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Title:The nature of security culture in a military organization : a case study of the Slovenian Armed Forces
Authors:ID Čaleta, Denis (Author)
ID Rančigaj, Katja (Author)
ID Lobnikar, Branko (Author)
Files:URL https://www.fvv.um.si/rv/arhiv/2011-2/08_Caleta-Rancigaj-Lobnikar.pdf
URL https://www.fvv.um.si/rv/arhiv/2011-2/08_Caleta-Rancigaj-Lobnikar-E.html
Work type:Scientific work
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Purpose: The purpose of this research article is to define and explain the role of security culture as an important factor in the provision of effective preparedness of security organisation members for managing new types of security challenges, which are transnational, asymmetric and complex in form. It should be noted that, to a great extent, the internalisation of security awareness and the attitude towards security information depends on the organisational dynamics in an organisation. The article will complement theoretical findings with the analysis of the nature of security culture in a security (military) organisation, the priority of which is a high level of awareness of the effects of security culture and its integration in individual and organisational values. Design/Methods/Approach: The article presents views of the Slovenian Armed Forces’ (SAF) members on the perception of factors relevant for the operation of processes forming security culture. The research was carried out on a sample of SAF employees who use classified information in their work. Altogether 53 respondents participated in the survey. The security culture was measured with questions in the form of 31 statements. The respondents answered these statements with the help of a five-level scale. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the listed statements was 0.932. Finally, the nature of security culture was established with the help of a factor analysis. Findings: A factor analysis, carried out at the beginning of the analysis, helped establish six factors of security culture which enabled us to explain 71.99 percent of the variance. The identified factors intended for explaining security culture in the context of a military organisation are as follows: personnel requirements for management of classified information, competence for maintenance of security culture, attitude towards the protection of classified information, procedures for ensuring protection of classified information, recording and elimination of violations in the protection of classified information and organisational measures for management of classified information. The results of the survey carried out among the SAF employees demonstrated that the respondents estimated marked all identified security culture sets of contents above average, with marks ranging between 3 and 4 in all statements. Research limitations: The survey covered those SAF members who use classified information in their work. Hence the results of the survey are primarily applicable to the military environment and could not be generalized for other security organisations. Practical implications: The results of the survey can be directly applied to the management of processes for the protection and management of classified information in the SAF. Furthermore, they also indicate the application of the theoretical understanding of security culture’s significance to the success of security organizations’ performance. Originality/Value: The survey introduces an original approach to the measurement of security culture in security organisations. It can serve as a valuable basis for further research on the interaction of security culture with other factors in security organisations, such as for instance organisational culture. Practicians of criminal justice and security, military science and other similar scientific disciplines can also find this article useful in their further study of standpoints and attitudes of security organisations’ members about their role in the processes of establishing an appropriate security culture, as a precondition for effective management of new challenges and threats that we witness in the contemporary security environment.
Keywords:security culture, armed forces, classified information, Slovenia
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2011
Number of pages:str. 222-239
Numbering:Letn. 13, št. 2
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76251 New window
ISSN on article:1580-0253
COBISS.SI-ID:2171114 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.05.2020
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Record is a part of a journal

Shortened title:Varstvoslovje
Publisher:Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Visoka policijsko-varnostna šola, Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Visoka policijsko-varnostna šola, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za policijsko-varnostne vede, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za varnostne vede
COBISS.SI-ID:99492352 New window


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:04.05.2020

Secondary language

Title:Narava varnostne kulture v vojaški organizaciji : primer Slovenske vojske
Abstract:Namen prispevka: Varnostna kultura je dejavnik, ki pomembno vpliva na pripravljenost zaposlenih v varnostni organizaciji, da se učinkovito soočajo z asimetrični, transnacionalnimi in kompleksnimi varnostnimi izzivi v sodobni družbi. Organizacijska dinamika je namreč tisti dejavnik, ki pomembno vpliva na procese ponotranjenja pravil varnostnega vedenja, in preko tega tudi na vedenjske odzive zaposlenih, ko se srečujejo z upravljanjem varnostnih podatkov. Avtorji v prispevku teoretično opredelitev področja nadgradijo z analizo podatkov o naravi varnostne kulture v varnostni (vojaški) organizaciji. Metode: V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave, izvedene na vzorcu pripadnikov Slovenske vojske, kjer avtorji analizirajo njihovo percepcijo pomembnih faktorjev za tvorjenje učinkovite varnostne kulture znotraj vojaške organizacije. V vzorec so bili vključeni tisti pripadniki Slovenske vojske, ki pri svojem delu uporabljajo tajne podatke (N=53). Varnostno kulturo so avtorji merili s pomočjo vprašalnika z 31 trditvami na petstopenjski lestvici Likertovega tipa. Cronbach alfa koeficient za uporabljeno lestvico je bil 0.932. Vsebina in narava varnostne kulture v vojaški organizaciji je bila analizirana s pomočjo faktorske analize. Ugotovitve: S pomočjo faktorske analize je bilo ugotovljenih šest skupin/faktorjev varnostne kulture v vojaški organizaciji, s pomočjo katerih so avtorji pojasnili 71.99 odstotkov celotne variance. Faktorji, s pomočjo katerih pojasnjujejo naravo varnostne kulture, so naslednji: na posameznika vezani pogoji za upravljanje s tajnimi podatki, kompetence za vzdrževanje varnostne kulture, odnos do varovanja tajnih podatkov, postopki za zagotavljanje varnosti tajnih podatkov, evidentiranje in odpravljanje kršitev v postopku varovanja tajnih podatkov in organizacijski postopki za upravljanje področja varovanja tajnih podatkov. Rezultati raziskave kažejo nadpovprečne vrednosti pri analiziranih vsebinah, saj so udeleženci svoje odgovore označevali v veliki večini z vrednostmi 3 ali 4. Omejitve raziskave: Raziskava je vključevala zgolj tiste pripadnike Slovenske vojske, ki pri svojem delu uporabljajo tajne podatke. Zato so ugotovitve uporabne predvsem v okviru analize v vojaški organizaciji in niso primerne za posploševanje na druge varnostne organizacije. Praktična uporabnost: Rezultate raziskave je mogoče neposredno uporabiti v procesu upravljanja področja varovanja tajnih podatkov v okviru Slovenske vojske. Poleg tega pa prispevek krepi zavedanje po potrebi razumevanja širšega teoretičnega okvirja razumevanja varnostne kulture in njenega vpliva na organizacijsko učinkovitost. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Raziskava predstavlja izviren pristop merjenja varnostne kulture v varnostnih organizacijah. Kot takšna lahko služi kot pomemben izvor pri nadaljnjem raziskovanju tega področja, še posebej pri proučevanju povezanosti dejavnikov varnostne kulture z drugimi pomembnimi organizacijskimi procesi, kot je na primer organizacijska kultura. Praktiki in raziskovalci s področja varstvoslovnih, vojaških in obramboslovnih ved lahko rezultate raziskave uporabijo tudi pri nadaljnjem proučevanju pomena mnenj zaposlenih v varnostnih organizacijah pri vzpostavljanju varnostne kulture.
Keywords:varnostna kultura, tajni podatki, vojska, Slovenska vojska


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  1. Varstvoslovje


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