show that mainly nonadaptive emotion regulation strategies appear to be associated with burnout and its dimensions. Furthermore, only failure and control are among dimensions of irrational beliefs at work associated with burnout. The latter dimensions also significantly predict some of the burnout dimensions (positive predictors), while the opposite is surprisingly true for dimensions of performance demands and co-workers’ approval – they are negative predictors of burnout dimensions. Only cognitive emotion regulation strategies that (negatively) predict burnout and its dimensions are rumination and blaming others. The main subject of our third study is catastrophizing – our review of studies finds that it is one of the most destructive cognitive emotion regulation strategies for mental health of individuals. Therefore, we developed a new catastrophizing questionnaire, which we constructed on a basis of a new broader definition of catastrophizing. Its psychometric characteristics seem to be excellent, while the questionnaire also demonstrates adequate construct validity. Overall, this master's thesis successfully emphasizes the importance of cognitive emotion regulation in different contexts and unveils numerous theoretical findings. It also offers guidelines for further research and the design of various interventions (e.g., mental health programs, interventions for prevention of test anxiety or burnout). The findings are also useful for experts in various fields (psychologists, therapists, social workers, educators). They can also make use of two – in our thesis newly validated – questionnaires.
Keywords:cognitive emotion regulation, test anxiety, burnout, catastrophizing


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