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Title:Spoprijemanje s stresom in motivacija na delovnem mestu v klicnem centru v podjetju X
Authors:ID Cigan, Mitja (Author)
ID Treven, Sonja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Cigan_Mitja_2021.pdf (1,46 MB)
MD5: 2B30C0B49F618920A058F97CF892C982
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/36bdeab7-ea34-4c3c-bc3d-ee3c8f362975
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali spoprijemanje s stresom in motivacijo na delovnem mestu v klicnem centru v podjetju X. Za pisanje magistrskega dela s takim naslovom smo se odločili zato, da bi poudarili pomembnost soočanja s stresom na delovnem mestu in motivacijo zaposlenih, ter za ozaveščanje organizacij, kakšno vrednost jim predstavljajo njihovi človeški viri. Področje spoprijemanja s stresom in motivacije na delovnem mestu je dandanes izrednega pomena za organizacije, ki želijo uspeti na trgu. V uvodnem delu magistrskega dela smo na kratko opisali področje in opredelili problem. V tem delu smo prav tako opredelili namene, cilje in hipoteze naše raziskave. Poleg tega smo predstavili naše predpostavke in omejitve ter določili predvidene metode raziskovanja. V drugem delu smo se osredotočili na stres na delovnem mestu, pri čemer smo najprej opredelili in interpretirali stres po domačih in tujih avtorjih. Spoznali smo, da obstaja več vrst stresa, ter opisali vzroke za njegov nastanek. Nato smo se poglobili v posledice stresa na delovnem mestu – tako na individualni kakor tudi na sistemski ravni. Opisali smo tudi ukrepe za premagovanje stresa s strani posameznika in organizacije, sklepni del tega poglavja pa smo zaključili s strategijami za zmanjšanje stresa pri zaposlenih. Tako smo spoznali pomen preoblikovanja dela, fleksibilnega delovnega časa, analize in opredelitve vlog, ustvarjanja ugodne organizacijske klime, komunikacije in dobrih delovnih odnosov, delovnih pogojev ter raznolikosti in razgibanosti dela. V tretjem delu magistrskega dela smo spoznali različne opredelitve motivacije, osredotočili pa smo se na motivacijo na delovnem mestu. Tako smo navedli in opisali najpogostejše motivacijske dejavnike: višino plačila in druge denarne nagrade, stalno zaposlitev, priznanja in pohvale, komunikacijo, možnost strokovnega izobraževanja in usposabljanja, organiziranost dela, možnost napredovanja, medsebojne odnose in sodelovanje pri poslovnih ciljih. Poudarili smo pomen vloge vodje pri motiviranju zaposlenih ter se seznanili z možnimi ovirami pri motiviranju. Sledilo je četrto poglavje, kjer smo empirično raziskali stres in motivacijo na delovnem mestu. Podrobneje smo predstavili podjetje X ter namen, cilje in rezultate naše raziskave. Na podlagi rezultatov smo potrdili ali ovrgli naše hipoteze, ki smo si jih zastavili na podlagi teoretičnih spoznanj. Na koncu smo zapisali ugotovitve, ki so bile podkrepljene s pregledom analize rezultatov, in organizaciji predlagali določene novosti in izboljšave.
Keywords:stres na delovnem mestu, spoprijemanje s stresom, strategije za zmanjšanje stresa, motivacija na delovnem mestu, motivacijski dejavniki, ovire pri motiviranju
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Cigan]
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78872 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:68681219 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.06.2021
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:18.03.2021

Secondary language

Title:Stress management and motivation in the workplace in call centre at the company X
Abstract:In this master thesis, we have been researching how employees, working in a call center of company X, are dealing with stress and motivation. The decision to write a master thesis on this topic is based on our wish to emphasize the importance of dealing with stress and motivation of the employees at work. Moreover, we want to make organizations aware of the value of their human resources. The field of dealing with stress and motivation at work is nowadays of great importance for each organization that wants to achieve success on the market. In the introduction, we briefly described the field and defined the problem. Furthermore, we defined the purposes, goals, and hypotheses for our research in this part of our thesis. Additionally, we introduced our assumptions and limitations as well as determined prospective methods for the research. The focus in the second part of the thesis lies in stress at work, whereby we started with defining and interpreting stress based on domestic and foreign authors. We recognized that there are many types of stress and described the causes for its emergence. Furthermore, we focused on the consequences of stress at work on individual as well as system-wide levels. In addition to this, we described measures for stress management for individuals as well as organizations and finished this chapter with strategies for coping with stress for employees. That is how we got to know the meaning of transformation at work, flexible working hours, analysis and definition of roles, creating a favorable organizational climate, communication and good relationship, work conditions, and diversity of work. In the third part of this master thesis, we got to know various definitions of motivation and focused on motivation at work. We mentioned and described the most common motivating factors: the amount of payment and other cash prizes, permanent employment, recognition and praise, communication, the possibility of professional education and training, organization of work, the possibility of advancement, interpersonal relationships, and participation in business objectives. We emphasized the meaning of the role of the leader in motivating employees and became familiar with possible barriers to motivation. In the fourth chapter, we empirically explored stress and motivation at work. We introduced company X in detail as well as the purpose, goals, and results of our research. Based on the results, we confirmed or refuted our hypotheses, which we made based on theoretical findings. Finally, we introduced the findings, which were supported by a review of the analysis of the results and suggested certain innovations and improvements to the organization.
Keywords:stress at work, coping with stress, strategies for stress management, motivation at work, motivating factors, barriers to motivation


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