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Title:Analiza logističnih procesov v oddelku interne logistike podjetja sij metal ravne, d.o.o.
Authors:ID Kadiš, Miha (Author)
ID Kramar, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Kadis_Miha_2020.pdf (1,79 MB)
MD5: DAB527FB0E7D8A9A4F53589B49BE9CCB
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/1d77efcd-2987-4c0d-89fa-f9985973a92e
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Interna logistika v podjetjih predstavlja zelo pomembno funkcijo, tako je tudi v podjetju SIJ Metal Ravne, d. o. o. Pri napakah in težavah pri delovanju oddelka bi zaradi nedostavljenih materialov, potrebnih za proizvodnjo, lahko trpelo celotno podjetje. V diplomskem delu bomo analizirali oddelek interne logistike podjetja SIJ Metal Ravne, d. o. o., in vse v njem potekajoče logistične procese, definirali pa bomo tudi odprto problematiko, ki je plod teh procesov, in na podlagi realnih finančnih in operativnih zmožnosti predlagali rešitve. Gre za procese, kjer je stalna težnja po izboljšavah še toliko pomembnejša. Logistične procese bomo razdelili po segmentih, kot so notranji promet (znotraj območja Železarne Ravne), zunanji promet (zunaj območja Železarne Ravne), paletna vozila in upravljanje industrijskega tira. Problematika sega vse od vsakdanjih operativnih težav pa do problemov, ki se lahko rešujejo na strateškem nivoju. Med drugimi so to odsotnost odgovornosti naročnikov, zastarelost vozil in infrastrukture ter nevarno oziroma nepravilno nakladanje in razkladanje tovora.
Keywords:logistični procesi, SIJ Metal Ravne, cestni prevozi, paletna vozila, industrijski tir
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[M. Kadiš]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-77983 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:33990147 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.10.2020
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Licensing start date:29.09.2020

Secondary language

Title:Analysis of logistics processes in a department of internal logistics of a company sij metal ravne, d.o.o.
Abstract:As with other companies, internal logistics plays a major role in SIJ Metal Ravne. Errors and problems in the department’s operations may result in manufacturing materials being undelivered, which can hurt the entire company. For this thesis, the aforementioned department and its logistical processes were analysed. These processes are in need of constant improvement and give rise to open issues that were defined, while realistic solutions were offered with respect to financial and operative capabilities. The processes are divided into segments, i.e. internal traffic (within the area of the ironworks), external traffic (outside the area), pallet transfer vehicles and management of the industrial railway. The considered problems include everything from everyday operative issues to problems that can be solved on a strategic level. Among others, these are the lack of client responsibility, the obsolescence of vehicles and infrastructure, and incorrect or dangerous loading and unloading of cargo.
Keywords:Logistic processes, SIJ Metal Ravne, road transport, pallet transfer vehicles, industrial railway


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