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Title:Spolni napad na mladoletno osebo - aktualne dileme in sodna praksa : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Napotnik, Nika (Author)
ID Šepec, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Napotnik_Nika_2020.pdf (637,10 KB)
MD5: 6939B8CCA1B7595D79ABE1CF0183166B
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/286337fd-53ca-4908-9c08-ff6d49702f25
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Spolni napad na mladoletno osebo predstavlja eno izmed najbolj zavržnih dejanj, pri katerem se poseže v spolno nedotakljivost otrok. Inkriminacija spolnega napada na mladoletno osebo je pomemben del veljavnega spolnega kazenskega prava. Pomemben napredek v razvoju varovanja spolne integritete otrok je bil narejen šele v zadnjih 15. letih, ko so razvite države sprejele ustrezne zakone in novelirale že sprejete zakone na način, da so med drugim v ospredje postavile tudi varovanje spolne nedotakljivosti otrok oziroma mladoletnih oseb. Slovenski zakonodajalec se je odločil, da bo varoval spolno integriteto osebe mlajše od 15 let, saj ta glede na svojo starost in zrelost sama naj ne bi bila zmožna razumetni pomena in posledic spolnosti. Spolna zloraba je definirana kot vsaka spolna interakcija brez volje žrtve, brez soglasja ali pa je storjena na agresiven, izkoriščevalen, manipulativen ali grozeč način. Zlasti otroci so lahke žrtve, katere je moč prepričati v neprimerna spolna ravnanja, saj storilci kaznivih dejanj spolnega napada na mladoletnike uporabljajo različne tehnike podkupovanja in prigovarjanja žrtve. Sama inkriminacija spolnega napada na osebo mlajšo od 15 let, vsebovana v Kazenskem zakoniku temelji na Konvenciji o otrokovih pravicah in pravnih aktih Evropske unije, katere zavezujejo države članice, da sprejmejo ustrezno zakonodajo, na podlagi katere bodo otroci varovani pred vsakim spolnim ravnanjem proti njihovi volji. Ker pa v zakonski okvir potencialnih žrtev kaznivega dejanja spadajo tako majhni otroci kakor tudi pubertetniki pred dopolnjenim 15. letom starosti, je zakonodajalec moral zakonsko urediti izjemo, ki ne predstavlja protipravnega ravanja v primeru spolnih ravnanj vrstnikov. Sama ureditev zakonodajalca je ponesrečena glede na samo zakonsko besedilo, saj je potrebno za izključitev protipravnosti ravnanja vrstnikov izpolniti dva zakonska pogoja, to sta sorazmerno starost ter zrelost. Prav zaradi absolutno določene starostne nesposobnosti odločanja o spolnem življenju, katero je zakonodajalec postavil na dopolnjeno 15. leto, se je s strani teoretikov vzbudila kritika neprimerne odločitve zakonodajalca, gledano na zakonsko določbo o kazenski odgovornosti, katero dosežejo posamezniki z dopolnjenim 14. letom starosti. Pri absolutno določeni starostni meji zakonodajalec v obzir ne vzame elementa zrelosti in telesne razvitosti, kar bi bilo potrebno, da bi se izognili diskriminaciji na podlagi starosti. Sodna praksa slovenskih sodišč dosledno varuje načelo spolne samoodločbe posameznika, še posebej pa otrok, v kolikor do sodnega postopka sploh pride, saj je večina storilcev z žrtvijo v sorodnem razmerju, kar posledično pomeni, da veliko primerov zaradi strahu žrtve spolne zlorabe niti ne naznani.
Keywords:Otrok, mladostnik, zrelost, pedofilija, spolna nedotakljivost, primerljiva starost.
Place of publishing:[S. l.
Place of performance:[S. l.
Publisher:N. Napotnik]
Year of publishing:2020
Number of pages:61 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-77022 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:26064387 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.08.2020
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Licensing start date:10.08.2020

Secondary language

Title:Sexual assault on a minor - current dilemmas and case law
Abstract:Sexual assault on a minor is one of the most reprehensible acts of interfering with the sexual integrity of children. The incrimination of sexual assault on a minor is an important part of applicable sexual criminal law. Significant progress in the development of protection of the sexual integrity of children has been made in the last 15 years, when developed countries adopted appropriate laws and amended already adopted laws in such way, as to focus on the protection of sexual integrity of children and minors. The Slovenian legislator has decided to protect the sexual integrity of a person under the age of 15, as he or she is not capable of understanding the meaning and consequences of sexual behaviour due to his or her age and maturity. Sexual abuse is defined as any sexual interaction without the will of the victim, without consent, or committed in an aggressive, exploitative, manipulative, or threatening manner. In particular, children are easy victims who can be persuaded into inappropriate sexual conduct, as perpetrators use various techniques of bribing and grooming the victim. The very incrimination of sexual assault on the person under the age of 15 contained in the Criminal Code is based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the legal acts of the European Union, which oblige Member States to adopt appropriate legislation to protect children from any sexual conduct against their will. However, since the legal framework of potential victims of crime includes both young children and adolescents under the age of 15, the legislator had to legislate an exception that does not constitute unlawful conduct in the case of sexual acts by peers. The regulation of the legislator itself is unfortunate, according to the legal text itself, as it is necessary to meet two legal conditions, proportional age and maturity, in order to exclude the illegality of peer behavior. Precisely due to the absolute age of inability to decide on sexual life, which the legislator set at the age of 15, theorists have criticized the inappropriate decision of the legislator, given the statutory provision on criminal liability achieved by individuals over 14 years of age. With an absolute age limit, the legislator does not take into account the element of maturity and physical development, which would be necessary to avoid discrimination bases on the age. The case law of Slovenian courts consistently protects the principle of sexual self-determination of an individual, especially a child, in the event of legal proceedings. But there is a big number of cases, that go unreportet, as most perpetrators are related to the victim.
Keywords:Child, minor, maturity, paedophilia, sexual integrity, comparable age.


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