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Title:Dejavniki razvoja dvojne kariere športnikov
Authors:ID Robnik, Petra (Author)
ID Ferjan, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kolar, Edvard (Comentor)
Files:.pdf DOK_Robnik_Petra_2022.pdf (3,64 MB)
MD5: 381330D3392E29419D98CF0C0427C16E
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/5748ca12-726e-4373-953f-b5ad1c948415
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Problematiko vrhunskih športnikov po končani športni karieri predstavlja predvsem prehod iz športne v poklicno kariero, ki je za vrhunske športnike lahko težaven zaradi neustrezne izobrazbe ali usposobljenosti, pridobljene med športno kariero in s tem povezano ustrezno ekonomsko vključitvijo vrhunskega športnika v poklicno kariero. Različni podporni mehanizmi in statusne pravice športnikov na področju izobraževanja in zaposlovanja omogočajo športniku konkretne rešitve, ki rešujejo to problematiko. Pri vstopu športnika na trg dela je ključna športnikova izobrazba in usposobljenost ter njegova sposobnost znanja in kompetence, pridobljene v športu, prenesti v poslovno okolje. Področje dvojne kariere športnikov zahteva na nacionalni ravni usklajeno delovanje in povezovanje več deležnikov. Namen doktorske disertacije je bil raziskati vpliv situacijskih dejavnikov na prehod iz kariere športnika v poklicno kariero. Z vzpostavitvijo celovitega modela podpore dvojne kariere športnikov na sistematičen način na nacionalni ravni, bomo športnikom zagotovili primerno izobraženost in usposobljenost za vstop na trg dela. Pomembno je med-nivojsko in medinstitucionalno sodelovanje, ter spodbujanje dobrih praks. V sklopu raziskave nas je zanimalo vprašanje kateri situacijski dejavniki vplivajo na družbeni razred športnika po koncu športne kariere in kako velik je njihov vpliv? Skladno s tem je bila postavljena tudi teza doktorske disertacije in osem hipotez, s pod hipotezami. V okviru raziskovalne strategije smo preučevali vpliv situacijskih dejavnikov (okolja) in zavzetosti športnika na družbeni razred športnika po koncu športne kariere. Preučili smo vplive neodvisnih spremenljivk: športnikovo socialno okolje (H1), športna panoga (H2), programi dvojne kariere športnikov (H3), podpora izobraževalnih organizacij (H4), podpora kadrovskega managementa (H5), sistemska podpora države (H6), zavzetost športnika (H7), družbeni razred staršev športnikov (H8), na odvisno spremenljivko: družbeni razred športnika pet let po koncu kariere. Metodološki okvir raziskave je v prvi fazi vključeval pridobivanje podatkov s teoretičnimi izhodišči. Na osnovi teoretičnih predpostavk je bil razvit konceptualni raziskovalni model (hipoteze), ter delovni model kakovosti kariernega prehoda športnika, ki opredeljuje teoretične konstrukte in spremenljivke, zajete v raziskavo. V drugi fazi empiričnega raziskovanja smo predvideli kvantitativni pristop zbiranja in analize podatkov. Za namen raziskave je bilo v izbranem vzorcu zajetih 49 nekdanjih vrhunskih športnikov (n = 49), iz 17 različnih športnih panog. Na osnovi empirične raziskave smo podali ugotovitve, ki smo jih nadgradili še s kritično analizo in primerjavo modela z Evropsko unijo. Skladno z delovnim modelom kakovosti kariernega prehoda športnika pet let po koncu športne kariere in metodološkim okvirom raziskovanja smo potrdili pet delovnih hipotez oziroma pod hipotez in sicer na družbeni razred športnika pet let po koncu športne kariere, statistično značilno vplivajo: športnikovo socialno okolje (H1) (β = -0,44 p < 0,05) in programi dvojne kariere športnikov (H3) (β = 0,34, p < 0,05). Sistemska podpora države pa statistično značilno vpliva na podporo športne panoge (H6b) (β = 0,44, p < 0,01); podporo programov dvojne kariere športnikov (H6c ) (β = 0,47, p < 0,01) in podporo trga dela (H6d) (β = -0,52, p < 0,001). Ključni dejavniki razvoja dvojne kariere športnikov, ki izhajajo iz ugotovitev doktorske disertacije so izobrazba, podpora staršev in vrstnikov za izobraževanje, programi dvojne kariere športnikov, ter sistemska podpora države. Aplikativna vrednost doktorske disertacije je neposredno v vzpostavitvi podlag in smernic za nadaljnji razvoj modela dvojne kariere športnikov v Sloveniji, ki bo celovito in trajnostno reševal vprašanja, s katerimi se srečujejo vrhunski športniki. Na ta način bo sistematično vzpostavljen ustrezen model dvojne kariere športnikov na nacionalni ravni.
Keywords:Dvojna kariera športnikov, vrhunski športniki, model dvojne kariere, dejavniki razvoja
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76382 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:100211203 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.03.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Factors of the development of Athletes' Dual Career
Abstract:After the conclusion of sporting careers Athletes often encounter the problem of the transition from sports into a vocational career, which can be difficult due to inadequate education or training acquired during a sports career. This also results in a lack of the proper economic inclusion of elite athletes in their vocational career after sports. The most important is the support of elite athletes through the whole process. The various support mechanisms and status rights of athletes in the field of education and employment allow athletes to make concrete solutions to this problem. The Dual Career support of athletes requires coordinated actions at the national levels and cooperation of several stakeholders simultaneously. The purpose of doctoral dissertation was to explore the impact of factors contributing to the quality of the transition from a career of an athlete to a vocational career. The objective of doctoral dissertation was further to summarize existing system measures, projects and programmes at national level. In order to recognize the factors contributing to the quality of the transition out of elite sport we had to explore (a) the impact of factors influencing the quality of the transition of former Slovenian elite athletes; and (b) the social class position of this athletes five years after the conclusion of their sporting career. In the context of the research strategy we studied the impact of situational factors (environment) and the engagement of athletes on the social class of elite athletes five years after the conclusion of their sporting career. We examined the effects of independent variables: social environment support of athletes (H1), sports industry support of athletes (H2), dual career programs (H3), educational institutions support of athletes (H4), HRM support (H5), government support (H6), engagement of athletes (H7), social class of athletes’ parents (H8), on the depending variable: social class of athletes five years after the conclusion of their sporting career. Based on theoretical assumptions, a conceptual research model (hypotheses) was developed, as well as a working model of the quality of the athletes` career transition, which identifies the theoretical variables included in the survey. In the second phase of empirical research, we anticipate a quantitative approach to data collection and analysis. The online survey was performed. Former international elite athletes from Slovenia were included in the online questionnaire. A sample of 49 former elite athletes (n = 49) from 17 different sports was collected. Research design was followed by the theoretical frameworks and objectives, presented in the methodological framework of the research. Results were interpreted in accordance to the national context and specifics and in accordance to the EU Dual Career Guidelines. Key factors of development of the Dual Career of Athletes`, resulting from the findings of doctoral dissertation are: Education; Social support of parents and peers for Education (H1) (β =-0.44 p < 0.05); Dual career support: Employment in Public administration, lack of financial resources (H3) (β = 0.34, p < 0.05), that has statistically significant impact on the social class of athletes five years after the conclusion of their sporting career; and the Government support that has a statistically significant impact on the support of the of Sports organizations (H6b) (β = 0.44, p < 0.01); Dual Career (H6c) (β = 0.47, p < 0.01); and the Labour market (HRM) (H6d) (β =-0.52, p < 0.001). The research findings were the basis for a critical analysis from which the proposed improvements of the National Dual Career model derived. The applicative value of doctoral dissertation is directly in the establishment of guidelines and orientations for further development of the National Dual Career model in Slovenia.
Keywords:Dual Career, Athletes, National Dual Career model, Factors of development


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