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Title:Fizični, geografski, tehnični, in ekonomski potencial za optimalno konfiguracijo fotonapetostnih sistemov s pomočjo digitalnih posnetkov območja
Authors:ID Mavsar, Primož (Author)
ID Seme, Sebastijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DOK_Mavsar_Primoz_2021.pdf (18,88 MB)
MD5: 29ECD108678CEB764DB40475D74B3EAB
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/118d34f6-1950-441b-98ef-354f013a3806
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FE - Faculty of Energy Technology
Abstract:Doktorska disertacija obravnava fotonapetostni potencial izbranega območja. Pri tem je uporabljena metoda, ki fotonapetostni potencial določi v štirih kategorijah: kot fizični, geografski, tehnični in ekonomski potencial. Doktorska disertacija fotonapetostni potencial obravnava celostno, to je tako s tehničnega kot tudi z ekonomskega vidika. Posamezni potenciali so se določili na osnovi 20 letnega povprečja meritev gostote globalnega in difuznega sončnega sevanja na vodoravno površino v bližini obravnavanega območja. Ekonomski potencial je bil določen ob upoštevanju urnega gibanja cen električne energije za obdobje sedmih let. Pokazan je vpliv orientacije in naklona površin na fotonapetostni potencial za vsako kategorijo potenciala. Na osnovi rezultatov izračunov maksimalne vrednosti potencialov ob spreminjanju konfiguracije površine je bila določena optimalna konfiguracija fotonapetostnega sistema za vsak posamezen potencial. Poleg te metode je predstavljena tudi optimizacijska metoda diferenčna evolucija, ki določi optimalno konfiguracijo na inovativen in hiter način. Za vsak posamezen potencial je na digitalnem modelu površja, generiranem iz podatkov LiDAR prikazano, katera območja imajo največji potencial. Poudarek je na strehah. Iz površin, ki bi bile potencialno primerne za inštalacijo fotonapetostnega sistema, je izračunan posamezni potencial za vsak mesec v letu, za celotno leto in letno povprečje. Pri tem je upoštevano tudi senčenje okolice. Ugotovljeno je, da ima cena električne energije na ekonomski potencial fotonapetostnega sistema velik vpliv. To ima za posledico tudi spremembo parametrov optimalne konfiguracije v primerjavi z metodo, ki za določitev optimalnih parametrov konfiguracije fotonapetostnih sistemov upošteva zgolj maksimalno proizvodnjo električne energije oz. tehničnega potenciala.
Keywords:fotonapetostni sistem, fotonapetostni potencial, ekonomski potencial, LiDAR, optimizacija, optimalna konfiguracija
Place of publishing:Krško
Publisher:P. Mavsar
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78352 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:57499907 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.05.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Physical, geographical, technical, and economic potential for optimal configuration of photovoltaic systems using digital images of the area
Abstract:The doctoral dissertation deals with the photovoltaic potential of the selected area. A method is used to determine the photovoltaic potential in four categories: physical, geographical, technical and economic potential. The doctoral dissertation deals with the photovoltaic potential holistically, ie from both a technical and economic point of view. Individual potentials were determined on the basis of a 20-year average of measurements of the density of global and diffuse solar radiation on a horizontal surface in the vicinity of the considered area. The economic potential was determined taking into account the hour electricity price trends for a period of seven years. The influence of surface orientation and inclination on the photovoltaic potential for each potential category is shown. Based on the results of calculations of the maximum value of potentials when changing the surface configuration, the optimal configuration of the photovoltaic system for each individual potential was determined. In addition to this method, the optimization method differential evolution is also presented, which determines the optimal configuration in an innovative and fast way. For each individual potential, the digital surface model generated from the LiDAR data shows which areas have the greatest potential. The emphasis is on roofs. From the areas that would be potentially suitable for the installation of a photovoltaic system, the individual potential for each month of the year, for the whole year and the annual average is calculated. The shading of the surroundings is also taken into account. It has been found that the price of electricity has a major impact on the economic potential of a photovoltaic system. This also results in a change in the parameters of the optimal configuration compared to the method, which to determine the optimal configuration parameters of photovoltaic systems takes into account only the maximum production of electricity or. technical potential.
Keywords:photovoltaic system, photovoltaic potential, economic potential, LiDAR, optimization, optimal configuration


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