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Title:Analiza dostave živil na dom v času prve epidemiološke krize na primeru Zasavske regije
Authors:ID Strgaršek, Tomaž (Author)
ID Lerher, Tone (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Strgarsek_Tomaz_2021.pdf (1,86 MB)
MD5: 8E675DEDBCD42FF2668584EA0961362E
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/98a3bbc9-ff66-4cbb-a26e-128ff7c10445
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:12. marca 2020 je bila v Sloveniji razglašena epidemija COVID-19. Gre za novo, aktualno problematiko, ki je že takoj na začetku v načinu življenja zahtevala hitre prilagoditve. Zaradi epidemioloških razmer so se občutno spremenile nakupovalne navade. Čedalje več prebivalcev se odloča za spletno nakupovanje živil, zato smo se odločili, da to področje predstavimo. Najprej smo definirali problem, prestavili spletno nakupovanje in dostavo živil v času prve epidemiološke krize po svetu, v Evropi in v Sloveniji. Cilj našega raziskovanja je bila predstavitev spletnega nakupovanja ter dostave živil na dom v Zasavski regiji, kjer smo stanje na tem področju tudi analizirali. Pri raziskovanju smo uporabili kvantitativne in kvalitativne metode: zbiranje in selekcijo podatkov iz dosegljivih spletnih virov, metode anketiranja in intervjuja ter analizo. Ugotovili smo, da večji trgovci na tem območju zaradi majhne regije in njenih geografskih značilnosti, razen redkih izjem, še ne omogočajo dostave živil na dom. Primer malega trgovca v Trbovljah in gostinskih obratov je pokazal, da je med prebivalci za to čedalje večji interes. Za izboljšanje stanja predlagamo večjo prilagodljivost trgovcev, informiranost prebivalcev o njihovi ponudbi, pomoč države manjšim trgovcem pri širitvi njihove dejavnosti in uvedbo ponudbe dostave živil na dom z osebnimi nakupovalci. Priložnosti v tej regiji za večjo in boljšo preskrbo prebivalcev v epidemioloških razmerah je dovolj, le izkoristiti jih bo potrebno.
Keywords:spletno nakupovanje, dostava živil na dom, čas prve epidemiološke krize, COVID-19, Zasavska regija
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[T. Strgaršek]
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-79223 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:77696515 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.09.2021
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:29.05.2021

Secondary language

Title:Zasavje region food delivery analysis during the first epidemiological crisis
Abstract:On 12 March 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic was declared in Slovenia. This is a new, topical issue that has required rapid adjustments in lifestyle from the very beginning. Due to the epidemiological situation, shopping habits have changed significantly. More and more people are choosing to shop for food online, so we decided to present this topic. First, we defined the problem, postponed online shopping and food delivery during the first epidemiological crisis in the world, in Europe and in Slovenia. The aim of our research was to present online shopping and home delivery of food in the Zasavska region, where we also analysed the situation in this area. As for research, we used quantitative and qualitative methods: collection and selection of data from available online sources along with survey and interview methods and analysis. We have found that, due to the small region and its geographical characteristics, larger traders in this area, with few exceptions, do not yet allow home delivery of food. The example of a small retailer in Trbovlje and catering establishments showed that there is a growing interest among the population in home deliveries. To improve the situation, we propose greater flexibility for traders, informing the population about their offer, helping the state to smaller traders in expanding their activities and introducing the offer of home delivery of food with personal shoppers. There are enough opportunities in this region for greater and better supply of the population in epidemiological conditions, they will only need to be used.
Keywords:online shopping, home delivery of food, the time of the first epidemiological crisis, COVID-19, Zasavska region


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