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Title:Growth of entrepreneurial opportunities : GEM Slovenia 2017
Authors:ID Rebernik, Miroslav (Author)
ID Tominc, Polona (Author)
ID Crnogaj, Katja (Author)
ID Bradač Hojnik, Barbara (Author)
ID Rus, Matej (Author)
ID Širec, Karin (Author)
ID Rebernik, Miroslav (Editor)
ID Širec, Karin (Editor)
ID Rižnar, Igor (Translator)
ID Singer, Slavica (Reviewer)
ID Močnik, Dijana (Reviewer)
Files:URL http://press.um.si/index.php/ump/catalog/book/333
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:2.01 - Scientific Monograph
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
UZUM - University of Maribor Press
Abstract:The scientific monograph comprises results of the Slovenian part of the largest global research project on entrepreneurship Global Entrepreneurship Monitor – GEM, which has completed its 19th cycle in 2017. GEM was established in order to (1) measure the differences regarding the relationship towards entrepreneurship, activities and aspirations of individuals in as many countries as possible, (2) uncover factors that encourage or hinder entrepreneurial activities, especially related to societal values, personal attributes and the entrepreneurship ecosystem, (3) provide a platform for assessing the extent to which entrepreneurial activity influences economic growth within individual economies and (4) uncover policy measures for the purpose of enhancing entrepreneurial capacity in an economy. The research helps to better understand the attitude of the society towards entrepreneurship and individual capabilities, among which are the perception of their own abilities for entrepreneurial activities, the ability to perceive opportunities, entrepreneurial intentions and fear of failure. As GEM monitors entrepreneurial activity throughout the phases of the life cycle (nascent, new businesses and established businesses, discontinuation), according to impact (high growth, innovation, internationalization) and by type (early-stage entrepreneurship activity, employee entrepreneurship activity), the picture is much richer than the one that is based only on data gathered from ordinary statistical databases.
Keywords:Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, entrepreneurship, early-stage entrepreneurial activity, economic development, entrepreneurship ecosystem
Publisher:University of Maribor Press
Year of publishing:2018
Number of pages:23 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78609 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:94397441 New window
DOI:10.18690/978-961-286-159-9 New window
Publication date in DKUM:02.08.2023
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Title:Growth of Entrepreneurial Opportunities:
Abstract: Rast podjetniških priložnosti: GEM Slovenija 2017, Povzetek. Monografija predstavlja rezultate slovenskega dela največje svetovne raziskave podjetništva Globalni podjetniški monitor (GEM), ki je leta 2017 zaključila že svoj 19. cikel. GEM je bil zasnovan zato, da bi (1) meril razlike v odnosu do podjetništva, aktivnosti in v aspiracijah posameznikov v čim večjem številu držav, (2) odkrival dejavnike, ki spodbujajo ali ovirajo podjetniško aktivnost, še zlasti v odnosu do družbenih vrednot, osebnih značilnosti in podjetniškega ekosistema, (3) zagotavljal platformo za ocenjevanje vpliva podjetniške aktivnosti na ekonomsko rast v določenem gospodarstvu ter (4) odkrival potrebne ukrepe ekonomske politike za krepitev podjetništva. S pomočjo te raziskave bolje razumemo odnos družbe do podjetništva ter individualne značilnosti posameznika, kot so dojemanje lastnih sposobnosti za podjetniško delovanje, sposobnost zaznavanja priložnosti, podjetniške namere in strah pred neuspehom. Ker GEM spremlja podjetniško aktivnost v celotnem življenjskem ciklu (nastajajoča, nova in ustaljena podjetja, prenehanje poslovanja), po tipih aktivnosti (visoka rast, inovativnost, internacionalizacija) in po sektorjih aktivnosti (zgodnja podjetniška aktivnost, podjetniška aktivnost zaposlenih), dobimo precej bogatejšo sliko o dogajanjih, kot če bi izhajali zgolj iz podatkov, ki nam jih ponujajo običajne statistične baze podatkov.
Keywords:Podjetništvo, Zborniki, Razvoj, Slovenija


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