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Title:Načelo zaupanja v zemljiško knjigo : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Makari, Maja (Author)
ID Vrenčur, Renato (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Makari_Maja_2021.pdf (1,20 MB)
MD5: E214B097AD2B7BB1E3B7132B28E78D86
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/d1efe0c7-5f28-42ea-8781-703f569d05ed
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Zakona, ZZK-1 v 8. členu in SPZ v 10. členu resda vsebujeta določbi z naslovom Načelo zaupanja v zemljiško knjigo, vendar še zdaleč nista edina člena, v katerem se načelo zaupanja v zemljiško knjigo odraža. Načelo zaupanja v zemljiško knjigo je namreč eno izmed temeljnih načel nepremičninskega prava. Z obravnavanim načelom je povezano načelo publicitete: Pozitivno stališče - na nepremičninah obstajajo samo tiste pravice, ki so vpisane v zemljiško knjigo, in negativno stališče - pravica na nepremičnini ne obstaja, če ni vpisana v zemljiško knjigo. Pomembna je tudi dobra vera. Namreč, samo tisti, ki se v dobri veri zanesejo na podatke v zemljiško knjigo ne sme trpeti škodljivih posledic. Poznamo glave in pomožne vpise v zemljiško knjigo, in čeprav je plomba opredeljena kot pomožni vpis je za načelo zaupanja zelo pomembna, saj naznanja začetek zemljiškoknjižnega postopka, s tem pa nastop publicitetnih učinkov, potrebnih za realizacijo načela zaupanja v zemljiško knjigo. V posebnem delu smo se srečali z najpogostejšimi pravnoposlovnimi prenosi lastninske pravice na nepremičninah, in primeri, kjer pride do izraza načelo zaupanja v zemljiško knjigo. To varuje pridobitelja le v primeru, če je pridobil pravico na poslovni podlagi. Obravnavana je dvojna prodaja nepremičnine. V tem primeru ravno zaradi načela zaupanja pride do zapletene situacije, saj je odsvojitelj v zemljiški knjigi še vedno naveden kot lastnik. V primeru materialno neveljavne vknjižbe, v primeru da je odvsojitelj drugič razpolagal z isto nepremičnino daje pravo možnost izbrisne tožbe, vendar ne proti dobrovernim tretjim. Pri priposestvovanju gre za originaren način pridobitve lastninske pravice, ki je v konfliktu s pravnoposlovno pridobljeno. Pravica, ki je pridobljena s priposestvovanjem, ne sme biti na škodo tistemu, ki je v dobri veri in v zaupanju v javne knjige pridobil pravico, še preden je bila s priposestvovanjem pridobljena pravica vpisana v javno knjigo (zemljiško knjigo). V primeru da pri pravnoposlovnem prenosu sodeluje le en (zunaj)zakonski partner, drug pridobi lastninsko pravico na nepremičnini originarno. Vpis v zemljiško knjigo je deklaratoren. Če bi se pa zakonec rad zaščitil pred nezaželenimi učinki tretjih, mora poskrbeti, da je njegova pravica vpisana. Pri nevpisanih nepremičninah ne more priti do uporabe načela zaupanja v zemljiško knjigo, saj zemljiška knjiga ne vsebuje podatka o nepremičnini. Situacije, ko ne izhajamo iz načela zaupanja v zemljiško knjigo, so lahko mnogo zahtevnejše pri vprašanju komu naj pravo da varstvo. Obstaja velika nevarnost kršitve pravic tretjih. Lastnik, ki se ne vpiše v zemljiško knjigo, konkurira dobrovernim tretjim, kateri pridobijo pravice na podlagi svoje dobrovernosti in zaupanja v zemljiško knjigo. Zakon opozarja na posledice, ki utegnejo doleteti tistega, ki bi se lahko vpisal v zemljiško knjigo, a tega ni storil. Načelo zaupanja tako tudi »kaznuje« imetnika nevpisane pravice Zakon določa listine, ki se štejejo za zemljiškoknjižno dovolilo. To je posadna listina, ta vsebuje izjavo zemljiškoknjižnega lastnika, da nasprotni stranki priznava izvirno (originarno) pridobitev lastninske pravice na nepremičnini in nadomestno zemljiškoknjižno dovolilo, s katerim se nadomešča pravnoposlovni prenos (derivativen prenos) lastninske pravice.
Keywords:Zemljiška knjiga, dobra vera, varnost pravnega prometa, dvojna prodaja, skupna lastnina, priposestvovanje, nevpisane nepremičnine, posadna listina, uskladitvena listina
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Place of performance:[Maribor
Publisher:M. Makari]
Year of publishing:2021
Number of pages:112 f.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78672 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:51457027 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.02.2021
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Licensing start date:02.02.2021

Secondary language

Title:The principle of trust in the land register
Abstract:The Act, ZZK-1 against Article 8 and SPZ in Article 10 do contain provisions entitled The principle of trust in the land registry, but they are far from the only article in which the principle of trust in the land registry is reflected. The principle of trust in the land registry is one of the fundamental principles of real estate law. The principle of publicity is related to the treatment of the rules: positive attitude - only those rights that are entered in the land registry hinder real estate, and negative attitude - the right to real estate does not exist if it is not entered in the land register. Good faith is also important. Namely, only those who rely in good faith on the data in the land register should not suffer harmful consequences. We know the chapters and auxiliary entries in the land registry, in which case the seal is determined as an auxiliary entry for the principle of trust is very important, as the beginning of the land registry procedure, and thus the onset of public effects needed to implement the principles of trust in the land registry. In the special part, we got acquainted with the most common legal transfers of property rights in real estate, and cases where the principle of trust in the land registry is expressed. This protects the acquirer only if he has acquired the right on a business basis. The double sale of the property is discussed. In this case, precisely because of the principle of trust, a complicated situation arises, as the transferor is still listed in the land registry as the owner. In the case of materially invalid entry, in the event that the transferor has disposed of the same property a second time, it gives the right option of an action for cancellation, but not against bona fide third parties. Possession is an original way of acquiring a property right that is in conflict with a legally acquired one. The right acquired through possession must not be to the detriment of the person who acquired the right in good faith and in confidence in the public books even before the right acquired through possession was entered in the public book (land registry). In the event that only one (outside) spouse participates in the legal transfer, the other acquires ownership of the property originally. The entry in the land registry is declaratory. However, if the spouse wants to protect himself from the side effects of third parties, he must make sure that their right is registered. In the case of unregistered real estate, the principle of trust in the land registry cannot be applied, as the land registry does not contain information on the real estate. Situations where we do not proceed from the principle of trust in the land registry can be much more difficult in the question of to whom the law should give protection. There is a high risk of infringement of the rights of third parties. An owner who does not register in the land registry competes with bona fide third parties, who acquire rights based on their bona fide and trust in the land registry. The law warns of the consequences that may befall one who could have entered in the land registry but has not done so. The principle of trust thus also "punishes" the holder of an unregistered right. The law determines the documents that are considered a land registry permit. This is a crew document, which contains a statement from the land registry owner that he recognizes to the counterparty the original (original) acquisition of ownership of the property and a replacement land registry permit, which replaces the legal transfer (derivative transfer) of ownership.
Keywords:Land registry, good faith, security of legal transactions, double sale, joint property, prescription, unregistered real estate, the act of the recognition of title, the contract on the harmonization of land


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