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Title:Primerjalna analiza rešitev ERP Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in Odoo
Authors:ID Jurgec, Laura (Author)
ID Sternad Zabukovšek, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Jurgec_Laura_2021.pdf (1,34 MB)
MD5: 51A1C33BFED266B4F9F36D806A67AAE2
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/330cd011-1660-4a04-9950-6f3d24ad0250
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Za podjetja je pomembno, da svoje ključne poslovne procese vodijo uspešno in učinkovito, pri čemer jim pomagajo celovite informacijske rešitve, tako imenovane rešitve ERP. Le-te so zamenjale obstoječe informacijske rešitve, ki podjetjem niso ponujale tako optimalnega poslovanja. Z uvedbo rešitev ERP v podjetja, se tem odpravijo napake podvajanja podatkov, saj so le-ti shranjeni na enem mestu, tudi moduli so integrirani med seboj za lažjo povezljivost podatkov. V svetu, ki ga živimo ni več vprašanje ali rešitev ERP uvajati temveč, katero izmed rešitev izbrati. Poznamo veliko ponudnikov rešitev ERP tako domačih kot tujih. Kljub pestri izbiri ponudnikov rešitev ERP, smo se v tem diplomskem delu omejili in podrobneje raziskali dve rešitvi ERP, in sicer Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in Odoo. Rešitve ERP se lahko uvajajo po različnih korakih oziroma fazah, kot lahko vidimo v nadaljevanju se tudi rešitvi ERP Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in Odoo med seboj razlikujeta v fazah uvajanja. Znotraj uvajanja pa se lahko podjetja poslužujejo različnih pristopov uvedbe rešitev ERP. Kot smo predhodno omenili, smo se znotraj tega dela omejili na dve izbrani rešitvi ERP, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in Odoo, ki sta namenjeni majhnim in srednje velikim podjetjem, vendar je Odoo zaradi svoje pestre ponudbe aplikacij privlačna izbira tudi za velika podjetja. Rešitvi ERP sta zgrajeni modularno, moduli pokrivajo celotno poslovanje podjetja. Čeprav sta rešitvi v mnogih vidikih podobni, pa se razlikujeta predvsem iz vidika funkcionalnosti, ki jih ponujata. Konec tega dela predstavlja primerjava izbranih rešitev ERP iz vidika splošnih in tehničnih značilnosti, uvajanja ter njunih lastnostih.
Keywords:Rešitve ERP, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Business Central, Odoo, primerjalna analiza
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:L. Jurgec
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-79265 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:83491331 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.11.2021
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Licensing start date:07.06.2021

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Title:Comparative analysis of ERP Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Odoo solutions
Abstract:It is important for companies to manage their key business processes successfully and efficiently, and that can be achieved with the help of comprehensive information solutions. These so-called ERP solutions replaced the existing information solutions, which did not offer companies such optimal operations. With the introduction of ERP solutions, data duplication errors are eliminated, as they are stored in one place, while the modules are also integrated with each other for easier data connectivity. Nowadays, it is no longer a matter of whether to introduce ERP solutions, but instead which to choose. There are many providers of ERP solutions, both domestic and foreign. Despite the wide selection, this thesis focuses on the research of two ERP solutions, namely Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Odoo. ERP solutions can be implemented in different steps or phases, and the ERP solutions Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Odoo also differ in their implementation phases. Furthermore, companies can use different approaches to introducing ERP solutions. As previously mentioned, we have limited ourselves to two selected ERP solutions, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Odoo, which are aimed at small and medium-sized businesses; however, Odoo is an attractive choice for large companies due to its diverse range of applications. ERP solutions are built modularly; the modules cover the entire business of the company. Although the solutions are similar in many aspects, they differ mainly in terms of the functionality they offer. We conclude this thesis with a comparison of the selected ERP solutions in terms of general and technical characteristics, implementation, and their properties.
Keywords:ERP solutions, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Business Central, Odoo, comparative analysis


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