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Title:Vloga modusa operandi in storilčevega podpisa v profiliranju morilcev : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa Varstvoslovje
Authors:ID Rednak, Taja (Author)
ID Areh, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Rednak_Taja_2020.pdf (544,87 KB)
MD5: C8557630A7153D3B0C5B2BEF9BE69CE2
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/c9c976bc-f32e-4d3c-835a-04eb827b70bb
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Serijski umori so se dogajali že v preteklosti, vendar temu takrat niso posvečali veliko pozornosti. Sodobna družba pa si dandanes prizadeva razumeti tovrstne storilce do potankosti. Raziskovanja in pisanja se lotimo s podrobno razlago storilčevega načina delovanja, t. i. modusa operandi, in podpisa storilca. Sledi analiza kraja dejanja, kjer se dotaknemo razlage elementov (namerne) uprizoritve kaznivega dejanja in možnih elementov ritualov. Nadaljujemo z opisom profiliranja, kje omenimo tudi najslavnejši primer serijskega morilca Jacka Razparača. Na koncu naloge še analiziramo tri naključne serijske morilce, pri katerih poskušamo izvedeti, ali njihovi umori vsebujejo modus operandi in/ali podpis. Po opravljeni analizi tuje literature, ki je obravnavala našo tematiko, pridemo do sklepa, da obstaja velika razlika med modusom operandi in podpisom. Modus operandi, ki nam pove o storilčevem načinu delovanja, je za razliko od podpisa nujno potreben za dokončanje kaznivega dejanja. Modus operandi naj bi bil veljaven tri do štiri mesece, potem pa naj bi se spremenil ali izpopolnil. Za razliko od tega podpis vedno ostaja enak in unikaten. Ugotovimo tudi, da imata modus operandi in podpis pomembno vlogo v profiliranju. V preiskavi v kombinaciji razkrivata osnovne vedenjske značilnosti storilca, ki so pomembne za kriminalno profiliranje. Menimo, da bo profiliranje postalo uporabno s podporo znanstvenih ved na temo področja preučevanja serijskih umorov ter z utemeljenimi znanstvenimi raziskavami in študijami na področju profiliranja.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, profiliranje, modus operandi, podpis storilca, serijski morilci
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Rednak]
Year of publishing:2020
Year of performance:2020
Number of pages:VI, 47 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76996 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:29015811 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The Role of the Modus Operandi and Offender's Signature in Profiling Murderers
Abstract:Serial murders were committed in the past, but people did not devote them much attention. However, modern society nowadays strives to acquire in-depth knowledge on such offenders. We start our research by providing an in-depth explanation of the offender's modus operandi and their signature. We go on to analyse crime scenes, where we explain the elements of (intentional) crime-scene staging and possible elements of rituals. The process of profiling is described, along with the most known serial killer case – Jack the Ripper. In the end of the paper, we analyse three random serial killers, trying to determine whether their murders include a modus operandi and/or a signature. Having analysed foreign literature on this topic, we can conclude that there is a great difference between a modus operandi and an offender's signature. As opposed to the offender's signature, modus operandi, which describes the offender's way of committing crimes, is necessary to complete the crime. Modus operandi is valid for three to four months, after which it changes or improves. On the other hand, the offender's signature is always the same and is unique. We determine that modus operandi and the offender's signature have an important role in profiling. During an investigation, the combination of both helps obtain the basic behavioural characteristics of the offender, which are important for criminal profiling. We believe that profiling will become useful with the support of scientific disciplines in the field of serial murder investigation, with justified scientific research and with research in the field of profiling.
Keywords:profiling, modus operandi, offender's signature, serial murderers


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