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Title:Tematizacija človekovega smisla v sodobni slovenski kratki prozi
Authors:ID Mastnak, Barbara (Author)
ID Bošnjak, Blanka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 27E929493FC80608F47F80CA8F1AD90B
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/4465a4a7-12f1-4fe7-be20-3519da30ebdf
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Novo stoletje je predrugačilo vrednostni sistem, medtem ko je moderni pluralizem spodkopal samoumevno védenje ter zamajal identiteto sveta, družbe in posameznika. Kljub temu pa vprašanje o smislu ni novo, življenjsko se mu je posvetil že nevrolog, psihoterapevt in utemeljitelj logoterapije Viktor Emil Frankl. »Tretja dunajska šola« psihoterapije je namreč spregledala človekov duhovni boj, zato si mu prizadeva ponuditi pomoč pri iskanju smisla; s poudarkom na pomenu specifično človekove duhovne razsežnosti pa zavrača ali vsaj blaži miselnost absolutnega determinizma. Zaradi svobodne volje ima posameznik vseskozi možnost zavzeti stališče, volja do smisla pa ga motivira, da najde in izpolni smisel oziroma namero. Če te ne uresničuje, lahko nastopi eksistencialni vakuum, ki je vzrok noogene nevroze in lahko kot posledico nosi življenjsko dezorientacijo, obup, omamljanje in/ali kakšna druga ekstremna dejanja. (Frankl 1994a: 303–304) Čas postmodernizma je dokončno odprl vprašanje izčrpane literature, umaknil velike zgodbe, obsežna spoznanja in definitivne zaključke, ob tem pa osvetlil dvome o resnici, duhovno votlost, krizo smisla, obsežnejšo eksistencialno resignacijo, odtujene in brezvoljne subjekte ter izpraznjene misli in šibke emocije. Sodobna kratka proza zaradi svojega obsega najbolje ponuja pregled večjega števila literarnih oseb, z izbrano rabo naracije in umikom v intimo pa odkriva kljubovalnost subjektovega duha in njegovo pozicijo v nekem usodnem položaju. Namen magistrskega dela je predstaviti neorealistične in minimalistične prvine, s katerimi je prežeta sodobna slovenska kratka proza, in izpostaviti obsežno brezvoljnost njenih subjektov. S tem ciljem sem analizirala dvajset kratkoproznih zbirk, ki so izšle po letu 2000.
Keywords:sodobna slovenska kratka proza, neorealizem, minimalizem, človekov smisel, kriza smisla, logoterapija, bivanjska prikrajšanost
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[B. Mastnak]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78035 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:38216707 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.11.2020
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Licensing start date:08.10.2020

Secondary language

Title:The Thematization of Human Meaning in Contemporary Slovene Short Prose
Abstract:The New century has modified our value system; while modern pluralism undermined the self-evident behaviour and in addition it rocked the identity of the wold, the society and the individual; however, the question of meaning is not new. Viktor Emil Frankl, a neurologist and psychotherapist, and the founder of logotherapy, dedicated his life to this question. ‘‘The Third Viennese School’’ of psychotherapy started to see the human’s spiritual struggle, therefore The School strives to help human’s search for meaning, with emphasis on the significance of the specifically human spiritual dimension; however, it rejects or at least softens the mentality of absolute determinism. Due to free will, the individual possesses the ability to always have their own opinion, while the search and fulfilment of meaning or intention is motivated by the individuals will to meaning. If the search and fulfilment of meaning or intention are not realized, an existential vacuum can occur, which is the cause of noogenic neurosis and can result in life disorientation, despair, intoxication and/or other extreme acts. (Frankl 1994a: 303–304) The age of postmodernism: definitively opened the question of literature of exhaustion; withdrew great stories; extensive insights; and definitive conclusions, while it illuminated: doubts about truth; spiritual hollowness; crisis of meaning; a more extensive existential resignation; alienated and apathetic subjects; drained thoughts and weak emotions. Due to its scope, modern short prose is best at offering an overview of a large number of literary figures, while it, with its chosen use of narration and retreatment into intimacy, reveals the defiance of the subject’s spirit and their position in a certain fateful position. The purpose of this the master’s thesis is to present the neorealistic and minimalistic elements that permeate contemporary Slovene short prose and to highlight the extensive apathy of its subjects. To this end, I have analysed twenty short prose collections that were published after the year 2000.
Keywords:contemporary Slovene short prose, neorealism, minimalism, human’s meaning, crisis of meaning, logoteraphy, existential deprivation


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