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Title:Test prikritih informacij : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Kokalj, Neja (Author)
ID Areh, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Kokalj_Neja_2021.pdf (498,83 KB)
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/ad594ce1-fb00-4a25-8a96-6015a4e9ce71
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Kriminal je dejanje, s katerim je v boju cel svet. Zato zoper tega strokovnjaki na različnih področjih uporabljajo najrazličnejše metode ter sredstva. Med eno izmed pogostih tehnik za preiskovanje kaznivih dejanj spada poligraf. Za kriminaliste je izvedba poligrafa izredno pomembna. Z njim si pomagajo pri izločanju nedolžnih oseb, krepitvi suma zoper osumljene osebe ter ga uporabljajo za zbiranje materialnih dokazov. Poligrafska preiskava je psihofiziološka preiskava, s katero se beležijo fiziološki odzivi, ki se v našem telesu pojavijo, kadar doživljamo določene nam pomembne dražljaje. Detektor laži, kot mu pravimo pogovorno, ne zaznava laži, temveč meri in zapisuje znake čustvenega vzburjenja, zato je takšno poimenovanje zavajajoče. Rezultati poligrafskega testiranja so po večini sveta omejeni le na predkazenski postopek in se kot dokazi na sodišču ne uporabljajo. Poznamo več poligrafskih tehnik. Delimo jih na tehnike, s katerimi ugotavljamo laži ter tehnike, s katerimi ugotavljamo obstoj prikritih informacij. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena tehnika prikritih informacij (CIT), ki spada med tehnike za ugotavljanje obstoja prikritih informacij. V uvodnem delu diplomske naloge sem na kratko opisala poligrafsko napravo, njeno sestavo in delovanje. Pozornost sem posvetila predvsem poligrafskemu testiranju, ki je del poligrafske preiskave. Opisala sem razvoj psihofizioloških testov ter uporabo in namen poligrafskega testiranja. Raziskala sem tudi uporabo poligrafskega testiranja v tujini, saj se njegova uporaba med državami razlikuje, vključno z Slovenijo. Nadaljevala sem s testom prikritih informacij, ki je tudi glavna tema moje diplomske naloge. Opisala sem njegov razvoj, uporabnost in delovanje. Poleg omenjene tehnike, ki temelji na orientacijskem odzivu, so v nalogi opisane še novejše tehnike: EEG-P300, MERMER in fMRI, s katerimi merimo možgansko valovanje. Za boljšo predstavo uporabe tehnike CIT sem dodala primer testa in opisala postopek testiranja. Svojo razpravo sem nadaljevala z izobraževanjem preiskovalcev, kjer sem opisala potek izobraževanja ter značilnosti dobrega preiskovalca. Predstavljeno je tudi varanje poligrafskega preiskovalca in uporaba ukrepov proti temu. S tehniko CIT sem primerjala tudi druge poligrafske tehnike. Za konec sem izpostavila še etične in pravne dileme pri uporabi poligrafskega testa.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, poligrafi, poligrafsko testiranje, test prikritih informacij, preiskava kaznivega dejanja
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Kokalj]
Year of publishing:2022
Year of performance:2022
Number of pages:VIII, 53 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-79070 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:102912515 New window
Publication date in DKUM:31.03.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The concealed information test
Abstract:Crime is an act, with wich the whole world is at war with. Therefore, experts in different fields use a wide variety of methods and means. And one of the common techniques for investigating crimes is a polygraph. For criminals, the use of a polygraph is extremely important. It helps with eliminating innocent people, strengthening suspicion against the suspect and gathering material evidence. Polygraph investigation is a psychological study, with wich we record physiological responses that occur in our bodies when we experience certain important stimuli. The lie detector test, as we call it in our everyday conversations, does not detect lies, but measures and records signs of emotional arousal, so such a name is misleading. The results of polygraph testing, however, are, in most of the world, limited to pre-trial proceedings, and are not used as evidence in court. We know several polygraph techniques. We divide them into techniques to identify lies and techniques to determine the existence of withheld information. The thesis presents concealed infromation test (CIT), which is one of the techniques used to determine the existence of hidden information. In the introductory part of the thesis, I briefly described the polygraph device, its composition and functioning. I have paid particular attention to polygraph testing, which is part of the polygraph investigation. I described the development of psychophysiological tests, the use and purpose of polygraph testing. I also investigated the use of polygraph testing abroad, as its use varies from country to country, including Slovenia. I continued to the concealed information test, which is also the main theme of my thesis. I described its development, its usefulness and its functioning. In addition to this technique, which is based on the orientation response, the task describes more recent techniques: EEG-P300, MERMER and fMRI, which measure brain waves. To better show the use of CIT, I added an example of the test and described the testing process. I continued my discussion by educating investigators, describing the course of education and the characteristics of a good investigator. It also presents the cheating of the polygraph investigator and the use of measures against it. I also compared other polygraph techniques with CIT. Finally, I highlighted the ethical and legal dilemmas in the use of the polygraph test.
Keywords:polygraph, polygraph test, concealed information test, criminal investigation


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