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Title:Pravna narava pridobitve lastninske pravice pri prodaji v stečajnem postopku : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Peče, Žan (Author)
ID Vrenčur, Renato (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Pece_Zan_2021.pdf (728,99 KB)
MD5: FCA5F7431AB5754D24099475894F2CBC
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/6572407d-9a3b-4c9a-8a5c-b4c9a295b8c1
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:V magistrskem delu je predstavljena pravna narava pridobitve lastninske pravice pri prodaji v stečajnem postopku. Bralcu ne daje odgovora na kakšno posebno vprašanje, ki bi tako predstavljalo bistvo tega dela, pač pa mu omogoča, da se seznani s postopkom prodaje premoženja oziroma z načinom pridobitve lastninske pravice pri prodaji v stečajnem postopku v Sloveniji. Zasnovano je tako, da lahko osnovne informacije o takem postopku pridobi tudi oseba, ki nima poglobljenega pravnega znanja, pač pa je le grobo seznanjena s slovenskim pravnim redom. Tako je magistrsko delo razdeljeno na poglavja o lastninski pravici, njeni opredelitvi, omejitvah, varstvu, različnimi načini pridobitve, ki obstajajo v teoriji in ki so veljavni na podlagi zakona, poglavja o obligacijskih vidikih prodaje, o stečajnem postopku in o poteku prodaje v stečajnem postopku. S podpoglavji o možnostih izpodbijanja pravnih dejanj dolžnika v stečajnem postopku in posebnih obveznostih poslovodstva v primeru insolventnosti stečajnega dolžnika, ki je gospodarska družba, sta dodatno izpostavljena instituta, ki aktivnemu upniku v stečajnih postopkih dajeta boljše možnosti poplačila, kot jih upniki navadno dosegajo. V osrednjem šestem poglavju pa so predstavljeni dejanske lastnosti prodaje v stečajnem postopku, po katerih se tak način pridobitve lastninske pravice razlikuje od klasičnega pravno poslovnega načina pridobitve le-te, vsebujoč sodno prakso Višjih in Vrhovnega sodišča, ki se je razvila okoli posameznih vprašanj pri takšnem načinu pridobitve lastninske pravice. V tem poglavju so tako raziskane posledice dejstva, da spada takšen način pridobitve lastninske pravice v teoriji (in tudi praksi) med originarne, katere pravice s prodajo ugasnejo, vpliv pravila o omejitvi odgovornosti za stvarne napake, ter kakšno varstvo kupec sploh ima. Delo tako z obravnavo posameznih pravil, relevantne sodne prakse, ter primerjavo z osnovno ureditvijo na področjih, ki jih zadeva, daje celovito sliko pravil o prodaji (in nakupu) premoženja v stečajnem postopku.
Keywords:lastninska pravica, pravna narava, pridobitev, stečajni postopek, prodaja
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Place of performance:[Maribor
Publisher:Ž. Peče]
Year of publishing:2020
Number of pages:67 f.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78485 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:47825667 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.01.2021
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Licensing start date:13.01.2021

Secondary language

Title:The legal nature of the aquisition of the ownership right by sale in the bankruptcy proceeding
Abstract:The master's thesis presents the legal nature of the acquisition of property rights in the sale in bankruptcy proceedings. It does not give the reader an answer to any special question that would thus represent the essence of this work, but rather enables him to become acquainted with the procedure of selling property or with the method of acquiring property rights in the sale in bankruptcy proceedings in Slovenia. It is designed in such a way that basic information on such a procedure can also be obtained by a person who does not have in-depth legal knowledge, but is only roughly acquainted with the Slovenian legal order. Thus, the master's thesis is divided into chapters on property rights, its definition, restrictions, protection, various methods of acquisition that exist in theory and are valid on the basis of law, chapters on obligatory aspects of sale, bankruptcy proceedings and the course of sale in bankruptcy proceedings. he subchapters on the possibilities of challenging the debtor's legal actions in bankruptcy proceedings and the special obligations of management in the event of the insolvency of the bankruptcy debtor, which is a company, additionally highlight the institutes that give active creditors in bankruptcy proceedings better repayment options. The central sixth chapter presents the actual characteristics of the sale in bankruptcy proceedings, according to which such a method of acquiring property rights differs from the classic legal and business method of acquiring it, containing the case law of the Higher and Supreme Courts, which developed around individual issues in such method of acquiring property rights. This chapter explores the consequences of the fact that such a way of acquiring property rights in theory (and also in practice) is one of the originals, whose rights are extinguished by sale, the impact of the rule on limiting liability for material defects, and what protection the buyer has. The work thus provides a comprehensive picture of the rules on the sale (and purchase) of assets in bankruptcy proceedings, by considering individual rules, relevant case law, and comparison with the basic regulations in the areas concerned.
Keywords:ownership right, legal nature, acquisition, bankruptcy proceeding, sale


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