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Title:Država Slovenija in globalna ekonomska kriza
Authors:ID Dobovšek, Bojan (Author)
ID Ažman, Brane (Author)
ID Slak, Boštjan (Author)
Files:URL https://centerslo.si/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Dobovsek_Azman_Slak.pdf
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.06 - Published Scientific Conference Contribution (invited lecture)
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Kritična znanost razloge in vzroke trenutne finančne krize vidi v deviantnem vedenju finančnega sektorja in finančnih institucij z zmožnostjo (ne)formalnega vplivanja. Metaanaliza tujih in domačih virov v prispevku predstavlja (kritične) poglede in izhodišča analiziranih avtorjev. V Sloveniji je opaziti šibkejši nadzor tako nad javnimi kot zasebnimi institucijami, podjetji in organizacijami, ki upravljajo velik kapital oziroma vrednosti. Odsotnost nadzora posledično povzroča nekontrolirano, tvegano in odklonsko vedenje teh institucij, takšno, ki ga lahko pojmujemo kot finančno kriminaliteto najmočnejših slojev in akterjev z vrha družbene lestvice. V nasprotju s tistimi trenutnimi populistični ukrepi proti finančni krizi, ki zdravijo simptome, ne bolezni, ta članek osvetljuje probleme, ki si zaslužijo vso pozornost, če želimo nastalo stanje ustrezno sanirati. Namenjen je splošni družbeni razpravi, v kateri morajo sodelovati tudi jezikoslovci, literati in kulturniki.
Keywords:finančna kriminaliteta, finančna kriza, sistemska korupcija, socialne mreže, klientelizem
Year of publishing:2015
Number of pages:Str. 86-92
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-79451 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:57937762 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.07.2021
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:Država in narod v slovenskem jeziku, literaturi in kulturi
Editors:Hotimir Tivadar
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete
Year of publishing:2015
COBISS.SI-ID:280190464 New window
Collection title:Zbirka Seminar slovenskega jezika, literature in kulture
Collection ISSN:2386-0561

Secondary language

Abstract:Critical academics see the reasons for the current financial crisis in the deviant behaviour of the financial sector and financial institutions with the capacity for (in)formal influence. The meta-analysis of foreign and domestic sources in this contribution presents the (critical) views and standpoints of the analysed authors. In Slovenia it is possible to discern weaker supervision of both public and private institutions, companies and organisations that administer large amounts of capital. The absence of supervision consequently leads to the kind of uncontrolled, risky and deviant behaviour of these institutions that could be construed as financial crime committed by the most powerful players at the top of society. In contrast to the current populist measures against the financial crisis that treat the symptoms and not the disease, this article throws light on problems that require our close attention if we really want to deal with the current situation. It is intended for a wider social debate that must also include linguists, writers and cultural workers.
Keywords:finacial crime, financial crisis, systemic coruption, social networks, clientelism


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