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Title:Fikcija prijave izločitvene pravice : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Cmok, Urška (Author)
ID Vrenčur, Renato (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Cmok_Urska_2021.pdf (1,54 MB)
MD5: 6124E5C8AA4874DBD8A07440EC020633
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/1d6b101a-c0d5-4088-8716-20826141e619
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Izločitvena pravica je pravica lastnika ali imetnika druge premoženjske pravice, da iz stečajne mase izloči premoženje, ki ne pripada stečajnemu dolžniku. Izločitveno pravico, ki je nastala do začetka stečajnega postopka, mora upnik v skladu s pravili ZFPPIPP prijaviti v roku treh mesecev po objavi oklica o začetku stečajnega postopka. Pravočasna prijava izločitvene pravice v stečajnem postopku pomeni oviro za prodajo premoženja, ki je predmet te izločitvene pravice. Če upnik izločitvene pravice ne prijavi v roku, določenim z zakonom, tvega, da bo upravitelj v stečajnem postopku prodal premoženje, ki je predmet te izločitvene pravice, s tem pa bo upnik izločitveno pravico tudi izgubil. ZFPPIPP je z uveljavitvijo novele G, zaradi varstva nekaterih izločitvenih upnikov, uvedel posebna pravila za prijavo in preizkus izločitvene pravice glede nepremičnine, ki med drugimi urejajo fikcijo prijave izločitvene pravice. Posebna pravila, ki jih ureja 299.a člen ZFPPIPP, se uporabljajo v primerih, ko je lastninska pravica vknjižena v korist stečajnega dolžnika, izločitveni upravičenec pa sodno uveljavlja pridobitev lastninske pravice na nepremičnini. V zvezi z začetkom sodnega postopka mora biti v zemljiški knjigi pri tej lastninski pravici v korist izločitvenega upravičenca vpisana ena izmed zaznamb spora ali izrednega pravnega sredstva. Časovni trenutek, na podlagi katerega presojamo, kdaj velja izločitvena pravica za pravočasno prijavljeno v skladu s pravno fikcijo, je odvisen od tega, ali je vpis zaznambe začel učinkovati pred ali po poteku roka za prijavo izločitvene pravice ter od tega, kdaj je bil vpis zaznambe opravljen v zemljiško knjigo. 299.a člen ZFPPIPP je tako nastal kot produkt jasnosti in doslednosti ustreznega upoštevanja posebnih pravil o začetku učinkovanja vpisov po 5. členu Zakona o zemljiški knjigi in publicitetnih učinkov vpisov po 6. členu, kadar je v zemljiški knjigi vpisana ena od varovalnih stvarnih pravic, tj. zaznamba spora o pridobitvi lastninske pravice na nepremičnini ali zaznamba spora izrednega pravnega sredstva. Izločitvena pravica se tako na podlagi fikcije prijave šteje za prijavljeno, brez da bi upnik izločitveno pravico v stečajnem postopku prijavljal na podlagi posebne procesne vloge. Fikcijo prijave izločitvene pravice v postopku osebnega stečaja enega od zakoncev ureja tudi Družinski zakonik, ki v 83. členu določa postopek določitve deleža zakoncev na skupnem premoženju, če se je nad enim od zakoncev začel postopek osebnega stečaja. Družinski zakonik ureja fikcijo prijave izločitvene pravice, po kateri se šteje, da je zakonec, ki ni v postopku osebnega stečaja, v postopku osebnega stečaja prijavil izločitveno pravico v višini polovice skupnega premoženja. Zakonec, ki ni v postopku osebnega stečaja, tako nikoli ne more zamuditi s prijavo izločitvene pravice. Fikcija prijave na ta način olajšuje položaj zakonca, saj mu ni potrebno uveljavljati prijave izločitvene pravice po pravilih ZFPPIPP, hkrati pa mu ni potrebno dokazovati, da je predmet izločitvene pravice pridobljen na podlagi skupnega premoženja zakoncev. V kolikor se zakonec, ki ni v postopku osebnega stečaja, ne strinja z višino deleža, lahko s prijavo izločitvene pravice po pravilih ZFPPIPP uveljavlja višji delež na skupnem premoženju.
Keywords:izločitvena pravica, prijava izločitvene pravice, fikcija prijave, ločitvena pravica, insolventnost, stečaj, osebni stečaj zakonca, stečajna masa, domnevni lastnik, vknjiženi lastnik, načelo zaupanja v zemljiško knjigo, varovalne stvarne pravice.
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Place of performance:[Maribor
Publisher:U. Cmok]
Year of publishing:2021
Number of pages:113 f.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78684 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:53082627 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.02.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Fiction of a declaration of an exclusion right
Abstract:An exclusion right is the right of an owner or holder of another property right to exclude assets from a bankruptcy estate that do not belong to the debtor in bankruptcy. In accordance with provisions of ZFPPIPP, the creditor must declare an exclusion right that arose prior to the initiation of a bankruptcy procedure within three months after publication of the notice of the initiation of a bankruptcy procedure. A timely declaration of an exclusion right in a bankruptcy procedure prevents the sale of assets that are subject to this exclusion right. If the creditor fails to declare the exclusion right within the statutory period, he risks that the receiver sells the assets that are subject to this exclusion right during the bankruptcy procedure, whereby the creditor also loses his exclusion right. With the implementation of the amending act G, in order to protect some exclusionary creditors, the ZFPPIPP introduced special rules for declaring and testing exclusion rights in relation to immovable assets which, among other things, regulate the fiction of a declaration of an exclusion right. Special rules, covered in Article 299(a) ZFPPIPP, are used in cases where the property title is registered to the benefit of the debtor in bankruptcy and the person entitled to exclusion rights is enforcing the acquisition of a property title on an immovable property with a legal action. Regarding the initiation of the legal proceedings, one of the notations of dispute or exceptional remedy must be registered in the land register with this property title to the benefit of the person entitled to exclusion rights. The moment in time, based on which we assess when an exclusion right is deemed as declared in time in accordance with legal fiction, depends on whether the notation entry entered into force before or after the deadline for declaring an exclusion right has elapsed and on the point in time when the notation was entered in the land register. Article 299(a) ZFPPIPP thus arose as a product of clarity and consistency of proper compliance with special rules regarding the entry into force of entries in accordance with Article 5 of the Land Registry Act and the publicity effects of entries in accordance with Article 6, when one of the protective real rights, namely a notation of dispute regarding the acquisition of a property title or a notation of an exceptional remedy, is registered in the land register. On the basis of fiction of a declaration, the exclusion right is deemed as declared without the creditor declaring the exclusion right in a bankruptcy procedure by way of a special procedural application. The fiction of a declaration of an exclusion right in a personal bankruptcy procedure of a spouse is also regulated by the Family Code, which in Article 83 sets out the procedure of determining the share of a spouse in the matrimonial property if a personal bankruptcy procedure is initiated against one of the spouses. The Family Code regulates the fiction of a declaration of an exclusion right, whereby it is deemed that the spouse who is not subject to a personal bankruptcy procedure has declared an exclusion right in the personal bankruptcy procedure in the amount of half of the matrimonial property. The spouse who is not the subject of a personal bankruptcy thereby cannot be too late in declaring an exclusion right. This way, the fiction of a declaration makes the position of the spouse easier, as he/she does not have to enforce the declaration of an exclusion right under the provisions of ZFPPIPP, at the same time he/she does not have to prove that the subject of the exclusion right is obtained on the basis of matrimonial property. If the spouse who is not subject to a personal bankruptcy procedure does not agree with the share size, he/she may seek a bigger share in the matrimonial property by declaring an exclusion right under the provisions of ZFPPIPP.
Keywords:exclusion right, declaration of an exclusion right, fiction of a declaration, right to separate satisfaction, insolvency, bankruptcy, personal bankruptcy of a spouse, bankruptcy estate, presumed owner, registered owner, principle of trust in the land register, protective real rights.


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