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Title:Primerjalna analiza rešitve erp microsoft dynamics 365 business central in odoo
Authors:ID Deržič, Katja (Author)
ID Sternad Zabukovšek, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Derzic_Katja_2021.pdf (1,45 MB)
MD5: F6561E58E272EE12C15F74E0F1823BD7
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/d2c714e9-a48c-4bfb-94c4-e4497b928f3d
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Današnji svet se s pomočjo različnih tehnologij hitro spreminja, zato lahko predpostavimo, da bo večina podjetij v naslednjih nekaj letih uvedla eno izmed rešitev ERP. Rešitve ERP bodo podjetjem pomagale pri boljšem in učinkovitejšem poslovanju s pomočjo racionalizacije in avtomatizacije številnih postopkov. Gre za rešitve, ki podpirajo področja, kot so proizvodnja, prodaja, upravljanje s človeškimi viri, računovodstvo, finance itd. V prvem delu diplomskega dela smo predstavili teoretično raven rešitve ERP, kjer smo opredelili rešitev ERP, funkcionalnosti rešitev ERP, razvoj rešitev ERP, značilnosti rešitev ERP, našteli smo nekaj prednosti in slabosti rešitev ERP in na koncu predstavili trenutne vodile domače in tuje ponudnike rešitev ERP. V drugem delu diplomskega dela smo predstavili rešitvi Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in Odoo. Za vsako rešitev smo opisali posamezno podjetje, podrobneje predstavili obe rešitvi, opisali strukturo, arhitekturo in predstavili postopek uvajanja rešitve v podjetje s pomočjo metodologije Sure Step in metodologije Odoo. Na koncu diplomskega dela smo naredili primerjalno analizo med Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in Odoo. Predstavili smo ključne razlike, po katerih se medsebojno razlikujeta, kot so velikost podjetja, ponudniki, cena, moduli, možnosti namestitve, metodologija, podatkovna baza, koncept delovanja, programski jeziki in lokalizacija rešitve. Ugotovili smo, da sta si rešitvi dokaj podobni, saj obe rešitvi ponujata tuja ponudnika in sta namenjeni malim in srednje velikim podjetjem. Obe rešitvi ponujata večjezičnost in slovensko lokalizacijo. Vendar je največja razlika pri metodi uvajanja rešitve v podjetje. Medtem ko Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central uporablja metodologijo Sure Step, Odoo uporablja metodologijo Odoo.
Keywords:rešitve ERP, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Odoo, uvajanje rešitve, primerjalna analiza.
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:K. Deržič
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-79697 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:83486723 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.11.2021
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Title:Comparative analysis of erp solutions microsoft dynamics 365 business central and odoo
Abstract:The today's world is changing rapidly, aided by a variety of technologies, so we can assume that most companies will introduce one of the ERP solutions within the next few years. The ERP solutions will help companies operate better and more efficiently by streamlining and automating many of their processes. These solutions support areas such as production, sales, human resource management, accounting, finance, etc. In the first part of the bachelor’s thesis, we present the theoretical background of the ERP solution by defining the ERP solution itself, the functionality of ERP solutions, the development of ERP solutions and the characteristics of ERP solutions. We list some advantages and disadvantages of ERP solutions and present the current guidelines of domestic and foreign ERP solution providers. In the second part of the thesis, we present the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Odoo solutions. For each solution, we describe the individual company and present both solutions in detail. In addition, we describe the structure, the architecture and the process of implementing the solution within a company by using the Sure Step and the Odoo methodologies. Finally, we present comparative analysis for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Odoo. We describe the key differences of the two solutions, such as company size, providers, pricing, modules, installation options, methodology, database, concept of operation, programming languages, as well as solution localisation. We found that the solutions are rather similar, as both solutions are offered by foreign providers and are intended for small and medium-sized companies. Both solutions are multilingual and allow for Slovenian localisation. However, the biggest difference is in the method of implementing the solution within the company. While Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central uses the Sure Step methodology, Odoo uses the Odoo methodology.
Keywords:ERP solutions, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Odoo, solution implementation, comparative analysis.


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