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Title:Osebna dostava zdravil z brezpilotnimi zračnimi letalniki-droni
Authors:ID Kober, Andjelko Andy (Author)
ID Knez, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Grofelnik, Igor (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Kober_Andjelko_Andy_2020.pdf (979,32 KB)
MD5: F1BC20FAE09C53A4B91141788B3A2EB7
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/30afb442-42a6-446e-9245-24925bb2e6eb
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:V današnjem konkurenčnem poslovnem okolju podjetja uvajajo nove tehnologije in povečujejo svojo paleto izdelkov in storitev. Eno izmed razvijajočih področij je tudi izvedba različnih storitev s pomočjo brezpilotnega zračnega letalnika. Namen diplomskega dela je preučitev možnosti uporabe brezpilotnih zračnih letalnikov v zdravstveni panogi v Sloveniji, še posebej na področju dostave zdravil, ki bi lahko v prihodnosti tvorila novo panogo v logističnih modalitetah. Skozi raziskovalno delo v obliki pregleda literature potrjujemo vse naše zastavljene hipoteze. Pri tehnologiji uporabe brezpilotnih zračnih letalnikov gre za novo in hitro rastočo tehnologijo, o kateri se moramo še veliko naučiti, saj je glede uporabe brezpilotnih zračnih letalnikov še veliko nejasnosti in težav, ki jih opisujemo raziskavi. Prav tako glede na rezultate raziskave ugotavljamo, da brezpilotni zračni letalniki predstavljajo osnovo za dostave v prihodnosti, zelo primeren za dostavo zdravil, ki so nujno potrebna za preživetje posameznikov in kjer je zelo pomemben dejavnik čas, ki poteče do dostave zdravil, s čimer potrjujemo drugo hipotezo. Potrjujemo tudi tretjo hipotezo, saj slovenska zakonodaja trenutno še ne dovoljuje tovrstnih dostav z brezpilotnimi zračnimi letalniki, saj da so zakonske osnove osnovane preozko, kar pa ne pomeni, da se bo to dejstvo ne bo spremenilo z novo zakonodajo, ki je v pripravi.
Keywords:brezpilotni zračni letalniki, zakonodaja, dostava zdravil
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[A. A. Kober]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-77588 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:33941251 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.10.2020
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Licensing start date:04.09.2020

Secondary language

Title:Personal delivery of medicines by drones
Abstract:In today's competitive business environment, companies are introducing new technologies and increasing their range of products and services. One of the developing areas is also the implementation of various services with the help of an unmanned aerial vehicle. The purpose of the thesis is to examine the possibility of using unmanned aerial vehicles in the healthcare industry in Slovenia, especially in the field of drug delivery, which could in the future form a new industry in logistics modalities. Through our research work in the form of a review of literature, we confirm all our hypotheses. The technology of using unmanned aerial vehicles is a new and fast-growing technology about which we still have a lot to learn, because there are still many problems described in our research regarding the use of unmanned aerial vehicles. According to the results of the research, we also find that unmanned aerial vehicles are the basis for future deliveries and very suitable for the delivery of drugs that are essential for the survival of individuals and where a very important factor is the time elapsed until drug delivery, which confirms our second hypothesis. We also confirm the third hypothesis, that Slovenian legislation does currently not allow such deliveries with unmanned aerial vehicles, as the legal basis is too narrow, which does not mean that this fact will not change with the new legislation in preparation.
Keywords:Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicles, legislation, drug delivery


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