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Title:Otrokov prvi stik z bibarijami in prstnimi igrami
Authors:ID Vidovič, Ines (Author)
ID Šinko, Sabina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Vidovic_Ines_2020.pdf (3,85 MB)
MD5: 702A9C6540D0EE9C9552914A60A83354
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/e7d2454a-4415-410c-895a-df9b1b114707
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Diplomsko delo z naslovom Otrokov prvi stik z bibarijami in prstnimi igrami je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in praktičnega dela. Njegov poglavitni namen je srečanje otrok z bibarijami in prstnimi igrami. V teoretičnem delu smo podrobneje predstavili razvojne značilnosti otrok, starih od 12 do 24 mesecev, bibarije in prstne igre. Opisali smo značilnosti govornega, kognitivnega, gibalnega, socialnega in emocionalnega (čustvenega) razvoja otrok. Opredelili smo, kaj so bibarije in prstne igre, njihovo vlogo in pomen v obdobju malčka, našteli vrste in nekaj primerov. Pomemben poudarek je na tem, kako se bibarije igramo, kaj je pri bibarijah pomembno (tekst, mimika) in katere elemente vsebujejo (igra, gibanje, neverbalna komunikacija in čustva). V praktičnem delu smo z desetimi izvedenimi dejavnostmi želeli otroke seznaniti in jim približati bibarije in prstne igre. Praktičen del smo izvedli v vrtcu Osnovne šole Gustava Šiliha Laporje v skupini 14 otrok, starih od 1 do 2 let. V dejavnosti so bili vključeni vsi otroci, ki so bili v vrtcu tisti dan prisotni, ne glede na starost. Ob sami izvedbi smo opazovali njihove odzive in le-te zapisali v obliki evalvacije v analizi. Otroci so ob izvedbah bibarij in prstnih iger neizmerno uživali in se sprostili. Večkratno ponavljanje bibarij in prstnih iger je pri otrocih vzbudilo pozitivna čustva. Izražali so se preko neverbalne komunikacije (smeh, iskrice v očeh, želja po ponovitvi, plezanje v naročje). Otroci so v vseh dejavnostih venomer aktivno sodelovali. Realizirati smo uspeli vse cilje, ki smo si jih zastavili v pripravah.
Keywords:otrokov razvoj, bibarije, prstne igre
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[I. Vidovič]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76840 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:34141187 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.10.2020
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Licensing start date:14.07.2020

Secondary language

Title:Child's first contact with action rhymes
Abstract:Diploma thesis “Child’s First Contact with Action Rhymes (“bibarije”) and Fingerplays” is consisted of theoretical and practical part. Its main purpose is child’s encounter with “bibarije” (action rhymes) and fingerplays. The theoretical part presents characteristics of development with children aged 12 to 14 months, “bibarije” and fingerplays. We described characteristics of children’s verbal, cognitive, motor, social and emotional development as well as defined what “bibarije” and fingerplays are, their role and significance in the toddler period, listed the types, and gave a few examples. An important emphasis is on how “bibarije” are played; what is essential in them (text, facial expressions) and what elements they contain (play, movement, non-verbal communication, and emotions). In the practical part, the children were acquainted with 10 implemented activities, which familiarized them with “bibarije” and fingerplays. The practical part was carried out at the nursery of the Elementary School Gustav Šilih Laporje in a group of 14 children aged 1 to 2 years. All children who were present in the nursery that day, regardless of age, were included in the activities. During the implementation, we observed their responses and wrote them down in the form of evaluation in the analysis. The children enjoyed and relaxed immensely while performing “bibarije” and fingerplays. Multiple repetition of “bibarije” and fingerplays evoked positive emotions in children. They expressed themselves through non-verbal communication (laughter, sparks in the eyes, desire to repeat, climbing onto the lap). The children were always actively involved in all activities. All goals, set in the preparations, were realised.
Keywords:child’s development, “bibarije” (action rhymes), fingerplays


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