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Title:Besediloslovna interpretacija odlomkov izbranih priročnikov za samopomoč
Authors:ID Denša, Jasmina (Author)
ID Krajnc Ivič, Mira (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Densa_Jasmina_2021.pdf (1,98 MB)
MD5: 55E317EAEC572F9EEEA4C6301CA59007
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/822767a9-3732-4116-ba5f-8d2fb810695e
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Magistrsko delo, ki ga sestavljata teoretični del in interpretacija, se osredotoča na besedilno interpretacijo izbranih priročnikov za samopomoč. V zadnjih nekaj letih se je pojavil trend priročnikov za samopomoč, ki se dotikajo različnih področij našega življenja, skupno pa jim je podajanje usmeritev za boljše in kvalitetnejše življenje. V teoretičnem delu opredeljujemo pojme sporazumevanje, besedilo, besedilne vrste nasploh in priročnik za samopomoč. Pri interpretaciji pa se osredotočamo na odlomke iz štirih izbranih del, in sicer Skrivnost, Moč, Pot do sreče in Menih, ki je prodal svojega ferrarija, kjer poskušamo najti značilnosti priročnikov za samopomoč. Skozi interpretacijo na konkretnih primerih dokazujemo, da gre za besedila, ki se osredotočajo na naslovnikova pozitivna čustva in v ospredje postavljajo vrednote, h katerim naj naslovnik stremi. Ugotavljamo, da kljub razlikam med izbranimi deli, imajo vsi skupno lastnost, in sicer »biti srečen«, kar predstavlja smisel življenja. Prevladujoči slogovni postopek je utemeljevanje oziroma argumentacija. Slog pisanja je v izbranih priročnikih enostaven in preprost, z namenom, da je razumljiv širšemu krogu ljudi. Vendar pa tvorci besedil z različnimi prepričevalnimi sredstvi na impliciten način vplivajo na naslovnika in na njegova čustva ter ga na ta način prepričujejo, da sledi njihovim navodilom in upošteva njihove nasvete ter usmeritve.
Keywords:besedilo, argumentacija, priročnik, samopomoč
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[J. Denša]
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-79426 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:75992067 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.10.2021
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Licensing start date:28.06.2021

Secondary language

Title:A text-linguistic interpretation of excerpts from selected self-help manuals
Abstract:The master's thesis, which consists of a theoretical part and an interpretation, focuses on the text-linguistic interpretation of excerpts from selected self-help manuals. In the last few years, there has been a trend of self-help manuals that deal with various areas of our lives, which have in common the provision of guidelines for a better life. In the theoretical part, the terms communication, text, text types in general and self-help manual are defined. The interpretation, however, focuses on excerpts from four selected works, namely The Secret, The Power, The Path to Happiness, and The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, in an attempt to find the characteristics of self-help manuals. Through interpretation of concrete examples, it is proven that these are texts that focus on the addressee's positive emotions and put the values to which the addressee should strive in the foreground. The results show that despite the differences between the selected works, they all have one thing in common, namely "being happy", which represents the meaning of life. The predominant stylistic procedure is substantiation i.e. argumentation. The style of writing in the selected manuals is simple and straightforward, in order to make it understandable to a wider circle of people. However, the authors of texts use various persuasive means to implicitly influence the addressee and his emotions, thus persuading him to follow their instructions and consider their advice and guidelines.
Keywords:text, argumentation, manual, self-help


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