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Title:Spletno nakupovanje ponarejenih prehranskih dopolnil v Sloveniji : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Blatnik, Eva (Author)
ID Frangež, Danijela (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Erčulj, Vanja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Blatnik_Eva_2020.pdf (1,35 MB)
MD5: 808C5037B0E20023C6EAE102C95DFC0E
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/e80862b6-9c92-4277-8ceb-0e0de9ce233f
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Ponarejena prehranska dopolnila so dostopna uporabnikom po vsem svetu. Uporabniki so izpostavljeni številnim tveganjem, z uživanjem le-teh (ne)zavestno ogrožajo svoje zdravje (Šetina in Kreft, 2019). V magistrskem delu ugotavljamo, ali se spletni kupci prehranskih dopolnil zavedajo nevarnosti, ki so jim lahko izpostavljeni pri uživanju prehranskih dopolnil, kupljenih prek spleta, ali so previdni pri spletnem nakupovanju prehranskih dopolnil in ali so opazili neželene učinke ob uživanju prehranskih dopolnil, kupljenih prek spleta. Nadalje predstavljamo razliko v zavedanju nevarnosti nakupovanja prehranskih dopolnil med spletnimi kupci prehranskih dopolnil in ostalimi kupci prehranskih dopolnil v Sloveniji. Med spletnimi kupci in ostalimi kupci prehranskih dopolnil obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike pri ocenjevanju varnosti prehranskih dopolnil, kupljenih prek slovenskih in tujih spletnih strani. Anketirani ostali kupci bolj upoštevajo mnenja zanesljivih oseb (zdravnik, farmacevt) v primerjavi s spletnimi kupci, ki bolj upoštevajo mnenja nezanesljivih oseb (prijatelj, internet, osebni trener …). Največ anketirancev (39,2 %) ne bi prepoznalo nelegalnih spletnih prodajaln prehranskih dopolnil, kar hkrati nakazuje na zavedanje tveganj, ki so jim izpostavljeni pri spletnem nakupovanju. Prav tako anketiranci bolj negativno ocenjujejo lastnosti prehranskih dopolnil, dostopnih na spletu, v primerjavi s tistimi, kupljenimi v lekarni. Anketiranci niso zaznali stranskih učinkov pri uživanju prehranskih dopolnil, kupljenih prek spleta.
Keywords:ponarejena prehranska dopolnila, spletno nakupovanje, javno zdravje, varnost javnega zdravja, magistrska dela
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Blatnik]
Year of publishing:2020
Year of performance:2020
Number of pages:IX, 90 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76862 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:32649987 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The issue of purchasing counterfeit dietary supplements online in Slovenia
Abstract:Counterfeit dietary supplements are easily accessible all over the world. Consequently, consumers are not only exposed to many risks but they may also un(consciously) jeopardize their health (Šetina in Kreft, 2019). In this master’s degree thesis, we have tried to find out: firstly, whether the customers of online dietary supplements are aware of potential dangers caused by consuming them, secondly, whether they are cautious when ordering them online and thirdly, whether they have noticed any side effects after consuming the supplements. Furthermore, we compare the differences in awareness of potential dangers when buying dietary supplements online or through other retail channels in Slovenia. One of the conclusions we have made is that there are statistically significant differences between online and offline buyers of dietary supplements in terms of assessing the safety of purchased goods ordered via Slovenian or foreign websites. Another point is that offline buyers follow the instructions and opinions of reliable people such as doctors and pharmacists, whereas online buyers do the opposite: follow a friend’s, a coach’s advice or trust the internet marketing. In the questionnaire we carried out 39,2% of the respondents would not be able to recognize illegal online stores of dietary supplements, which nevertheless indicates their awareness of the risks and traps they are exposed to when shopping online. What is more, most of the respondents are not in favour of buying dietary goods online due to their dubious properties; they prefer buying them in drug stores and pharmacies. Finally, we would like to emphasize that the respondents of the above-mentioned questionnaire did not perceive any side effects after consuming dietary supplements purchased online.
Keywords:counterfeit dietary supplements, online purchase, online buyers, dangers, public health and safety


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