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Title:Tehnologije sledenja pošiljk v transportu
Authors:ID Kumperščak, Samo (Author)
ID Topolšek, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Obrecht, Matevž (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Kumperscak_Samo_2020.pdf (1,96 MB)
MD5: D03AA0BE2DBCC0802F03824256C3E87B
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/21fcfb63-021d-4f71-8475-94413c9ee3be
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Dandanes je vse bolj pomemben nadzor izdelkov, ki potujejo po oskrbovalnih verigah. Nadzor nad izdelki nam omogočajo različne tehnologije in sistemi sledljivosti, ki prikazujejo točno lokacijo blaga. Sledljivost ima veliko pozitivnih lastnosti, tako za kupce izdelkov kot za distributerje in ostale člene oskrbovalnih verig. V magistrskem delu smo se ukvarjali s pregledom različnih vrst tehnologij sledenja, ki jih poznamo. Med te tehnologije spadajo tehnologije črtnih in QR kod, RFID tehnologija, GPS tehnologija in tehnologija veriženja blokov (ang. blockchain). Najbolj pogoste tehnologije sledenja so sposobne poročati o stanju izdelka, ko le-tega optično preberemo, spet druge so pa nekoliko bolj napredne in so sposobne slediti izdelku v realnem času, tako da tisti, ki spremlja stanje izdelka, v vsakem trenutku pozna natančno lokacijo izdelka. Po pregledu teoretičnega ozadja različnih tehnologij sledljivosti smo se osredotočili na praktični del, ki zajema pregled uporabe tehnologij, ki jih za sledenje uporabljajo na Pošti Slovenije d.o.o. Analizirali smo trenutno stanje glede sledljivosti in raziskali potek sledenja pošiljke od sprejema do vročitve. Osnova za preučevanje tematike je bila znanstvena in strokovna literatura, ki smo jo iskali po različnih spletnih bazah z vpisovanjem ključnih besed. Podrobnejša analiza literature je bila izvedena še s programom VOSviewer, kjer smo analizirali najpogosteje citirane avtorje, skupno citirana dela, skupno citiranje skupine avtorjev s strani druge skupine avtorjev, skupno citiranje avtorjev in ključne besede, ki se v najdenih delih največkrat pojavljajo. Analizo trenutnega stanja glede sledenja na Pošti Slovenije smo izvedli na podlagi lastnih izkušenj dela na Pošti ter z intervjuji in vprašalniki, ki smo jih posredovali tamkajšnjim zaposlenim. Poglavje rezultatov zajema primerjavo različnih aplikacij in tehnologij, namenjenih sledenju. Primerjavi sledi analiza stanja področja sledenja na Pošti Slovenije ter konkretni predlogi izboljšav na področju RFID in GPS tehnologije.
Keywords:sledljivost, GPS, RFID tehnologija, črtne kode, tehnologija veriženja blokov, transportna logistika.
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[S. Kumperščak]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78334 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:46070787 New window
Publication date in DKUM:08.01.2021
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:09.12.2020

Secondary language

Title:Tracking technologies in transport
Abstract:Nowadays, it is increasingly important to control products that travel through supply chains. Product control is provided by various technologies and traceability systems that show the exact location of the goods. Traceability has many positive features, both for product buyers and for distributors and other members of supply chains. In the master's thesis, it is dealt with an overview of different types of already known tracking technologies. These technologies include bar and QR code technologies, RFID technology, GPS technology and blockchain technology. The most common tracking technologies are able to report product status when scanned, while others are slightly more advanced and are able to track the product in real time so that the person monitoring the product status knows the exact location of the product at all times. After reviewing the theoretical background of various traceability technologies, the focus was put on the practical part, which includes an overview of the use of technologies used for tracking at Pošta Slovenije d.o.o. The current state of traceability was analyzed and the course of tracking a shipment from receipt to delivery was investigated. The basis for the study of the topic was the scientific and professional literature, which we searched through various online databases by entering keywords. A more detailed analysis of the literature was performed with the VOSviewer program, where the most frequently cited authors were analyzed, jointly cited works, joint citation of a group of authors from another group of authors, joint citation of authors and keywords that appear most often. The analysis of the current situation regarding tracking at Pošta Slovenije was performed on the basis of our own experience of working at Pošta Slovenija and with interviews and questionnaires, which had been forwarded to the employees there. The results section covers a comparison of different applications and technologies designed to track. The comparison is followed by an analysis of the situation in the field of tracking at Pošta Slovenije and concrete proposals for improvements in the field of RFID and GPS technology.
Keywords:Traceability, GPS, RFID technology, barcodes, blockchain technology, transport logistics.


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