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Title:Planiranje kapacitet v orodjarstvu s pomočjo orodij microsoft project in microsoft excel
Authors:ID Krajcer, Miha (Author)
ID Roblek, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Krajcer_Miha_2021.pdf (1,34 MB)
MD5: B20FD7E2DE85F8114272FC91E4359A60
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/b6f6f930-8f74-469f-8db8-790635eb0356
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Orodjarstvo je panoga, vključena v skoraj vsak proizvodni proces v industriji, in sicer od zamisli prek planiranja do izdelave izdelka. V času, ko sta hitrost in kakovost nadvse pomembni, se tudi orodjarne, slovenske, evropske in ostale, srečujejo s problematiko, kako svoj izdelek narediti čim hitreje in čimbolj kakovostno ter kako hitro je le-ta lahko pri svojem kupcu. V diplomski nalogi predstavljamo, kako v orodjarstvu s pomočjo računalniških (programskih orodij) Microsoft Project in Microsoft Excel planirati kapacitete tako, da je najboljše izdelan izdelek čim hitreje pri svojem kupcu. Obe programski opremi bodisi Microsoft Project bodisi Microsoft Excel sta odlični za planiranje, a sta le delček orodij, ki jih uporablja konkurenca. Seveda pa zgolj računalniški programi niso dovolj za učinkovito planiranje. Vsi procesi skupaj morajo delovati kot celota. Zato je bistvenega pomena, da se optimizacija prične že pri sami pripravi projekta, na samem začetku, kjer se lahko reši že ogromno težav, za katere bi v prihodnje porabili ogromno sredstev in pa časa. Predvsem smo opazili, da je še ogromno stvari, na katerih lahko gradimo našo prihodnost, ne samo pri planiranju, uporabi novejših računalniško podprtih sistemov in pa navsezadnje tudi nekaj samoiniciative, s katero lahko že vsak zaposlen v podjetju pripomore, da bo delo potekalo po predvidenem planu oziroma še boljše. Izpeljava projekta do končnega cilja – predati orodje naročniku oziroma kupcu.
Keywords:orodjarstvo, orodja, Microsoft Project in Microsoft Excel, planiranje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-79166 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:72628227 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.08.2021
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:18.05.2021

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Title:Capacity planning in toolmaking with using microsoft project and microsoft excel
Abstract:Toolmaking is an industry involved in almost every manufacturing process in the industry, from ideas through planning to product manufacturing. At a time when speed and quality are extremely important, toolmakers, Slovenian, European and others, also face the problem of how to make their product as fast and as high quality as possible and how fast it can be with their customers. In the diploma thesis we present how to plan capacities in toolmaking with the help of computer (software tools) Microsoft Project and Microsoft Excel so that the best manufactured product is delivered to its customer as quickly as possible. Both Microsoft Project or Microsoft Excel software are great for planning, but they are only a fraction of the tools used by the competition. Of course, computer programs alone are not enough for effective planning. All processes together must work as a whole. Therefore, it is essential that the optimization starts at the very preparation of the project, at the very beginning, where a lot of problems can be solved, for which a lot of resources and time would be spent in the future. Above all, we noticed that there are still a lot of things on which we can build our future, not only in planning, using newer computer-aided systems and, finally, some self-initiative with which every employee in the company can help work as planned. plan or better yet. Execution of the project to the final goal - to hand over the tool to the client or customer.
Keywords:Toolmaking, Tool, Microsoft Project and Microsoft Excel, Planning


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