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Title:Tesnoba in depresivnost študentov fakultete za varnostne vede : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Aškerc, Hana (Author)
ID Pavšič Mrevlje, Tinkara (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Askerc_Hana_2021.pdf (1,43 MB)
MD5: 23608A0CB53059252369033FB38D1F07
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/15702ecd-68f7-444d-aaec-6dccf2f6ee20
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Raziskovanje duševnih motenj nikoli ni bilo pomembnejše, sploh zaradi nenehnega naraščanja iz leta v leto in različnih starostnih skupin, ki se z njim spopadajo. Ker živimo v tako hitro odvijajočem času, nihče ni več imun na stres, ki je lahko, če ga posameznik ne zna dobro nadzorovati, tudi vzrok za kasnejši razvoj duševnih stisk. Predvsem depresija, razlog za vse več samomorov, je tista, ki jo je nujno že zgodaj zdraviti. Z njo tesno povezana tesnoba prav tako prinese v človekovo življenje mnogo negativnih posledic, zaradi katerih se mu lahko poslabšajo delovna učinkovitost in socialni odnosi. Še vedno pa je vse preveč ljudi, ki se raje zapirajo vase in so prepričani, da kaj takega nanje nikoli nebi imelo vpliva. Kljub notranjim bolečinam molčijo in navzven kažejo drugačno podobo - zato je tako velikega pomena ozaveščenost o duševnih motnjah, ki bi morala biti prisotna že od otroštva. V diplomski nalogi najprej opredelimo definicijo depresivne motnje in možnosti diagnosticiranja. Opišemo kriterije in simptome, ki se pri diagnosticiranju upoštevajo, kot tudi njene vzroke ter dejavnike, ki lahko vplivajo na njen nastanek. Opišemo še možnosti zdravljenja in raziskave, ki so potekale med študenti in mladimi. Poudarimo tudi problematiko njene pogostosti, ki postaja globalno breme in pomen ozaveščenosti ljudi po vsem svetu. Pregledamo tudi raziskave o duševnih motnjah na splošno, tako v svetu kot tudi v Sloveniji, in ugotavljamo povezanost slednjih z depresijo pri mladih. V nadaljevanju smo glede tesnobnih motenj prav tako opredelili osnove - definicijo, diagnozo, zdravljenje, simptome in študije, opravljene na temo študentov. Osredotočimo se na študije, opravljene glede tesnobe pri študentih, in opisujemo statistične podatke in rezultate, ki so bili ugotovljeni. Ugotavljamo tudi, katere duševne motnje se še lahko povezujejo z nastankom tesnobe. Poglabljali smo se tudi v razlike med spoloma, kar je bil del raziskave, opravljene v zadnjem delu. V zaključnem delu smo opravili raziskavo, ki se je nanašala na študente in študentke Fakultete za varnostne vede, ter primerjavo pogostosti tesnobnih in depresivnih motenj v obdobjih pred izpiti in v izpitnem obdobju - v začetku epidemije Covid-19. Preiskovali smo, če študentke doživljajo več stisk kot študenti, ugotavljali, kakšen delež vseh študentov doživlja simptome tesnobe in depresije, ter primerjali simptomatiko med skupinama pred in med epidemijo. V zaključku smo še podali omejitve pri naši raziskavi in podali možne usmeritve in uporabnost rezultatov v praksi.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, tesnoba, anksioznost, depresija, študenti, duševne motnje
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[H. Aškerc]
Year of publishing:2021
Year of performance:2021
Number of pages:VII, 45 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78923 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:62551043 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.05.2021
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Licensing start date:29.03.2021

Secondary language

Title:Anxiety and depression among students of the faculty of criminal justice and security
Abstract:The research into mental disorders has never been more important, especially because of the constant increase of it from year to year, and the different age groups struggling with it. Because we live such a fast-paced lifestyle, no one is immune to stress anymore, which is, if an individual does not know how to control it, the cause of the later development of mental distress. Above all, depression, the reason for more and more suicides, is the one that is necessary to be treated early. Closely related anxiety also has many negative consequences in an individual's life, which can impair his work efficiency and social relations. However, there are still too many people who prefer to shut themselves in and are convinced, that something like this would never affect them. Despite the internal pain they may be experiencing, they remain silent and are outwardly showing a different image - which is why awareness of mental disorders, that should be present as early as in a child's early age, is so important. In bachelor's degree, we first define the definition of depressive disorder and different ways of diagnosing it. We describe the criteria and the symptoms that are taken into account in the diagnosis, as well as its causes and factors that may affect its occurrence. We also describe the treatment options and research that have been conducted among students and young people around the world. We also review research on mental disorders in general, both in the world and in Slovenia as we also determine the connection between mental disorders and depression in young people. In the following, we also defined the basis regarding anxiety disorders - the definition, diagnosis, treatment, symptoms, and studies performed on the topic of students. We focus on studies conducted on anxiety in students and describe the statistics and results that have been identified. We are also determining which mental disorders may also be associated with the onset of anxiety. We also delved into the differences between the sexes, which was the part of the research, done in the last part of this paper. In the final part, we also conducted a study related to students of the Faculty of Security Sciences and a comparison between the frequency of anxiety and depressive disorders in the period before exams and after - also at the beginning of the Covid-19 epidemic. We also investigated whether female students experienced more distress than male students, determined what percentage of all male students experienced symptoms of anxiety and depression, compared Group 1 and Group 2, and determined the statistical significance of the data. In conclusion, we gave the limitations of our research and also the possible directions and applicability of the results in practice.
Keywords:anxiety, anxiety, depression, students, mental disorders


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