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Title:Reorganizacija nalaganja tovornih vozil v Pivovarni Laško Union
Authors:ID Žikovšek, Aljoša (Author)
ID Topolšek, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Cvahte Ojsteršek, Tina (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Zikovsek_Aljosa_2021.pdf (3,45 MB)
MD5: B0A77641B08B2FA3027793B66DAF7F7D
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/d239f303-394d-45a4-9b78-45f9c7dc8a25
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Proces nalaganja in razlaganja tovornih vozil predstavlja eno izmed najpomembnejših dejavnosti logistike, zato smo v diplomskem delu raziskali proces nalaganja in razlaganja tovornih vozil v Pivovarni Laško Union, na lokaciji v Laškem, in predstavili rešitve za učinkovitejše in varnejše opravljanje dela. Za lažje razumevanje ključne tematike smo v prvem delu diplomskega dela opisali obstoječe stanje procesa nalaganja in razlaganja tovornih vozil v izbranem podjetju, ki zajema vse postopke od prihoda voznikov tovornih vozil v podjetje, njihove prijave na nalaganje tovora, sistema nalaganja tovornega vozila do odhoda voznikov s polnim in zapečatenim vozilom. Čeprav proces nalaganja in razlaganja tovornih vozil v podjetju poteka tekoče, smo pri opazovanju posameznih procesov odkrili številne napake in pomanjkljivosti ter jih podrobno predstavili v drugem delu diplomskega dela. Med pomanjkljivosti obstoječega sistema smo uvrstili »zastarel« način ročnega vpisovanja voznikov tovornih vozil na list papirja, ločeno nalaganje tovornih vozil za tujino samo v dopoldanskem in nalaganje vozil za Slovenijo v popoldanskem času, samo eno mesto za nalaganje tovornih vozil na nakladalni rampi ter naključno skladiščenje končnih izdelkov v skladiščne cone, ki zaradi dolgih komisionirnih poti podaljšujejo čas nalaganja tovora. V zadnjem delu diplomskega dela smo po natančni analizi podali rešitve za vsako odkrito pomanjkljivost, rešitve medsebojno povezali ter s tem predstavili možnost za učinkovitejši in varnejši proces dela v podjetju. Med rešitve, ki bi omogočile hitrejše in varnejše nalaganje in razlaganje tovornih vozil, sodijo vpeljava elektronskega sistema vpisovanja voznikov tovornih vozil, nalaganje tovornih vozil za Slovenijo in tujino tekom celega delovnega dne, ločeno skladiščenje končnih izdelkov na tiste, ki se prodajajo v tujino, in tiste, ki se prodajajo samo v Sloveniji, ter uvedba dodatnega mesta za nalaganje tovornih vozil.
Keywords:nalaganje in razlaganje tovornih vozil, vozniki tovornih vozil, skladiščenje, notranji transport, nakladalna rampa
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[A. Žikovšek]
Year of publishing:2021
Number of pages:IX, 73 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78728 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:60889859 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.04.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Reorganization of truck loading in the Laško Union brewery
Abstract:From many aspects, the process of loading and unloading the heavy goods vehicles is the one of most significant activities of logistics. For this reason, the task of our university graduation thesis was to examine the above mentioned process as the part of Pivovarna Laško Union work activities, specifically at the Laško location, as well as to introduce possible solutions to more effective and safer work performance. In order to facilitate the key topic, we meant the first part of the thesis to illustrate the caught in the act situation, i.e. the loading-unloading process carried out within the plant, selected as a model, including every single part of the operation from the initial drive-in of the vehicles, the registration to the unloading operation, the system of loading itself as far as to the final loading of goods, and departure of loaded and sealed vehicles. Despite the fact that the process is generally running smoothly, numerous failures have been found out in particular phases of the process, and discussed in the second part of the thesis – the outdated manual registration of vehicle drivers onto a blank sheet of paper; the abroad-destined vehicles, loaded only in the morning time, while Slovenia-destined ones undergo the loading only in the afternoon; a single loading post at the loading ramp, and a random warehousing of final products into the warehouse zones, which enables an on-time loading due to longer commissionaire tracks, are just few remarks to mention. The final part is mainly dealing with a precise analysis, which proposes eventual solutions to every single failure; we have brought them together to address the enterprise with more effective and safer possibilities of realising work tasks. The implementation of electronic registration system of drivers, the loading both Slovenia and foreign countries destined vehicles during the entire working hours, separate warehousing of specific final products according to the destination they are supposed to be delivered to (foreign destinations or Slovene ones, respectively), and the arrangement of an additional loading post, are just few to be pointed out.
Keywords:loading and unloading the goods vehicles, goods vehicles drivers, warehousing, domestic transport, loading ramp


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