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Title:Giving voice to 'youth of today' : young peoples views and perspectives on youth crime and its prevention in Belgium
Authors:ID Evenepoel, Anneke (Author)
ID Christiaens, Jenneke (Author)
Files:.pdf 01_GivingVoiceToYouthOfToday_2013_04_05.pdf (541,01 KB)
MD5: 181634D591DA103D393BADC23758B089
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/c7540af0-1640-47f2-97c3-646372e03bfa
URL https://www.fvv.um.si/rV/arhiv/2013-4/01_GivingVoiceToYouthOfToday_2013_04_05-E.html
Work type:Scientific work
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Purpose: The aim of this article is to present findings on a study into the field of prevention of youth crime and deviance in Belgium. This research took place within the framework of a European study YouPrev that involved six European countries. Design/Methods/Approach: On one hand, a school survey was conducted with youngsters aged between 14 and 17 years in three regions: an urban, a semi-rural/urban and a rural area. Based on the new ISRD-3, in addition to classic self-report questions, the instrument also focused on young people’s views and perceptions regarding practices and initiatives aimed at preventing youth delinquency. To enhance the richness of these results, group discussions and interviews with youngsters were organised in the same regions, addressing the same topic. Findings: The major finding was that the youngsters that participated in the study do not seem to be part of classical prevention target groups. They attach great importance to informal actors in controlling and preventing youth crime (while formal actors like police, social work and prevention services are the main professions involved in Belgium). When it comes to their possible deviant behaviour, the survey pointed out that the majority appear not to use alcohol and drugs in a problematic way, and they don’t seem to have much contact with police or other legal actors. Furthermore, the respondents have very limited experience with and knowledge about prevention activities in their area, not only about secondary and tertiary but also general prevention initiatives. This could imply that the ‘best’ prevention is the activity that is not brought forward and perceived as such, a new hypothesis that would be interesting for further research. Research Limitations / Implications: Conducting research in the field of prevention should move beyond the school and more into the field of prevention practices, from different epistemological perspectives. This implies that the actual target groups of these practices should be included and be given a voice. If we want to find out more about ‘best practices’ in the prevention of youth crime, it is essential to question the views and perspectives of youngsters who were actually involved in prevention projects. Practical Implications: To take into account the views of the target groups in the study of the field of youth crime prevention may open up new, and maybe very different, directions for policy and practice on how to approach and react to youth delinquency and deviance. In an European Study regarding the prevention of youth deviance and violence (“YouPrev: Youth deviance and youth violence: A European multi-agency perspective on best practices in prevention and control”), Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain have conducted surveys among 13 to 17 year old students. Based on the new ISRD-3 instrument, in addition to the classic selfreport questions, the survey also focused on their perceptions and views regarding practices and initiatives aimed at preventing youth delinquency. In this article, we will present the results collected in Belgium. The aim is to stimulate reflection and contribute to the international discussion regarding a very popular topic today by adding the perspective of the seemingly ‘unpopular’ key players.
Keywords:prevention, youth crime, young people’s perspective, Belgium
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2013
Number of pages:str. 424-438
Numbering:Letn. 15, št. 4
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76199 New window
ISSN on article:1580-0253
COBISS.SI-ID:2725866 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.04.2020
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Record is a part of a journal

Shortened title:Varstvoslovje
Publisher:Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Visoka policijsko-varnostna šola, Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Visoka policijsko-varnostna šola, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za policijsko-varnostne vede, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za varnostne vede
COBISS.SI-ID:99492352 New window


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:23.04.2020

Secondary language

Title:Prisluhniti glasu današnje mladine : pogledi in mnenja mladih o kriminaliteti mladih in njenem preprečevanju v Belgiji
Abstract:Namen prispevka: Namen članka je predstaviti ugotovitve raziskave na področju preprečevanja mladoletniškega prestopništva in odklonskosti v Belgiji. Raziskava je potekala v okviru evropske raziskave YouPrev, ki je vključevala šest evropskih držav. Metode: Raziskava je bila izvedena med učenci v starosti med 14 in 17 let v treh regijah: mestni, delno podeželski/delno mestni in podeželski regiji. Poleg klasičnih samonaznanitvenih vprašalnikov in novem ISRD-3 je raziskovalni instrumentarij vključeval tudi poglede in dojemanja mladih glede praks in pobud, katerih cilj je preprečevanje mladoletniškega prestopništva. Za povečanje uporabnosti teh rezultatov so bile organizirane skupinske razprave in intervjuji z mladimi v istih regijah, kjer je bila obravnavana ta tematika. Ugotovitve: Glavna ugotovitev je bila, da mladi, ki so sodelovali v raziskavi, ne predstavljajo del klasičnih ciljnih skupin za preventivne dejavnosti. Velik pomen pripisujejo neformalnim akterjem, ki nadzorujejo in preprečujejo mladoletniško prestopništvo (medtem ko so formalni akterji, kot so npr. policija, socialni delavci in preventivni delavci, glavni poklici, ki delujejo na področju preprečevanja v Belgiji). Ko gre za primere njihovega morebitnega deviantnega vedenja, je raziskava pokazala, da večina ne zlorablja alkohola ter drog in nimajo veliko stikov s policijo ali drugimi formalnimi institucijami. Poleg tega imajo anketiranci zelo malo predhodnih izkušenj in znanja o preventivnih dejavnostih na svojem območju, ne samo o sekundarnih in terciarnih, ampak tudi o pobudah generalne prevencije. To bi lahko pomenilo, da je »najboljša« preventivna dejavnost tista, ki se je ne naznanja in ni zaznana kot taka, kar bi lahko bila nova hipoteza za nadaljnje raziskovanje. Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave Izvajanje raziskave na področju preprečevanja mora preseči šolski prostor in stopiti na področje praks preventivnih dejavnosti, analiziranih iz različnih epistemoloških perspektiv. To pomeni, da je treba dejanske ciljne skupine teh pristopov vključiti in jim prisluhniti. Če želimo izvedeti več o “najboljših pristopih” na področju preprečevanja mladoletniškega prestopništva, je bistveno analiziranje pogledov in razmišljanj mladih, ki so bili dejansko vključeni v preventivne projekte. Praktična uporabnost: Upoštevanje stališč v raziskavi zajetih ciljnih skupin lahko odpira nove ter morda zelo drugačne poglede in poda smernice za oblikovanje politike in prakse o tem, kako pristopiti in se odzvati na mladoletniško prestopništvo in odklonskost. V projektu v teku, tj. evropski raziskavi o preprečevanju mladoletniške odklonskosti in nasilja (“YouPrev: Youth deviance and youth violence: A European multi-agency perspective on best practices in prevention and control“), so bile v Belgiji, Nemčiji, na Madžarskem, Portugalskem, v Sloveniji in Španiji izvedene ankete med 13–17 let starimi učenci. Poleg klasičnega anketiranje z metodo samonaznanitve je bil uporabljen ISDR-3 instrumentarij, raziskava pa se je osredotočila tudi na stališča in mnenja glede pristopov in pobud, katerih cilj je preprečevanje mladoletniškega prestopništva. V tem članku so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave v Belgiji. Cilj je spodbuditi razmišljanje in prispevati k mednarodni razpravi o zelo priljubljeni temi na način, da vključujemo perspektivo “nepriljubljenih” ključnih akterjev.
Keywords:mladoletniška kriminaliteta, preprečevanje, Belgija


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  1. Varstvoslovje


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