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Title:Izzivi kadrovskega managementa v XXI. stoletju
Authors:ID Ferjan, Marko (Editor)
ID Ferjan, Marko (Author)
ID Podbregar, Iztok (Author)
ID Novak, Antonia (Author)
ID Šprajc, Polona (Author)
ID Jereb, Eva (Author)
ID Novak, Vesna (Author)
ID Urh, Marko (Author)
ID Gorenak, Mitja (Reviewer)
ID Lobnikar, Branko (Reviewer)
ID Skela-Savič, Brigita (Reviewer)
ID Perša, Jan (Technical editor)
Files:URL http://press.um.si/index.php/ump/catalog/book/535
Work type:Unknown
Typology:2.01 - Scientific Monograph
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Marko Ferjan obravnava fenomene: zadovoljstva pri delu, organizacijske klima in zavzetosti. Koncept zadovoljstva pri delu izhaja iz paradigme organizacijskega vedenja. Konec 20. stoletja se je že zdelo, da v teoriji in praksi kadrovskega managementa koncept zadovoljstva ni več aktualen. Vendar v zadnjem obdobju merjenje zadovoljstva v povezavi z merjenjem zavzetosti spet postaja aktualno. Marsikatera današnja anketa zadovoljstva pa ne upošteva spoznanj znanosti, ni pa zanemarljivo, da je pri uporabi anket o zadovoljstvu vačsih prihajalo tudi do zlorab. Zato se je avtor odločil za ponovno obravnavo te teme. Iztok Podbregar, Antonia Novak in Polona Šprajc obravnavajo prepoznavanje, spodbujanje in vključevanje raznolikosti talentov. Eva Jereb v prispevku poda značilnosti trenutno najbolj zastopanih generacij na delovnih mestih v organizacijah. Vesna Novak obravnava razširjenost prekarnega dela. nameni posledicam prekarnosti. Eva Jereb in Marko Urh se ukvarjata s spremembami in tranzicijo v času krize ter vloga vodstva organizacij pri tem.
Keywords:kadrovski management, zavzetost, delo s talenti, pekarno delo, krizni management, medgeneracijsko sodelovanje pri delu
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba
Year of publishing:2021
Year of performance:2021
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (158 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78821 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:52068099 New window
DOI:10.18690/978-961-286-423-1 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.03.2021
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:17.02.2021

Secondary language

Title:Challenges of Human Resources Management in XXI. Century
Abstract:Marko Ferjan deals with phenomena: job satisfaction, organizational climate and work engagement. The concept of job satisfaction stems from the paradigm of organizational behavior. At the end of the 20th century, it already seemed, that the concept of job satisfaction was no longer relevant. Recently, however, measuring job satisfaction in conjunction with work engagement has become relevant again. Iztok Podbregar, Antonia Novak and Polona Šprajc discuss the recognition, promotion and inclusion of diversity of talents. In her article, Eva Jereb gives the characteristics of the currently most represented generations in jobs in organizations. Vesna Novak discusses the prevalence of precarious work. intended for the consequences of precariousness. Eva Jereb and Marko Urh deal with change and transition in times of crisis and the role of organizational leadership at this.
Keywords:human resources management, work engagement, talent management, precarious work, crisis management, intergenerational cooperation at the workplace


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