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Title:Vloga sistemskega analitika v podjetju comtron d.o.o.
Authors:ID Zadravec, Blaž (Author)
ID Sternad Zabukovšek, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Zadravec_Blaz_2020.pdf (2,11 MB)
MD5: FAB73A15839E642EBBFEFBC971CE7556
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/dba71c31-8816-47ea-80fb-9ae5738ec586
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Današnji svet, predvsem v smeri informacijske tehnologije (IT), je obkrožen s številnimi naprednimi tehnologijami, inovacijami in nenehnih razvojem. Z njihovo uporabo, so se iz leta v leto spreminjali poslovni procesi poslovanja podjetja, saj vsi želijo biti čimbolj konkurenčni na trgu. Kot že vemo, je glavni prihodek podjetja stranka, ki z nakupi izdelkov ali storitev omogoča obstoj podjetja v prihodnosti. Večina tehnologij ravno temelji na obdržitvi obstoječih strank in pridobitvi novih, potencialnih strank. Podjetja, ki dandanes ne sledijo trendom, ne spremljajo novih tehnologij in razvoja, bodo ostala za časom, kar lahko povzroči velike težave. Izdelki in storitve, ki so oblikovani na podlagi strankinih želj, bodo deležni največje pozornosti s strani stranke. Magistrsko delo smo razdelili na 3 dele, ki so opisani v nadaljevanju. V prvem delu se bomo srečali z zelo aktualno zadevo in sicer s podatkovno analitiko. Najprej bomo opredelili definicijo podatkovne analitike in natančno spoznali njen vpliv na poslovanje podjetja. Temu sledijo opredelitev štirih vrst podatkovne analitike, kjer bomo spoznali prednost njihove uporabe in kako podjetju omogoča konkurenčno prednost. V tem delu se bomo prav tako osredotočili na sistemskega analitika, ki bo kasneje predmet tretjega dela. Spoznali bomo vloge in orodja sistemskega analitika ter njegov pomen za podjetje. Na koncu bomo našteli in pojasnili vse prihajajoče trende podatkovne analitike za podjetja. V drugem delu magistrskega dela, se bomo osredotočili na ERP rešitve, kjer bomo opredelili njihovo definicijo in pomen uporabe v podjetju. V tem delu se bomo tudi spoznali z moduli ERP rešitve, ki predstavljajo njegovo celoto. Čeprav ne moramo izpostaviti le enega modula, ki velja za nujnega, lahko rečemo, da je med pomembnejšimi modul CRM. Ta celoten modul se vrti tako okoli obstoječih strank, kot tudi pridobitev novih, potencialnih strank. Temu sledi zgodovina oz. ravoj ERP rešitev skozi leta, opis njihovih značilnost in koristnosti, ki jih prinašajo za podjetje. Nato se bomo osredotočili na vrste ERP rešitev in potek implementacije v podjetju. Na koncu bomo enako kot pri podatkovni analitiki, predstavili prihajajoče trende na področju ERP rešitev. V zadnjem, tretjem delu magistrskega dela, pa bomo predstavili podjetje Comtron d.o.o. in njihovo ERP rešitev TIC. Ta del bomo zaključili s prikazom praktičnega primera uvedbe nove funkcionalnosti v TIC ter preverili predloge za optimizacijo obstoječega praktičnega primera.
Keywords:podatkovna analitika, ERP rešitve, sistemski analitik
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[B. Zadravec]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-77823 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:42210563 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.12.2020
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License:CC BY-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:Under the NoDerivatives Creative Commons license one can take a work released under this license and re-distribute it, but it cannot be shared with others in adapted form, and credit must be provided to the author.
Licensing start date:15.09.2020

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Title:The role of a system analyst in the company comtron d.o.o.
Abstract:Today's world, especially in the direction of Information technology (IT), is surrounded by many advanced technologies, innovations and constant developments. With their use, the business processes of the company have changed from year to year, as everyone wants to be as competitive as possible in the market. As we already know, the main income of a company is a customer who, by purchasing products or services, enables the company to exist in the future. Most technologies are based on retaining existing customers and gaining new, potential customers. Companies that don’t follow trends today, don’t keep up with new technology and developments, will be left behind over time, which can cause major problems. Products and services that are designed based on the customer's wishes will receive the greatest attention from the customer. The master's thesis was divided into 3 parts, which are described below. In the first part, we will meet with a very topical issue, namely data analytics. We will first define the definition of data analytics and get to know their impact on the company's operations in detail. This is followed by the definition of four types of data analytics, where we will learn about the advantage of their use and how it gives the company a competitive advantage. In this part, we will also focus on the systems analyst, who will be present in the third part later. We will learn about the roles and tools of a systems analyst and its importance for the company. Finally, we will list and explain all the upcoming trends in data analytics for businesses. In the second part of the master's thesis, we will focus on ERP solutions, where we will define its definition and the importance of use in the company. In this part, we will also get acquainted with the ERP solution modules that represent its whole. Although we do not have to point out only one module that is considered necessary, we can say that the CRM module is among the most important. This whole module revolves around existing customers as well as gaining new, potential customers. This is followed by history or the development of ERP solutions over the years, a description of its features and the benefits it brings to the company. We will then focus on its types and how its implementation in the company takes place. Finally, as with data analytics, we will present the upcoming trends in the field of ERP solutions. In the last, third part of the master's thesis, we will first present the company Comtron d.o.o. and presented its ERP solution, named TIC. This part will end with a presentation of a practical example of the introduction of new functionality in the TIC and check the proposals for optimizing the existing practical example.
Keywords:data analytics, ERP solutions, system analyst


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