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Title:Iskanje pogrešanih mladoletnih oseb : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Loparič, Sara Marija (Author)
ID Krope, Srečko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Loparic_Sara_Marija_2020.pdf (668,18 KB)
MD5: BF94E18A31B7CBF289A4931FC44CF9A5
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/92c6bca5-dbf5-4e50-af64-81a187ff84d0
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Ko nekdo postane pogrešan, za seboj pusti strah in zmedenost, tako med policisti kot med nami, ki smo o tem obveščeni v javnosti. Skozi nalogo smo raziskali, kateri predpisi so potrebni za uspešno preiskovanje pogrešanih oseb in kako so pogrešane osebe opredeljene v zakonih v Sloveniji in nekaterih drugih državah. Ker so policisti prvi, katerim se zatečemo v teh primerih, je na njih še toliko večje breme. Podrobneje smo opisali, kako poteka samo preiskovanje, kateri ukrepi so pomembni skozi celotno preiskovanje. Osebe se lahko izgubijo, zaidejo, storijo samomor ali postanejo žrtev kaznivega dejanja. V večini državah bodo po navadi hitro našli pogrešano osebo. Nekateri primeri pogrešanih oseb pa na žalost ostajajo nerešeni več let. Postopek raziskovanja se ločuje glede na starostno skupino in stanje pogrešanega. Razmere, ko človek »izgine«, so lahko zelo boleče z dolgotrajnimi učinki na družino in prijatelje, saj ne morejo vedeti, kje je njihova pogrešana oseba. Ko govorimo o osebah, ki kar naenkrat »izginejo«, policisti sumijo tudi morebitno smrt te žrtve, kot so samomori, nesreče, naravne smrti. Če pride do tega, morajo policisti imeti zadosti gradiva, da lahko identificirajo najdeno osebo (fotografije, DNK, prstni odtisi…). Poleg vseh teh obvez je pa zelo pomembno vzajemno sodelovanje med policijo in širšo javnostjo. Osredotočili smo se na preiskovanje pogrešanih mladoletnih oseb. Razlogi za pogrešanje so številni in raznoliki. Nas so zanimali, kakšni so ti razlogi. Podatke smo pridobili s tem, da smo pregledali literaturo, članke, spletne portale in povzeli ugotovitve ostalih avtorjev, ki so že raziskali že to področje. S tem raziskovanjem smo odgovorili na zastavljene hipoteze. Ugotovili smo, kaj zajema to področje in kako pristopiti k samemu preiskovanju pogrešanih oseb. V Sloveniji se s tem področjem največ ukvarjajo policisti s pomočjo iskalnih oziroma reševalnih služb, organizacijami in detektivi. V prihodnje predlagamo, da posvetimo več svojega časa takšnim primerom in celotnem delu policije, prav tako ostalim, ki pomagajo k bolj učinkovitem preiskovanju.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, mladoletniki, pogrešane osebe, žrtve kaznivih dejanj, iskanje pogrešanih oseb
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. M. Loparič]
Year of publishing:2020
Year of performance:2020
Number of pages:VIII, 47 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78259 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:47355395 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.01.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Investigation of missing adolescents
Abstract:When someone become missing, they give us fear and confusion, to the police and to us who we are informed about it in public. Through the task we investigated which laws are necessary for a perfect investigation of missing persons and how missing persons are defined in laws in Slovenia and some other countries. Since the police officers are the first one who we turn to in these cases, all hopes are on them. We described how the investigation is going, which measures are important through the investigation. People can get lost, commit suicide or become a victim of crime. In most countries, they will usually find a missing person quickly. Unfortunately, some cases of missing persons remain unsolved for many years. The investigation is different, it depends on the age group and condition of the missing person. The situation where a person disappears can be very painful with long lasting effects on family and friends. When it comes to the people who suddenly go missing, police officers suspect death, such as suicide, accident, natural death. If this happens, police officers must have enough material to be able to identify the person they find (photographs, DNA, fingerprints). In addition to all these commitments, it is very important that the cooperation between the police and the general public is strong. We have focused on the investigation of missing minors. The reasons why someone become missing are numerous and varied. We are interested in what these reasons are for minors when they disappear. We have got this information by reviewing the literature, articles, web portals and summarizing the findings of other authors, who have already researched this area. With this research, we have responded to the hypotheses presented further in this investigation. We have found out what this area covers and how to approach to the investigation of missing persons. In Slovenia, this area is mostly researched by police officers, rescue services, organizations and detectives. In the future, we suggest that we devote more of our time to such cases and to the entire work of the police, as well to others who help, that investigation is more effective.
Keywords:minors, missing persons, victims of crime, investigation of missing persons


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