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Title:Rast in razvoj navadne pire v različnih pridelovalnih sistemih
Authors:ID Fuks, Žan (Author)
ID Bavec, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Jakop, Manfred (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UN_Fuks_Zan_2020.pdf (635,80 KB)
MD5: B43E2F1B06B6C32257FE29FB70A8C784
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/9aa3005a-acc0-4811-a185-73abaeed89e9
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Na trajnostnem poskusu na UKC Pohorski dvor, so bili leta 2019 analizirani vplivi štirih pridelovalnih sistemov (konvencionalni (KON), integrirani (INT), ekološki (EKO), biodinamični (BD)) in kontrolne obravnave (K) na pridelek navadne pire, višino rastlin, produktivno razraščanje in pojav bolezni ter škodljivcev. Namen poskusa je dokazati, da se s to nezahtevno poljščino lahko pridela primerljive pridelke v ekološkem kmetijstvu, napram pridelkom v intenzivnem kmetijstvu. Povprečen pridelek je variiral od 2951 kg/ha (K) do 4183 kg/ha (BD). Višina rastlin je od 121,5 cm (K) do 137,2 cm (BD). Pridelek in višina se med obravnavanimi pridelovalnimi sistemi statistično značilno ne razlikujeta, statistično nižji pridelek je le v K, ki pa je statistično značilno enak INT. Koeficient produktivnega razraščanja znaša v povprečju 1,37, med obravnavanimi pa ni statističnih razlik. Napad bolezni Puccinie graminis je na intenzivnih obravnavanjih statistično značilno manjši, kot na ekoloških in kontrolnih obravnavanjih. Napad Septoria nodorum je bil statistično značilno višji pri KON obravnavanjih, napram ostalim. Analiza je pokazala tudi, da je Septoria tritici statistično značilno bolj napadla BD obravnavanje, manj pa INT. Pri napadu škodljivcev ni zabeleženih statistično značilnih razlik. Glede na rezultate, se merjeni parametri statistično značilno ne razlikujejo glede na pridelovalne sisteme.
Keywords:Pira, pridelovalni sistem, pridelek
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-77150 New window
Publication date in DKUM:02.09.2020
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:19.08.2020

Secondary language

Title:Growth and Development of Spelt in Different Production Systems
Abstract:In a sustainability experiment at UKC Pohorski dvor, four impact production systems were analyzed (conventional (KON), integrated (INT), ecological (EKO), biodynamical (BD) and a control group (K)) concerning the crop yield of Ordinary Spelt, its height, productive overgrowth and the presence of diseases and pests. The purpose of this experiment was to prove, that with this undemanding crop one can cultivate a produce in ecological farming comparable to one cultivated in intensive farming. The average yield varied between 2951 kg/ha (K) and 4183 kg/ha (BD). The height of the plants ranged from 121,5 cm (K) to 137,2 cm (BD). The yield and height of the spelt in the discussed cultivation systems did not differentiate, which is statistically typical. The yield was statistically lower only in K, which was equal to INT through statistical typicality. The coefficient of productive overgrowth was on average 1,37, yet there were no differences between subject matters that would be statistically typical. The scale of infection with Puccinie Graminis was lower in the intensive approach compared to the ecological approaches and K than statistically typical. The scale of infection with Septoria Nodorum was higher in KON approaches and more on par with other approaches than statistically typical. The analysis has shown that Septoria Tritici affected the BD approach more than in statistically typical cases, and the INT approach less than in statistically typical cases. Concerning pest attacks, there were no deviations from statistical typicality. Considering the results, the measured parameters do not differentiate from statistical typicality throughout the cultivation systems.
Keywords:Spelt, production system, yield


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