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Title:Primerjalna analiza deželnih tveganj Češke in Madžarske
Authors:ID Vodička, Tjaša (Author)
ID Korez Vide, Romana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Vodicka_Tjasa_2020.pdf (1,34 MB)
MD5: 6565EAE9AC2C4CDA946B2B8A0625B92B
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/5d585f7a-676d-445d-b40d-73e1d2b18a03
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Deželno tveganje se nanaša predvsem na ekonomska in politična tveganja v neki državi. Za uveljavljanje podjetij na tujih trgih je zelo pomembno poznavanje teh tveganj, kajti nepoznavanje lahko povzroči nepričakovane naložbene izgube. Zaradi globalizacije in s tem povezana hitro rastoča mednarodna posojila in tuje neposredne investicije, je analiza deželnega tveganja postala ključna za mednarodne upnike in vlagatelje. V prvem delu diplomskega projekta smo predstavili koncept deželnega tveganja in obravnavali možna tveganja, ki lahko vplivajo na odločitve tujih investitorjev pred vstopom na tuji trg. Razložili smo pomen analize deželnega tveganja in obravnavali možne oblike obvladovanja deželnega tveganja. Češka in Madžarska sta državi Srednje Evrope, ki sta geografsko dobro locirani in privlačni za tuje vlagatelje. Na podlagi zbranih podatkov smo v drugem delu diplomskega projekta izvedli analizo deželnega tveganja in primerjali stopnjo tveganja obeh držav. Pri analizi smo uporabili podatke institucij Coface in Euler Hermes in primerjali prednosti ter slabosti. Proučili smo ekonomska in politična tveganja Češke in Madžarske in s tem glavne indikatorje, kot so gospodarska rast in ekonomska politika. Na podlagi primerjalne analize ugotavljamo, da je zaradi nižje stopnje deželnega tveganja, Češka bolj privlačna država za tuje neposredne investitorje kot Madžarska.
Keywords:mednarodno poslovanje, deželno tveganje, analiza tveganj, tuje neposredne investicije, Češka, Madžarska.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Vodička]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-77580 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:36665859 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.11.2020
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:03.09.2020

Secondary language

Title:A comparison analysis of czech's and hungary's country risk
Abstract:Country risk refers to economic and political risks in a particular country. Expertise on these risks is very important for companies to establish themselves at foreign markets, because unfamiliarity can lead to unexpected investment losses. Due to globalization and the associated fast-growing international loans and foreign direct investment, country risk analysis has become crucial for international creditors and investors. In the first part of the diploma project, we presented the concept of country risk and discussed possible risks that may affect the decisions of foreign investors before entering a foreign market. We explained the importance of country risk analysis and discussed possible forms of country risk management. The Czech Republic and Hungary are Central European countries that are geographically well located and attractive for foreign investors. Based on the collected data, in the second part of the diploma project we performed a country risk analysis and compared the level of risk of both countries. In the analysis, we used data from Coface and Euler Hermes and compared the pros and cons. We examined the economic and political risks of the Czech Republic and Hungary and herewith the main indicators, such as economic growth and economic policy. Based on a comparative analysis, we establish that due to the lower level of country risk, the Czech Republic is more attractive country for foreign direct investors than Hungary.
Keywords:International business, country risk, foreign direct investment, Czech Republic, Hungary


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