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Title:Testiranje biostimulatorja na podlagi alg, bakra in hitosana za zatiranje bolezni in škodljivcev jablan
Authors:ID Preložnik, Anja (Author)
ID Lešnik, Mario (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Paušič, Andrej (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UN_Preloznik_Anja_2020.pdf (7,76 MB)
MD5: FCEA216771730246EC964956EC60BBF8
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a5da9dbc-2a9e-4252-9684-d994d38e499f
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:V letu 2019 se je v sadovnjaku jablan sorte gala v Pivoli izvedel poljski poskus, v katerem se je testiral biostimulator. Sestavine biostimulatorja so bile alge iz družine Spirulina sp. ter tribazični bakrov sulfat in cinkov sulfat s protiglivičnim delovanjem. Pripravek je vseboval tudi kaolin in eterično olje žajblja. V poskusu je bilo pet obravnavanj. V prvem obravnavanju so se jablane škropile s polnim škropilnim programom brez biostimulatorja. V drugem obravnavanju se je polnemu škropilnemu programu dodal biostimulator. Pri tretjem obravnavanju se je škropilni program zmanjšal za polovico in dodal biostimulator. V četrtem obravnavanju se je uporabil samo biostimulator. Peto obravnavanje je bila kontrola brez fitofarmacevtskih sredstev in biostimulatorja. Ocene bolezni in napadenost škodljivcev so se opravljale trikrat v času nanosov in ocenjevale z EPPO metodo. Rezultati so bili statistično analizirani s Tukey HSD testom. Učinkovitost škropilnih programov smo računali po standardni Abbot formuli. Rezultati so pokazali, da je sama učinkovitost biostimulatorja na bolezni nizka, vendar se ob uporabi hkrati s FFS njihov učinek poveča. Biostimulator zaviralno deluje na jabolčnega zavijača (Cydia pomonella) in uši (Aphis pomi), vendar povzroča mrežavost plodov. Količina pridelka pri uporabi samega biostimulatorja ni bila manjša od ostalih obravnavanj. Glede kakovosti plodov je dodatek biostimulatorja vplival na povečanje mase jabolk 1. razreda, vendar je njegova uporaba ovirala obarvanje plodov.
Keywords:biostimulator, baker, jablana, zatiranje bolezni
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-77049 New window
Publication date in DKUM:01.09.2020
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:12.08.2020

Secondary language

Title:Algae, copper and chitosane based biostimulator testing for disease and pest control in apples
Abstract:In 2019, a field experiment was conducted in a gala apple orchand, in which a biostimulator was tested. The components of the biostimulator were algae from the family Spirulina sp. and three basic copper sulfates and zinc sulfates for antifungal activity. The concoction also contained kaolin and sage essential oil. There were five treatments in the experiment. In the first treatment, the apple trees were sprayed with a full spray program without the biostimulator. In the second treatment, the biostimulator was added to the full spray program. In the third treatment, the spray program was reduced by half and the biostimulator was added. In the fourth treatment, however, only the biostimulator was used. The fifth treatment was a control without plant protection products and the biostimulator. Disease assessments and pest infestation were performed three times at the time of application and were assessed by the EPPO method. The results were statistically analyzed using the Tukey HSD test. The efficiency of spraying programs was calculated according to the standard Abbot formula. The results showed that the effectiveness of the biostimulator on its own is low, but when used simultaneously with PPP, their effect is increased. The biostimulator has an inhibitory effect on codling moths (Cydia pomonella) and lice (Aphis pomi), but causes fruit russeting. The amount of yield, when using the biostimulator on its own, was not lower than the in other treatments. In terms of fruit quality, the addition of the biostimulator had the effect of increasing the weight of Class 1 apples, but its use hindered fruit coloring.
Keywords:biostimulator, copper, apple tree, disease control


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